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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Bernie - 9 Dec 2007

In Reference to: 27 November 1994 - EXPECT JESUS TO COME AGAIN

Dear Frank.

In her letter to you regarding your sermon �Expect Jesus to come again� Heidi Huse says � ��the idea of being expectant that Jesus will return, not only someday but perhaps even in my lifetime�but then maybe not for another 2100 years�or more. It�s so hard sometimes to believe�.�

Well Heidi! You can rest assured without any fear of contradiction, that our wonderful Lord is going to return in our lifetime.

Below is a very short excerpt from chapter 8 of my book �All creatures do go to Heaven � proved from the original languages of the Holy Bible.� It will help to read the whole chapter on http://www.all-creatures.org/ach which is on Frank and Mary�s site.

�This History changing event (referring to the hydrogen bomb) also took place within the same generation (just a few years) as the 1967 war and the release of Jerusalem. COINCIDENCE? � No! It is prophecy being fulfilled before your very eyes.�

Luke 21:27 "And then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory�.

32 Verily I say unto you, THIS GENERATION (the one that sees these events happen) shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.�

So! Although we are not told the exact year the events we are now going to unfold will take place, we DO KNOW without a shadow of a doubt � the GENERATION - us! Living now.


In Jesus� name:


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