Our Sermon Section
By Barb - 21 Aug 2012
In Reference to: Our Sermons in General
Dear Pastor Frank -
I just sent a message about God and Dog. When Steve posts it, how should I reply?
I did not answer her because I feel anger towards her. Almost misled. I want to be kind and loving but I feel this betrayal of the animals. I now feel her video is a hoax. Why can't I just be loving and forgiving?? I feel this way a lot. It is because she Already Knows. She was veg.
I (like Kirk) must be living in fear instead of love.
I wish I knew how to do this - find this perfect love that overcomes fear. Are there any articles on your site that I can read to understand how to overcome the fear?
I have bought my sister vegan cookbooks but I think she will take your recipes more seriously because she loves God and admires you.
Thank you so much,