Animal Defenders of Westchester

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Animal Defenders of Westchester
P.O. Box 205
Yonkers, NY 10704


Marshall County Man Accused Of Animal Abuse

From WTOV tv, Channel 9:

As Robert Anderson, of Cameron, WV, left the court room he proclaimed his innocence.

"Yeah, I'm not guilty guarantee. I'm not guilty. We're going to court, we're going to a jury trial. One man ain't gonna decide my life, said Anderson.

These police photos are the evidence against Anderson. Police say Anderson abused this horse by tying its legs and stretching the animal onto its belly. Police say Anderson later threatened the humane officer with a knife.

This case sparked the interest of local animal rights groups. The Marshall County Animal Rescue League was in court for Wednesday's pretrial hearing.

"There are more animal abuse cases in Marshall County. We're delighted to see that the Sheriff and the Sheriff's department is really going out of their way to help us out on these cases, said Priscilla Oeschlager of the Marshall County Animal Rescue League.

Because of this case the animals from Andersons farm are impounded at the Marshall County animal shelter.

"We do need help at the animal shelter taking care of the animals that are impounded, said Oeschlager.

According to the criminal complaint Anderson told police he tied up the horse to break it for riding.

On Wednesday he faced the judge on a charge of brandishing a weapon.

Anderson is also facing felony charges of cruelty to animals.

Barbara Anderson, News9

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