Stephen Kaufman, M.D., Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)
Response to Comment about Dogmas
In response to last week’s essay, one member objected that the following
sentence I wrote was not respectful of Christian denominations that rely on
dogmas: “In my opinion, the most helpful community of faith, and perhaps the
one that best reflects the faith of Christ, is one that does not try to heal
by reciting dogmas.” I would like to comment on dogmas in general and how
they apply to healing wounds in particular.
I think that many dogmas contain truths and insights that serve as
foundations of Christian communities and orient religious practices.
Christian dogmas, in general, are grounded in Scripture, and I respect those
dogmas that deepen Christian faith and practice. However, I don’t respect
those dogmas that serve to endorse victimization. Sometimes, individuals or
communities have used dogmas as weapons to silence those who seek justice.
For example, the dogma of the divine right of kings held that the king was
appointed by God to be God’s instrument on earth. Those who opposed any
statement of action of the king were, in essence, opposing God and deserved
severe punishment.
Fortunately, we now reject the divine right of kings, but a similarly venal
dogma widely accepted today is that the reason God created animals was for
people to use them as people please. I regard this dogma, grounded in
Genesis 1:26, as poor scriptural analysis, in part because Genesis 1:29-30
prescribes a completely harmonious, vegan world, not today’s world in which
humans regularly abuse animals for the most trivial of reasons.
Regarding the value of dogmas when it comes to healing, I think there are
many times when reciting dogmas, however true they might be, don’t help heal
those in great pain. For example, “It is God’s will,” or “We must believe
that it is ultimately for the best” can, at times, salt wounds. Sometimes
our most effective healing occurs when we offer to be present and, when
prompted, affirm our faith that God cares.
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the Lectionary: John 20:19-31
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