Sierra Malichi

Viviendo en paz con los Venados

Sierra Malichi

Living in Peace with Deer

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Manejo integral del venado cola blanca




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Sierra Malichi en la actualidad

La propiedad est� registrada legalmente como una UMA, (Unidad de Manejo y Aprovechamiento de la Vida Silvestre) ante SEMARNAT, la Agencia Gubernamental encargada de la flora y fauna en M�xico.

En los siguientes a�os llegaron m�s venados, algunos rescatados estando atrapados o enredados en cercas de alambre y heridos, otros fueron recogidos siendo cr�as cuando este mismo terreno era desmontado e invadido por maquinaria, se contrataron m�s de 65 personas equipadas con sacos vac�os para recobrar las m�s cr�as posibles, solo se recuperaron 3 de ellas, las otras no pudieron ser atrapadas. Otras m�s, fueron rescatadas cuando algunas venadas del refugio, estresadas por la captura y traslado abandonaron a sus cr�as. Todos estos venados fueron instalados en otro corral m�s peque�o, para poderlos cuidar y alimentar, actualmente en este lugar hay 10 venados, mientras que en el corral grande hay casi 50 venados, incluidas 13 cr�as nacidas este a�o.

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Sierra Malichi today

This property is legally constituted as an UMA, (Wildlife Management Unit), and registered in SEMARNAT, the indicated Government Agency for this type of place.

Other deer were brought to the Refuge over time, some others, were rescued trapped in corrals or wire fences, injured and in complete starvation and panic. Sometimes we were alerted about a deer accidents by sensitive and worried people. Some fawns, (3) were retrieved from the same 1800 acres property when people and machinery started to clear the land. We hired 65 people from a close Village, equipped with empty sacks scanning all the property doing a 3 miles large human line trying to intercept as many little fawns as they could, unfortunately they were able to get only 3, the other were impossible to catch and were sadly left there, I don�t know if they could survive with all that human intrusion. All these deer were placed in another smaller pen, where we actually have 10 deer in it, and almost 50 in the bigger one.

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