Stop Horse Drawn Carriages
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Horse-Drawn Carriage Accident


car rear ends horse and buggy in Colorado

Valley Courier  
August 19, 2008
Eric Mullens

ALAMOSA - Last week a potentially deadly accident occurred on Colo. Hwy. 15 in the Valley involving a motor vehicle and a horse drawn vehicle carrying six people ages 60 to 9-years old who luckily did not suffer any major injuries. On Wed., Aug. 13, Chester Baker, 30, of Monte Vista was southbound on Colo. Hwy. 15 about four-tenths of a mile from mile post 7, when he rear-ended what Colorado State Patrol Trooper Lance Sanchez described as a horse and carriage. Baker was cited for careless driving in relation to the Aug. 13 traffic accident. The report indicated the horse bolted, pulling the conveyance after the accident but was retrieved soon afterward. Due to the religious lifestyle that calls for avoiding what many consider 'modern conveniences' many of the carriages, wagons and buggies do not have lights, reflectors or slow moving vehicle signs and may be especially difficult to see in bad weather or during hours of early morning, dusk or twilight. The horse drawn vehicle was occupied by six people who were thrown from the carriage or wagon, at the moment of impact.     

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All Creatures Animal Rights Article: justice, peace, love, compassion, ethics, organizations, Bible, God, Lord, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, grass roots, animals, cruelty
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