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Jim Robertson's book
Exposing the Big Game










Chapter 6
From the Brink of Oblivion and Back Again?

The right of an American species not to be hunted to extinction is a relatively new advancement. At present, it's about the only right extended to the nonhumans in this, the land of the free. Alas, the river of speciesism still runs deeper than the Potomac at spring breakup. John Muir, a life-long outdoorsman who never carried a gun (and who had a much more intimate and agreeable relationship with the wilderness than John Adams did), lamented, "How narrow we selfish, conceited creatures are in our sympathies; how blind to the rights of all the rest of creation!"

Wolves personify the intact wilderness Adams had no use for. By the same token, wolves have no use for the congested human world, but they're willing to put up with a few people around when an ecosystem supports a burgeoning population of grazers. For thousands of years wolves played a central role as keepers of the balance across the American landscape, until Manifest Destiny wreaked havoc with the natural order of the "dismal" wilderness.

See Wolf images


Excerpt from Jim Robertson's book, Exposing the Big Game: Living Targets of a Dying Sport.


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