deaton_marla-180Who Reads Poetry?
Poetry by Marla Deaton
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Who Reads Poetry?
Poetry by Marla Deaton

Poets get lost in the mix.

Novelists make millions. Singers are adored. Rock stars are treated as gods.

Movie stars get featured in Vogue magazine, But who reads poetry anymore?

They pour out their soul In this lost art form And scarcely get a pat on the back.

They bring into life Raw human emotion That most of us tuck deep inside.

Poets get lost in the mix.

They may chance be studied Like Dickinson and Thoreau By students, long after they’re gone.

But who reads poetry anymore?

Artists are gratified With self expression And paintings that hang on the wall.

While poets dive in To the core of their soul Just to touch that beyond the door.

So maybe it doesn’t matter Who reads poetry anymore.

Copyright © 2008 Marla Deaton

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