Our Sermon Section

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Our Sermon Section
By Daniel - 2 Jun 2012

In Reference to: 27 May 2012 - With the Holy Spirit, We Should Live Compassionately

I have a lot of Christian (and other religious friends) who really need this message…can you e-mail me a list of Bible versus I can point them too?

Also, the kill and eat quote (that was obviously about preaching to Gentiles) and the Not what goes into a man but what comes out of a man quote (which was just missing the word "only") is brought up a lot…so, do you have any advice on countering those? if those two quotes can be proven (only someone who does not want to know the truth can refute the kill and eat quote) to mean something more, or different that would change a lot of peoples minds.

It's AMAZING how hard people will cling to these two quotes in their defense, yet fail to keep God's ordained festivals.

Lastly, can you point me to a resource for getting books that I can read and/or point them too.

Thank you.