Our Sermon Section

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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 21 Apr 2008

In Reference to: 13 April 2008 - When Is a Church Not a Church?

Dear Betsy:

Thank you very much for your comments.

Veganism truly opens the door to abundance. From our personal perspective, our food costs are less the those of eaters of animal flesh and body secretion; we don�t take any medications, and we only see a physician for a routine physical. And it goes on and on.

And as you say, vegans are very compassionate and loving people, and a such they make peace with the world around them.

It's interesting that Mary's mother always looked upon us a ascetics, for being vegans, but we agree with you.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

Go on to:  Comments by Denise M. Aranda - 21 Apr 2008

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