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Cable TV


Look for the following programs on public cable television in Connecticut:

Tenth Annual Earth Day poetry reading

Poets Sue Holloway and Barbara Douglas marked their tenth annual Earth Day poetry reading this year with an earth poetry gathering in Stony Creek.

Holloway and Douglas were joined by Madison poet and environmentalist Carol Altieri and Bonnie Townsend of Deep River. The group read from their own work and the poetry of Marge Piercy, Janet Kelly and Diane Ackerman. The reading can be viewed on public access television in West Haven, New Haven, East Haven, Branford, Guilford, Madison and Deep River beginning April 28th 2003.

The program, sponsored and videotaped by Elizabeth Possidente, will be cablecast on Branford Public Access Channel 18, April 28th through May 3rd, 2003:

Earth Day Poetry Reading- Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10pm. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8pm. Please view schedules at www.branfordtv.org for further updates.

Check other local towns for local programming schedules. For more information on the annual Earth Day Poetry Reading and other poetry events, call 458-7636.


Baby bald eagle photo by Hope Douglas, Founder/Executive Director,
Wind Over Wings Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center

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Getting a taste of God's creation as it should be!

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