In 2018, it took 50 million fox, mink and raccoon dogs to satisfy China's demand for fur-fashion.
Read the full report here: China’s fur trade and its position in the global fur industry (PDF)
As fashions change, the number of fox produced in China has risen
We've just published new research that shows real fur is still big business in China. China produces and consumes more fur than the rest of the world put together, with retail sales worth more than three times those of any other country.
In 2018, it took 50 million fox, mink and raccoon dogs to satisfy China's demand for fur-fashion. That's as many animals farmed and slaughtered for their fur than the UK's entire population of domestic pets. The suffering to captive wild animals, devastating pollution of the environment and exploitation of factory workers inflicted by the industry are on an unprecedented scale.
Reducing profitability by lowering demand
The Fur-Free movement is making good progress in the fight against real fur
in Europe and the US. Stricter welfare standards have reduced profitability,
and governments are increasingly phasing out fur farming. But in China,
where there's a lack of enforceable law and trade in fur is still
profitable, demand remains high.
At one breeding farm in China, 52,000 mink exist in endless rows of
Education to reduce demand for fur in China
At ACTAsia, we believe that education is the most effective way to reduce
demand for fur in China.
Fur is a fashion must-have among millennials and many younger citizens in
China. But our consumer surveys conducted over four years show the majority
who wear fur haven't even thought about where it comes from, and many don't
realise it's real fur.
A profile of a dedicated follower of fur-fashion in China:
With your donation, we can spread the word in China that fur is out of
fashion. DONATE to
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