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Horse-Drawn Carriage Accidents

Pony-cart Driver Injured Near Quebec City


A pony-cart driver is in hospital after a ride went horribly wrong Saturday at a community festival in Lac St. Charles, north of Quebec City.

According to witnesses the two ponies were pulling a dozen children in a cart (caleche) when the animals panicked and started to gallop along a street.

The driver was unable to get the animals under control, and when the caleche struck a car, the driver fell under the cart.

With nobody at the reins, the ponies continued to race down the street, and only ended their wild race when adults at the end of the block were able to grab the animals and get them to stop.

Several children were thrown from the cart, and three suffered minor injuries.

One of the driver's legs was severed below the knee.

He was rushed to hospital, although it is not known if doctors were able to reattach the limb.

Authorities are now investigating the accident to determine what went wrong.

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