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Animal Defenders of Westchester |
Home Page We advocate on all animal protection and exploitation issues, including experimentation, factory farming, rodeos, breeders and traveling animal acts. Animal Defenders of Westchester |
ADOW's TV Show
On Dec. 22, 2004 Animal Defenders of Westchester began airing our own,
ADOW-produced, public access cable TV show, entitled PET PEEVES. This is the
first time there has ever been an animal protection TV show in this area.
These programs contain a lot of information and films the public will never
see otherwise, presented in a friendly and welcoming forum. *SCHEDULE* YONKERS: YORKTOWN HEIGHTS: NEW ROCHELLE/PELHAM: MANHATTAN: PEEKSKILL: WHITE PLAINS: We are happy to announce the addition of several new venues that will be
showing our PATV show 'Pet Peeves' in conjunction with GO TV, which serves
areas that don't get cablevision. The show will appear on Tuesdays at 11:00 pm, on channels 18 and 78 (check
local listings) in the following areas: - Ossining (check local listings) TOPICS WE'VE AIRED:
"FROM LIBERATOR TO EDUCATOR" A film about dynamic, inspiring ADAPTT
founder Gary Yurofsky, who has been jailed for releasing animals from fur
farms and now conducts persuasive lectures about various animal protection
topics. From the film: "If you put an apple and a rabbit into a crib with a
baby, the baby will eat the apple and play with the rabbit; if we were true
carnivores, the baby would eat the rabbit and play with the apple."
"PIG FARMS/LABS" Featuring ADOW member Yliana Roberts. We air INSIDE A
NORTH CAROLINA PIG FARM, showing footage that enabled PETA in bringing
animal cruelty charges against pig farm employees in two different states;
(Note: a recent phone-caller expressed her hope that the men beating the
pigs 'go to jail for a long, long time.') and INSIDE BIOSEARCH, a
ground-breaking undercover video showing the unparalleled horrors of animal
experimentation. An undercover investigator spent months documenting
violations at the Biosearch testing laboratory in Philadelphia. The
investigation showed how some companies actually kill animals to protect
themselves from consumer lawsuits. "THE AWARD-WINNING FILM 'THE WITNESS'" with guests Eddie Lama (the
subject of the film), Louis Gedo (Director of outreach, FAUNAVISION), Lynn
Wagner (Recording Secretary, Showing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK)),
and 'Little Man,' a blind beagle (who was just adopted!). This is a
two-part segment; Eddie discussed what led him to equip a van with a video
screen and drive through the streets airing films about fur production and
other atrocities, in addition to establishing the Oasis Sanctuary in North
Branch; Lynn Wagner talks about SHARK's involvement with the video-van
concept; and Lou Gedo describes his experience with animal advocacy and the
Sanctuary. See: Photos from Our TV
Show About THE
Anne discusses the Department of Environmental Conservation's role in
promoting hunting, and deceptive hunting practices, video provided by CASH;
Peter discusses the efforts to pass laws against foie gras production in NY.
Graphic undercover video provided by
See: "TRAPPING AND FUR FARMS" Featuring Mary Cotter of Rabbit Rehabilitation and Rescue, Juliet the Bunny, comedian Amy Sedaris of Comedy Central, and Caring Activists Against Fur. Mary discusses the unfortunate new trend in rabbit fur clothing; Amy talks about her new Peta anti-fur parody, "What becomes a legend least?"; Julie O'Connor and Debbie Kowalski of CAAF discuss anti-fur activism in NYC, and provide details about fur manufacturing and effects on the environment. Graphic trapping/fur farm video provided by PETA. "ANIMALS AND THE LAW" Featuring activist attorneys Del Seligman and Lydia Antoncic of ANIMAL WELFARE TRUST. Del discusses some specific cases, such as 'Sadie's story' written about in the CASH newsletter of Fall/Winter 2004 www.all-creatures.org/CASH ; Lydia discusses the Healthy Lunches Program and the AWT's work on farm animal reform. Two graphic Peta PSAs included. "PUPPY MILLS" Featuring Livi French of the CARING CORPS, discussing the government's surprising role in creating puppy mills, profiteers such as Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, the total lack of care given to animals in puppy mills, and and backyard breeders. Graphic video included. "THE TRUTH ABOUT SEAQUARIUMS" Featuring Taffy Williams of the NY WHALE AND DOLPHIN ACTION LEAGUE. Taffy discusses the extremely cruel methods used to get sea animals for the booming seaquarium market. Graphic orca captivity film LOLITA, SLAVE TO ENTERTAINMENT by Tim Gorski, c/o Rattle The Cage Productions, and clips from FALL FROM FREEDOM, provided by Earth Island Institute is shown.
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