Celebrating ten years of veterinary training in China
From All-Creatures.org Animal Rights/Vegan Activist Strategies Articles Archive

FROM ACTAsia.org
April 2019

ACTAsia is raising the concept of animal welfare in China by training veterinarians about compassion.


Ten years ago, a group of eager, young professionals became the first veterinarians to join our training programme. Although they had all qualified locally in animal husbandry and some even ran their own small veterinary clinics, these vets had never been taught the clinical methods that most veterinarians and pet-owners consider standard for companion animals in the West.

Our new recruits began to learn how fundamental techniques can improve animal welfare, through the use of anaesthesia for surgery, pain relief, flank-spay, rabies prevention, and compassionate animal handling. A decade later, we are still training vets, helping to change attitudes towards animals in China, and promote the humane control of stray populations of companion animals.

Train the Trainer

In March, we came together with our partners for our 10th anniversary. Over the last decade we have trained 1,300 vets in China through our Train the Trainer initiative, and provided Continuing Professional Development for all vets who take part. The programme works through peer-to-peer training, so that vets we have educated go on to train more colleagues themselves. This way, we can introduce new techniques and concepts of animals welfare across the whole of China.

Enlightening vets

"When I took part in the first workshop, it was enlightening to understand how foreign vets manage pain and infection with aneasthesia, analgesia, and aseptic procedures. Now, as a Trainer myself, I share my knowledge with so many more vets." Dr Duan Lei

We are raising the concept of animal welfare in China, but we can't do it without you. By sponsoring one vet, you can make sure that all the animals they treat in future will receive the best, most compassionate care possible.

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