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Horse-Drawn Carriage AccidentsCarriage Horse vs. Bus in Midtown NYC
We received a tip today from Merry Orling about yet another horse carriage collision, this time with a bus in midtown, that she witnessed this week:
A horse wearing blinders and pulling a carriage was hit by a NYC bus in midtown Manhattan at rush hour. The incident occurred on 7th Avenue at around 54th Street at approximately 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 3. The horse, grazed by the bus, was spooked and evidently frightened out of his/her wits. After exchanging info - maybe regarding insurance claims, the drivers resumed travel downtown. I was amazed (and saddened) by the behavior of the carriage driver: He did not even bother to check the condition of his horse, nor did he offer any comfort to the animal, who looked much the worse for wear.
What on earth is a horse doing in rush hour traffic in midtown Manhattan?
I recently returned to the US after living abroad for many years. I can't believe the city has sunk so low! I'd like to know what the mayor is waiting for to ban horse-drawn carriages, which are cruel, unnecessary, and dangerous. ..."
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