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Horse-Drawn Carriage AccidentsHorse-Drawn Carriage Runs Amok in Berlin
A horse-drawn holiday carriage containing three passengers ran loose in central Berlin on Friday evening, dragging the driver behind it. The coachman was taken to hospital with serious injuries.
According to police, the coachman had got off the carriage to help his passengers out, when his horses bolted for as yet unknown reasons. In his attempt to stop them, the 36-year-old was dragged along the road and then run over by the wheels of his carriage.
The horses raced on with their panicked passengers, a 43-year-old mother with a teenage daughter and a 57-year-old friend, and made it to Friedrichstrasse, where two police officers finally brought them to a halt.
Neither horses or passengers were injured in the festive joyride, though the carriage damaged four cars and building site equipment.
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