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Our Sermon Section


Our subjects cover: animals, religion (Christian, Jewish and others); diet and lifestyle (vegan and vegetarian); and other miscellaneous subjects.

Our Sermon Section
By Kim - 11 Oct 2012

In Reference to: 7 October 2012 - Are Any Humans in the Bible Really Righteous?

Thank you for your wonderful sermon. 

Every one of your sermons brings me closer to understanding the will of God and how our sins are the reason for our sorrows.  You've inspired me to read through the Bible once more and annually from now on. 

I never understood God's sorrow after Noah came out of the ark with his family and animals.  I never understood that the animal sacrifice was NOT from God but from man.  This has brought such a strong revelation to my heart and gives me such joy knowing that God did not direct man to sacrifice animals in His name. 

Thank you for clarifying this and giving me great hope and joy in our Lord's love for all living creatures. 

I was born with the gift of loving animals and more than ever I feel connected to our loving God that gave me this gift.  The path is clearer now for me to continue seeking God's truth in my work with animals and in my personal journey to live a vegan life.

Kim Cook
Blue Sky Rescue of MN