Why this Victory is so Important - SUNY ends Cat Experiments
Alternatives to Animal Testing, Experimentation and Dissection - An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org

FROM CAARE Citizens for Alternatives to Animal Research and Experimentation
December 2019

Any time we can shut down an animal lab, it’s a major moment for advancing a future without animals in experiments.

Also read, November: Victory! Decades of cutting up live cats at SUNY ended by CAARE

caged Kitten

Over the past 36 years, around 3,000 cats and kittens were surgically dissected while still alive, their skulls removed while their heads were restrained in steel frames, during experiments that went on for hours to possibly days.

Any time we can shut down an animal lab, it’s a major moment for advancing a future without animals in experiments, but this victory is especially important.

Over the past 36 years, around 3,000 cats and kittens were surgically dissected while still alive, their skulls removed while their heads were restrained in steel frames, during experiments that went on for hours to possibly days.

Any time we can shut down an animal lab, it’s a major moment for advancing a future without animals in experiments, but this victory is especially important.

The SUNY cat experiments were barbaric and archaic. They actually started in the 1950s, when Torsten Wiesel and David Hubel at Rockefeller University began 60 years of outrageously cruel and useless experiments, putting electrodes into cats’ brains to map the visual cortex.

Shutting down an animal lab is no small feat and it won’t happen every day. It takes hard work, ingenuity, perseverance and resources.

injecting Mouse

As we prepare for 2020, your year-end gift to CAARE has never been more important.

Now throughout December, every donation received will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $50,000. Go to the website to donate: CAARE Citizens for Alternatives to Animal Research and Experimentation

From implanting human cells in the brains of mice, to growing pigs for organ transplants, we've seen that hideous experiments on animals continue despite opportunities to use improved, modern, animal-free methods.

CAARE is fighting back, and we can't afford to let up. That's why the next two weeks are critical in our efforts to prepare for the year ahead, to help us close down more labs and protect innocent animals from cruel, needless and painful experiments.

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