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We are dedicated to cruelty-free living through a vegan lifestyle according to Judeo-Christian ethics. Unconditional love and compassion is the foundation of our peaceful means of accomplishing this goal for all of God's creatures, whether human or otherwise. See more about our philosophy.

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Feature for Saturday, February 15
Beet Greens Swiss Chard Rice
beet greens swiss chard rice
Beet greens swiss chard rice is a relatively easy to prepare vegan recipe that will make enough for 4-6 adult servings as a main meal of the day, or 8 or more servings as a side dish. Preparation and cooking time is about 1 hour. This recipe is also great the next day, and we often store the leftovers in the covered baking dish in our refrigerator.
Vegan Recipes

Feature for Friday, February 14
Shimmy and Dallas - A Pigeon Love Story married pigeons
Palomacy shares a touching story of love, marriage, and devotion between two rescued pigeons.
Animal Stories

Feature for Thursday, February 13
Mice, Hedgehogs and Voles Need Conservation Champions
Even though small mammals are essential to their ecosystems, John R. Platt explains how gaps in our knowledge about these creatures serve as an obstacles to their conservation.
Wildlife Articles

Feature for Wednesday, February 12 February 12 Newsletter
pig and person
The stark contrast between farm and sanctuary life – searching for vegan roots in Western traditions – new audiobook and other news from Dr. Will Tuttle – why cats should not be declawed – Precious soul [new poem from J.H. Dickinson] – Sora (Porzana carolina) [new painting from Barry Kent MacKay] – challenges faced by the plant-based meat industry – eating cows harms wild horses and the planet – and more… Weekly Newsletter

Feature for Tuesday, February 11
Sora (Porzana carolina)
sora bird painting
Enjoy the beautiful new painting from Barry Kent MacKay, and learn more about this far-flung—but little-known—species.
Art by Barry Kent MacKay

Feature for Monday, February 10
Searching for Western Wisdom Teachings that Support Veganism
Will Tuttle and monks
Dr. Will Tuttle examines the deep historical and spiritual roots of veganism in Eastern traditions and contrasts this with the far less robust—though not altogether absent—tradition of respect toward animals in Western religion and philosophy.
Animals: Tradition—Philosophy—Religion Article

Feature for Sunday, February 9
Walking with God and Looking to the Future
Lamb Krishna
The past two weeks we've looked at some of the reasons that things go wrong. Today were going to look at how we can make things go right. And the key is, that we walk with God and look to the future.
[Pictured is Krishna from Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary]
An Bible Sermons

Animals Slaughtered:

Number of animals killed in the world by the fishing, meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage.

0marine animals
0cows / calves
0pigeons / other birds
0donkeys and mules
0camels / camelids