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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 10 Feb 2008

In Reference to:  17 February 1991 - THE RAINBOW AND THE WITNESS

Dear Nancy:

Thank you for writing and for your encouragement.

We usually use the New American Standard Bible. However, many translations are biased including the NASB when it comes to animal issues. This is why it's important for students of the Bible to also have a way of checking the original Hebrew and Greek. A transliterated Bible and a concordance can help.

Even though you didn't mention it, we believe that you are referring to the fact that animals are living souls just as we humans are. The Hebrew phrase that is used in God's creation and in the verses cited in the sermon is neh-fesh khah-yaw.

We hope this helps, and if you have any other questions, please contact us.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

Go on to:  Comments by Alexandra - 15 Feb 2008

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