Christian LivingMemorial Day and Peace
A Christian Living Article from Guide to Kingdom Living

True Christian living requires us to live according to Kingdom standards which bring Heaven to earth.

FROM John McConnell


World War II was "The War to End Wars" which didn’t work. Killing is not the way to stop killing. Bullets and bombs are not the way to end wars. The Mid-East conflict is in a land called holy by Christian, Moslem and Jew. What a mockery of their religious claims.


On this Memorial Day the power of truth can provide a breakthrough for peace. The fact is that Memorial Day began in Georgia at the time of the Civil War when women burying the dead decided they would honor the enemy dead in their burial the same as their own soldiers who had died. They buried them together and planted flowers on their graves – honoring friend and foe alike.

Most people on both sides in a war want to do what they think is the right thing to do. There are difficult differences. Peace, which requires agreement, begins in the mind. Resolution of conflict results from attention to common rights and common values that are shared. Begin where you agree and effective dialogue will follow.

Forgive the heroic soldiers who kill (the wrong solution) and the leaders on both sides who order the killing. Praise and reward the peace heroes who visit enemies, who motivate reconciliation and assist restoration of lost homes and relationships. Memorial Day and the War Between the States reminds us that enemies can become friends. Each year since 1948 the president of the United States proclaimed Memorial Day a "Day of Prayer for Permanent Peace." With today’s incredible technology – phone, fax, radio, TV and Internet – a powerful idea can quickly spread around the world. Pray -- and where possible take action for peace on Memorial Day.

Email this message to a few friends. Put this on the front page and peace will prevail in the Holy Land and spread around the world.

John McConnell – The man who started Earth Day and the Earth Trustee idea. and

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