Animal Defenders of Westchester

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We advocate on all animal protection and exploitation issues, including experimentation, factory farming, rodeos, breeders and traveling animal acts.

Animal Defenders of Westchester
P.O. Box 205
Yonkers, NY 10704


Hunting Ad in Westchester Family

In June, 2001 I was startled to see a large ad that proclaimed "ANIMAL ACTIVISTS PUT LIVES IN DANGER" in WESTCHESTER FAMILY, a local freebie magazine (it is separate from WESTCHESTER PARENT).

There was a photo of a croc with his mouth wide open; the text implied that if activists weren't checked, crocodiles would kill everyone in Westchester. WESTCHESTER FAMILY is an upscale monthly full of ads for private schools, nannies, arts conservatories - you get the picture.

The ad was placed by Safari Club International which, some of you probably know, is a wealthy and influential hunting club (

Amazingly, when I called to complain, I found out their ad was placed as a PSA - they placed it for free! I was told 'someone messed up' and placed it in the psa file, where it was grabbed when they needed to fill space.

I told them I want them to make 'reparations' for this ad; that began a lengthy negotiation that culminated with my AR group getting a large ad placed in the Dec 2001 issue at no charge to us, and a promise it wouldn't happen again.

Well, Safari Club International is back in WESTCHESTER FAMILY, June 2004. The ad is far smaller; text with a photo of a howling wolf reads "Help Protect our Natural Treasures" with their website and phone #.

The editorial staff has completely changed at WESTCHESTER FAMILY; it could be an honest mistake as a result, whatever...THIS AD HAS NO BUSINESS IN SUCH A PERIODICAL! WESTCHESTER FAMILY's articles range from "How to be a better dad", "Capture the spirit of family holidays", etc; their mission: to provide locally relevant, insightful and useful resources that support and empower parents (in an upscale, touchy-feely sort of way - K)

Please complain politely but VERY VERY STRONGLY!! We've been down this road already and promises were made. I have already placed a call to editor Jean Sheff (914) 381-7474. How in heaven's name are they giving Safari International 'PSA' status??? Why are they running ads for hunters? AND WE WANT EQUAL TIME!

Email: [email protected]  

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