Dedicated to the Preservation and Restoration of the Whole of Creation:
Humans, Animals, and the Environment.
And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was
evening and there was morning, the sixth day" (Genesis 1:31)
like you to meet Phyllis,
Our household amaryllis.
For years she grew leaves of green,
But not a flower was seen.
For this flower is Phyllis,
Our household amaryllis.
Her flower stalk was a surprise,
That appeared before our eyes.
We watched her many times each day,
Making sure she was okay.
For this flower is Phyllis,
Our household amaryllis.
Both her flower buds were spread,
Making room for blooms of red.
We looked on with much delight,
As she glowed in the sunlight.
For this flower is Phyllis,
Our household amaryllis.
For nearly twenty-five years,
She almost brought us to tears.
She seemed to have no power,
To grow a yearly flower.
For this flower is Phyllis,
Our household amaryllis.
Yet with no pollen to adorn,
These anthers were not forlorn.
Her beauty stands atop our page,
A masthead that will not age.
For this flower is Phyllis,
Our household amaryllis.
In a very few days,
She entered a new phase.
Then pollen began to show,
As she continued to grow.
For this flower is Phyllis,
Our household amaryllis.
Silhouetted against the light,
Your beauty is a true delight.
Phyllis how brightly you glow,
Viewed against the outside snow.
For this flower is Phyllis,
Our household amaryllis.
Demurely she stands by the door of glass,
Clothed in scarlet; what a lass!
Of beauty there is no lack,
Even when viewed from her back.
For this flower is Phyllis,
Our household amaryllis.
When viewed in great detail,
Her beauty seems so frail.
'Cause Phyllis looks so regal,
We wrote this merry jingle.
For this flower is Phyllis,
Our household amaryllis.
She views the world from giant stalk;
What would she say, if she could talk?
Then in year two-thousand-four,
She sprang before the kitchen door.
For this flower is Phyllis,
Our household amaryllis.
Was she a bit contrary?
No bloom 'til February.
After a week of blooming full tilt,
Alas! Phyllis began to wilt.
For this flower is Phyllis,
God's bright red amaryllis.
Go on to photos of Phyllis the Amaryllis
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Presented here are just a few of the countless components of God's creation.
Just as we cannot have human and animal life without water and plants, neither
can we have lasting peace without love and compassion. It is our hope and
prayer that this series will motivate people to live and act in a cruelty-free
manner; that we would no longer hurt or destroy each other, the animals or our