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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Arthur Poletti - 18 Dec 2005

In Reference to: 18 December 1994 - WE ARE TO PURIFY OURSELVES AS CHRIST IS PURE

Thank you for today's sermon. Especially the lines

God wants our heart
and soul to be offered
up to Him in purity.

I think selfless, and active heart felt expressions of
the kindest compassion is a form of offering
our heart and soul in the purist form to God.

Here are a few verses from the ancient Hindu book of
ethical scriptures known as the. These verses
were originally written over 2200 years ago.


Those whose hearts are drawn toward mercy
will never be drawn into the dark and woeful world.

Among the wealthy, compassionate men claim the
richest wealth, for material wealth is possessed even
by contemptible men.

Kindly ones who lovingly protect all life
need never dread hurt from the actions of their own life.

Those without wealth may one day prosper,
but those without kindness are utterly and incurably poor.

Frank & Mary because of your compassionate concern
for protecting animals, and your inspiration that motivates
many people like me, large numbers of animals will have a
far better life.

Thank you for all you do.
For the sake of all animals.

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