All of God's creatures have rights, a fact that most people don't seem to recognize.
This includes both human and non-human animals, but not all of them can speak for themselves.
Gretchen Primack is a poet, editor, and teacher living in New York's Hudson Valley. She coordinates Ulster Literacy Association's program in the Ulster County Jail.
She's the author of two poetry collections, Kind (Post Traumatic Press 2013) and Doris' Red Spaces (Mayapple 2014), and a chapbook, The Slow Creaking of Planets (Finishing Line 2007). She co-wrote The Lucky Ones: My Passionate Fight for Farm Animals with Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary co-founder Jenny Brown (Penguin Avery 2012).
Her poetry publication credits include The Paris Review, Prairie Schooner, Ploughshares, FIELD, The Massachusetts Review, The Antioch Review, New Orleans Review, Rhino, Tampa Review, 6x6, and many others, and her work has been chosen for several anthologies, including Best New Poets 2006. Her poem "You Are a Prince," published in Ploughshares (Winter 2012), was featured on on 12/11/12.
Gretchen is a passionate advocate for the rights and welfare of non-human animals and lives with several of them, along with a beloved human named Gus.
Gretchen has been a union organizer, a working women's advocate, and a professor and administrator for a college program in a maximum-security men's prison.
For more imformation, please visit Gretchen's website
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