Our Sermon Section

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Our Sermon Section
By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 2 Jun 2012

In Reference to: 27 May 2012 - With the Holy Spirit, We Should Live Compassionately

Dear Daniel:

Thank you for writing, and for your comments and questions.

After working in this ministry for several decades, we have learned that it is best not to trade Bible verses with people, but to approach things from the standpoint of God's creation and heavenly intent which has never changed. The simple compassionate answers you confirmed in your email are great responses to people trying to justify their continued contribution to keeping creation corrupted by twisting the true meaning of Scripture.

God wants us to have soft hearts, and in order to take another life or be indifferent to the suffering and/or death of another living being causes a person to first harden their heart and soul so as to no longer have empathy for what the victim desires...Try to get people to think about things like this.

If you go to our Bible and Sermons directory pages, you will find a wealth of information. If there is anything specific, please let us know.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary