Deer fencing is erected for any of the following purposes:
The type of fencing used is related to need, with the highest, most secure and most expensive systems used for perimeter fencing to enclose deer farms. Exclosure fences around newly planted woodlands also need to be secure if planting is going to be successful. For regenerating woodlands or coppice, a system that keeps out most deer and reduces damage to an acceptable level may be sufficient. Full-height (1.8m) wire netting for deer fencing was designed for deer farming, and is not always suitable for woodland exclosures or other uses. The rolls of netting are extremely heavy and require machine access along the fence line, and the netting is difficult to fit neatly on undulating ground. The Forestry Commission designs (see designs and siting) or other systems described below are more versatile, and suit most woodland situations. The information in this section concentrates on techniques to manage deer with woodlands, as most conservation deer fencing work is for this purpose. Some of the materials and techniques of fencing are the same as for high specification enclosure fences. Deer have become an increasing problem in nearly all areas of the country, and the deer population is thought to be higher now than at any time in history. Coppice regrowth and natural regeneration of trees is impossible in many places without fencing or other protection. In some areas muntjac deer are causing significant damage to the ground flora of woodlands. For further information on deer management and fencing, see Forestry Commission Practice Notes FCPN6 (1999) and FCPN9 (1999). There are three basic approaches to controlling deer damage to woodlands, which may need to be used in combination:
Note that deer can easily injure themselves by attempting to jump normal stock fences. Standard height stock netting fences topped with one or two lines of barbed or plain wire, giving a total height of about 1m (3'), are a frequent cause of injury. As the deer tries to jump, its leg can get entangled in the top wires, where it dies a lingering death. Hinged joint stock netting, as opposed to the more rigid 'Stiffstay' or 'Tightlock' types (see materials), can also cause injury as the hinged joints can collapse and trap a deer's leg. Properly constructed deer fencing of the correct height should not be the cause of injury, as deer will not attempt to jump. Where standard height stock fencing is erected at points where deer frequently attempt to cross, it may be better to use 90cm (3') high rigid netting with a plain wire at the bottom, rather than at the top of the fence. CoppiceIn many parts of the country coppicing is urgently needed to restore old coppice woodlands to their proper cycle, but the browsing of regrowth is a serious problem. Coppicing is an ancient way of managing woodlands, and has many benefits for wildlife. Note the following:
Dead hedgingThis can be constructed using some of the material cut during coppicing, and has the benefit of using material that might otherwise be burnt or left on the coppice floor. It requires no expenditure except time, and using only materials from the wood, avoids the need to transport fencing materials to the site. Properly constructed, it will last long enough to protect the new regrowth, and then will rot down in situ, with no clearing up costs. The dead hedge provides useful habitat for nesting birds, small mammals and other creatures. With practice, two people can erect 20m a day. For the stakes, use stout coppice poles about 1.8m (6') long, pushed firmly into the ground in double lines about 1m (3') apart, with the poles about 3m (10') apart in each line and staggered. Use a crowbar to make pilot holes as necessary. Fill between the stakes with coppice material, pressed down firmly to make a barrier about 1m (3') wide, and about 1.5m (5') high. When the barrier reaches about 1m (3') high, stand on it to compress it, and then continue. The dead hedge should be checked regularly, and any weak points strengthened with branches or coppice material. > An alternative method is simply to lay the material on the ground with the brushy tops facing outwards in the direction of attack, and the butt ends towards the newly-cut coppice. Pile the material up to form a dense barrier at least 3m (10') wide and 1.5m (5') high. This is quick to erect, but requires a large volume of material, plus enough to plug gaps as soon as they appear. A white tape attached to stakes to give extra height may act as a further deterrent. Temporary electric fencingVarious systems may be suitable (Chapter 8), although they may not be 100% effective against all species. Deer species differ in their susceptibility to electric shocks, with red deer the most, and roe deer the least susceptible. Various systems are recommended by manufacturers (see suppliers). The following has proved successful in protecting areas of coppice in NW England (Enact, Vol 3, No 3) against roe deer. This system has three lines of high visibility electric tape. Its effectiveness is based on deer receiving a sufficiently severe shock on their first encounter that they do not attempt another approach. > The system shown below has been successfully used at Monks Wood, Cambridgeshire, to reduce damage to coppice regrowth by muntjac deer to an acceptable level. The fence is used for about 18 months following coppicing in late winter. Rides next to fenced areas are important in improving the effectiveness of the fence. The fencing system is supplied by Ridley Rappa (see supppliers). > Semi-permanent electric systemsOther electric systems use a separate electric fence consisting of a single wire 900mm (3') high, and positioned 1.2m (4') from a non electric fence 1.2m (4') high, of stock netting and/or line wires. The single electric wire, placed on the side of attack, is normally enough to keep deer away, and deter them from attempting to jump the main fence. For further details see permanent electric fencing. An electric scare wire fixed on off-set brackets at 900mm (3') height may also be useful to discourage deer from trying to force their way through a high fence of netting or line wires. For further details see permanent electric fencing. Semi-permanent or permanent electric line wire deer fences are not recommended, as the lines have to be so close together to prevent deer getting through that the fence works equally well unelectrified! Netting is much more effective than multiple line wires for non-electric fencing. Temporary and reusable non-electric fencingThe systems described below are useful for temporary fencing of coppices or newly planted woodland. Plastic deer netting for temporary fencing has the advantage of light weight and reusability. The following types are available:
Deer species Height Minimum mesh size Fallow 1.5m 220 x 200mm Roe 1.2m (for areas less than 2.5ha, which 200 x 150mm Muntjac 1.5m, plus 150mm lap at base 75 x 75mm Metal straining posts have been trialled (see Forestry Commission Practice Note FCPN9,1999) but in practice have been found to be more expensive and less satisfactory than traditional wooden strainers. For straining high tensile plastic deer netting, Centrewire recommend 2.4m (8') x 125mm (5") diameter strainers with conventional struts, and 2.1m (7') x 75mm (3") diameter intermediates at 5m (16') spacings, with 2 lines of 2mm high tensile wire to which the netting is attached with netting clips. For temporary fences, locally cut non-preserved poles are ideal for stakes and struts, and where large enough poles are available, for strainers also. The following wire netting is available: Cyclone high tensile netting A15/1550/150 is available from the McArthur Group. This does not require line wires, and should be strained and attached as for other high tensile netting (see techniques for post and wire fencing). Lightweight hexagonal mesh in 1.5m (5') height and 50mm (2") mesh is available, but is less satisfactory than the above products because it cannot be strained. Muntjac deer are a problem as they push underneath the fence, and measures to prevent this will add considerably to the cost of the fence. In addition to the loss of height which would result, it's not possible to fold over the bottom edge of the high tensile plastic net as this prevents effective straining. Either:
Woodland planting and regenerationIn many areas of the country, any newly planted trees or naturally regenerating trees will have to be protected from deer, until they have grown out of reach of browsing. Individual protection of young trees will be more economical for smaller areas and for widely-spaced trees (see special uses). The dead hedging or temporary electric fencing described above may be suitable if protection is only required for a couple of seasons, or if a low level of damage is acceptable. Commercial plantations or woods that need long term protection will require permanent deer fencing. Designs for strained wire fences are shown in chapter 1. Deer leapsDeer 'leaps' should be included when designing permanent deer fences for woodland, and if possible for temporary systems. A leap allows any deer that get into the exclosure to escape. The best method is to site the fence so that a section can be fitted against a cliff or 1.8m (6') high cutting in a hillock, preferably with gentle slopes running along the line of the fence, to encourage deer up onto the leap. Deer parks and farmsTraditionally, deer were enclosed in deer parks by walls or by high paling fences. An example of an oak paling fence surrounding a deer park still in use is given on wooden fencing. Modern deer farms are enclosed using high tensile netting systems, with Tornado (see suppliers) a specialist in this area. Sizes of deer netting are given on materials. Strainers can be built either using a straining post with strut and retaining wire (see Forestry Commission design, page 55), or using a box strainer, an example of which is shown below. > Note the following:
Fences to enclose deer therefore have to be built to the highest specification, so there is no risk of failure. For further information contact fencing suppliers and contractors with experience of deer farming systems. Erection of deer fencingThe basic procedure is the same as a normal height strained wire fence. Note the following:
Netting on strained line wiresIf using the Forestry Commission system of two widths of netting lashed to three spring steel line wires (see designs and siting), follow this procedure:
Remember to gather tools and so on to your side of the fence before you start attaching the netting, or you may have a long walk round! All content copyright © 1986-2007 BTCV Ltd. Registered charity No. 261009 |
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