Christian LivingBEHIND THE MASK
A Christian Living Article from Guide to Kingdom Living

True Christian living requires us to live according to Kingdom standards which bring Heaven to earth.

FROM Joanne Lowe [email protected]

“I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick.”
~Ezekiel 34: 16a King James Version

I just walked to the end of the trailer court to mail a letter and on the way back to my trailer I saw a man who lives here. His wife left him last year and moved to a different state. I asked him how his wife was doing and if he ever heard from her. We talked for about thirty minutes about different things and then I asked him how he was doing.

He said that he was doing great and was busy building a new kitchen and bedroom in his trailer. I finally looked him in the eyes and said “How are you really feeling, I mean in your heart”? Then the mask came down and the flood gates opened. He got tears in his eyes and shared what is hurting so badly in his heart. I reassured him that Jesus does Love him and cares.

All of us wear masks to hide our emotions because when we allow others to see what is in our hearts, we become vulnerable and set ourselves up to be ridiculed, judged, and criticized. It’s time for us to love others with the Unconditional Love of Jesus. He doesn’t ridicule us, so we should not ridicule someone else.

What is behind your mask today? Do you have loneliness, pain, and despair in your heart today? Run into the waiting Arms of Jesus. He Loves you and wants you to be happy. We need to do our part by encouraging and loving each other with unconditional love.

Joanne Lowe
March 13, 2006

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