Stephen Kaufman, M.D., Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)
Scapegoating and Dehumanization
Essay: Scapegoating and Dehumanization
I am taking a break from my series exploring Christianity and animal
rights to reflect on the recent assassination of Osama Bin Laden. Like many
Americans, I find myself relieved by his killing, since he has been
dedicated to killing people. However, I have been troubled by the evident
glee expressed by many people.
As discussed previously, scapegoating involves heaping excess guilt onto
other individual(s), often in an effort to deflect guilt from those
participating in scapegoating onto the victim(s). Victims of scapegoating
often aren’t completely innocent, but they aren’t as guilty as scapegoaters
believe them to be. We all sin, and we all have thoughts about which we are
ashamed, which make us all susceptible to the temptation to participate in
scapegoating. How can we discern necessary and just violence from violence
that has its roots in scapegoating?
One way is to seek the counsel of others, since they can be more objective.
However, since the anger and hatred that characterizes scapegoating is
mimetic, family and friends are often caught up in the same sentiments.
Introspection through meditation or prayer can help guide us to truth. If we
feel good about the consequences of our violence, there is an excellent
chance that scapegoating has played a role in our sentiments. If we have
honestly sought nonviolent solutions and, finding no alternative, genuinely
regret the harm to one of God’s living creations, then there is good reason
to believe that we have avoided scapegoating’s allure.
Another “red flag” for scapegoating is when the victims of violence are
dehumanized. Their personhood – their hopes, fears, desires, and
personalities – are denied. People define them as “dangerous” or “evil” and
deny their feelings. Further, dehumanization helps avoid thinking about what
might have motivated people to do harmful things. For example, Bin Laden was
undoubtedly responsible for terrible acts of violence, but seeing him as
“evil” helps avoid thinking about how American policies and actions might
have contributed to his radicalization and the radicalization that prompted
“suicide” terrorists to kill Americans.
Often, dehumanization involves identifying the victims with nonhuman
animals. This reflects how many people deny the fact, evident on even casual
observation, that every creature is a person in his or her own ways. Each
animal has a distinct personality and each has genuine individual desires.
Though the specific dehumanizing terms vary, universally those who
perpetrate acts of violence deny personhood to their victims.
I think we can strongly suspect that an element of scapegoating has
contributed to animal exploitation and abuse when people seem to derive
pleasure from their participation in harming animals. I rarely see a hint of
regret among those who financially support factory farming, for example,
even though modern animal agriculture inherently involves extreme violence
and cruelty. Our accounts of Jesus do not, I think, show evidence of hatred
or of deriving pleasure from the suffering of others. They occasionally show
anger, and he does denounce hypocrites whose self-serving ideologies and
practices harm vulnerable individuals. Would Jesus approve of killing Bin
Laden? Perhaps. Would he celebrate it? I doubt it.
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and Animal Rights, part 9
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