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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Heidi Huse - 28 Nov 2007
In Reference to: 27 November 1994 - EXPECT JESUS TO COME AGAIN
I read your sermon as a sort of devotional before going to sleep tonight, but as I think about it--the idea of being expectant that Jesus will return, not only someday but perhaps even in my lifetime...but then maybe not for another 2100 years...or more. It's so hard sometimes to believe that God has any interest in this seemingly God-forsaken planet and all it's
violence and brutality and destructiveness and greed, let alone still
believe, despite the seeming evidence to the contrary, that Jesus WILL be making a return trip to complete the salvation and redemption He has begun.So I was wondering, if you were delivering this sermon now, 11 years later, with the world as it is and Christianity as it is and the suffering of
animals--and humans--as it is, how you might change your November 1994 sermon for November 2005, if at all? How might the tsunami and Katrina and 9/11 and Abu Ghraib and Teri Schiavo (the controversial woman taken off of life support) and Mad Cow disease and Bird Flu and 11 more years of factory farming and assembly line slaughter and other animal cruelties fit into a message of expectation?Y'all know I'm cynical much more often than I'm hopeful, mostly because I'm afraid to hope and have my heart broken when it turns out there's little to hope for. On the other hand, I'm afraid not to keep hoping, though hope in the context of the world as it is seems so foolish! Most of the time it's just so very hard to keep being expectant.
Go on to: Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 28 Nov 2007
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