The Works of Mark EdgemonJoy in the Mourning
The Works of Mark Edgemon from

Mark Edgemon has been writing for 30 years. He writes and publishes short stories, articles, poetry and scripts, as well as, produces audio comedy productions for over 700 radio stations nationwide.

Contact Mark through his website, Creator and the Catalyst.

Joy in the Mourning

I opened the door and there she was,
The most beautiful woman I have ever met.
Gushing torrents of Joy sprang up within her,
Carrying me, lifting me up above the ground.
I am a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief,
For I knew of my purpose and yet I hid,
Amongst the dark images of the dank basement,
In my soul, waiting to be ready, yet never willing.

For a reason that must only have been of God,
She walked with me from that first meeting,
Never leaving my side, bearing my sorrow
And returning unto me, Joy in my mourning.
If I was going to wait, then she would wait with me,
Replacing my daily misery, with effervescing strength,
Which sustained me through the dark ages past.
She was aptly named by her Creator at birth.  
I know God loves me for He walks with me in
For He knew I could not make it on my own.
I have learned His Grace through me fears and torment
By the love and strength abounding from her endless joy!
The End

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