Stephen Kaufman, M.D., Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)
Reflection on the Lectionary: Mark 10:2-16
(October 4, 2009)
Permission Does Not Equal Endorsement
After noting that Moses permitted divorce, Jesus instructed, “For your
hardness of heart he [Moses] wrote you this commandment.” There are many
things that the Bible permits but does not endorse. One might recall 1
Samuel 8, in which the people asked Samuel to give them a king. Samuel took
this request to God, who told Samuel that the king would become a tyrant.
Samuel told the people what he had learned, but the people nevertheless
wanted a king, which God then granted.
Another illustration of God’s giving permission without endorsement is
Genesis 9:3, in which God permits Noah to eat flesh. Previously, humanity
had been vegetarian, but humanity had become so violent that God produced
the Flood to allow for a fresh start. Noah too was flawed, and he cursed Ham
who found Noah drunk and naked. Since God promised never to flood the earth
again, there was no alternative but to allow a degree of violence – in this
case against animals.
The Bible makes clear that the ideal is peaceful, harmonious coexistence
among all God’s creatures, as described in Genesis 1:29-30 and Isaiah
11:6-9. God might permit humans to engage in violent behavior, but
Christians should not regard this as an endorsement of human tyranny and
abuse over nonhuman creation.
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