The Campaigns page enables anyone to take part in an endeavor to establish all animals’ personhood and equality.
Continuing to develop the desperately needed new strategy capable of reducing animal abuse and the human misery it generates, RPA announces its ALL-NEW CAMPAIGNS PAGE.
The Campaigns page enables anyone to take part in an endeavor to establish
all animals’ personhood and equality – the foundations of equal rights – by
grasping key differences between RPA’s campaigns and all advocacy that has
gone before. In brief, RPA’s campaigns are …
10,000 Years Is Enough to get our massive network of agriculture colleges to
stop teaching millions of people false and harmful beliefs in service to the
meat, dairy, fish, egg, feed, and agrichemical industries – and to stop
lobbying for Big Meat.
Elephant in the Newsroom urging the news industry to stop bolstering
speciesism, carnism, all of the false and harmful beliefs maintaining
animal-abuse policy, culture, and practice.
Campaign K-12 urging our public schools to debunk fictitious narratives
taught about animals, including human beings, for thousands of years and to
ensure that children learn that all animals are persons and innately equal
and that all that human beings do to and with other animals and their
natural homes and ecosystems is abuse.
Enlightening the Luminaries alerting prominent authors and spokespersons to
unintended harm their work does to human beings, Earth’s other animals, and
the living world by perpetuating false and harmful beliefs about human
nature, other animals, and the Biocaust.
This Land Is Their Land promoting radical change to land use, recognizing
that nonhuman animals generated the living world where human beings evolved
and that our species’ treating Earth as “our planet” and “our environment”
is a major source of misery in humans and other animals.
I hope you will visit RPA’s new Campaigns page and consider teaming up with
me and the Animal-Rights Conversation Corps that is slowly but surely
debunking beliefs that thwart standard animal advocacy and keep civilization
mired in animal abuse. Get in touch anytime to discuss how to take
Visit the CAMPAIGNS PAGE for details about each of these campaigns:
10,000 Years Is Enough Campaign. Urge your public
land-grant universities (agriculture colleges) to stop teaching and
promoting animal abuse, falsifying our species’ nature and morality, and
denying all animals’ innate equality and personhood. Urge your officials to
help eliminate the egregious animal-abuse university courses.
Elephant in the Newsroom Campaign. Get news to stop
defaming nonhuman animals, giving their abuse by our species short shrift,
and reinforcing false beliefs that human beings are not animals, that
nonhuman animals are less than human, that there are “higher” and “lower”
beings, that humans are naturally violent, that human beings are entitled to
other animals and their natural homes and ecosystems and others.
Campaign K-12. Urge teachers, principals, school board
members, and superintendents to ensure that our schools stop indoctrinating
children into speciesism and animal-abuse policy, culture, and practice and
teach the truth about human nature – peaceable, sociable, empathetic,
altruistic, weaponless herbivorous apes from the African savanna – and all
animals’ innate equality and personhood.
Enlighten the Luminaries Campaign. Persuade authors,
experts, and spokespersons to consider how their work promotes speciesism,
humanist extremism, and animal-abuse policy, culture, and practice. Direct
them to and provide them with free RPA literature to help
them change course.
This Land Is Their Land Campaign. To humanely and equitably
reduce human overpopulation and over-use, over-occupation, and contamination
of land, water, and air, help people realize nonhuman animals generated the
living world over hundreds of millions of years before human beings existed;
that human beings are apes of the African savanna not biologically entitled
to live elsewhere or to destroy other animals’ natural homes and ecosystems;
and that our species will benefit from restoring the living world and
enabling other animals to lead fulfilling lives.
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