Animal Defenders of Westchester

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Animal Defenders of Westchester
P.O. Box 205
Yonkers, NY 10704



Animal Advocate to Lobby Westchester Against Goose Slaughter

By Michael Risinit,, February 19, 2013

A local animal-rights advocate said she and other supporters will meet with Westchester County officials on Wednesday to discuss establishing a formal policy for dealing with the county�s Canada geese population that doesn�t involve slaughtering them.

Kiley Blackman of Yonkers said in a statement the meeting at the county parks department �will be an exchange of ideas and an avenue for positive change for geese residents in Westchester County.�

She has been critical of the county�s approach to goose control since last summer, when 470 geese were captured on the Sprain Lake Golf Course and sent to an upstate processing plant to be slaughtered. She has also spoken out against Scarsdale�s plan to round up and kill some of the geese this summer that hang out at the pond near the village�s library.

Westchester Deputy Parks Commissioner Peter Tartaglia said the county isn�t eliminating any type of goose control for its properties.

�We�re not looking to do one method or another. We�re looking to do whatever method works the best,� he said.

See more about Westchester4Geese

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