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In Reference to: 13 April 2008 - When Is a Church Not a Church?
Hi Mary,
My guess is that _everyone_ on this list is in the same situation as you, as far as finding a congregation that predominately accepts the views of vegans.
I know from what others have said and from my own experience, though, that our words and examples can make a difference in changing other people, even if they appear to initially reject our ideas about the implications of Jesus� teachings that apply to our relationship with other beings.
I�m teaching Sunday school this spring. Our topic this morning was Jesus� lessons of compassion and justice. I used the opportunity to show the first five or six minutes of the CVA�s DVD �Honoring God�s Creation� � to demonstrate how the Christian message of non-violence may be easy to accept in our heads but nonetheless difficult to implement � even in our own personal, everyday actions and decisions. (As you may know, Frank Hoffman, whose post you replied to, appears in the film, as does this list�s moderator, Steve Kaufman.)
The normally boisterous class was quiet afterwards. Their faces revealed inner reflection. A chord was struck, and I moved on to other parts of the lesson.
This is an excellent work, and I recommend to everyone that you make it available to members of your congregations when possible. It�s not a treatise on the meaning of Bible verse, which as your (Mary's) experience indicates, people can debate endlessly. It�s an appeal to the heart, and that�s where this cause will be won.
Go on to: Comments by Steve Kaufman - 13 Apr 2008
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