Animal Rights Article Archive A-M
Animal Rights Articles from
Archive through 2019
- #MeToo ~ The Animals
- 1st Congressional Investigation of Government Spending on Animal Experiments
- 1st International Pan African Animal Welfare Alliance (PAAWA) Conference Held in Nairobi, Kenya
- 3 Reasons Why Farm Sanctuaries Are Vital to the Animal Rights Movement
- 3D organoids provide benefits over mouse 'avatars'
- 3rd Graders Want to See Lolita Retired!
- 3rd International Fur Free Fashion Show Held in Shanghai
- 3-Year-Old Killed at Golden Gate; 15th Kill There So Far This Year
- 3-Year-Old Killed at Los Alamitos; California at 24 Dead in 2020
- 4.5 Million Animals to Be Spared From Toxicity Tests
- 5 Reasons For Why Animal Rights Are A Feminist Issue
- 5 Reasons Not to Eat Fish
- 5 Reasons why all turkeys should be free birds
- 6 Reasons Why Turkeys Are Awesome
- 6 Ways Trump's 2018 Budget Actually Helps Some Animals
- 6 West Texas Snails and Crustaceans Protected Under Endangered Species Act Along With 450 Acres
- 7 Out of 8 Pigs Agree: Mirrors are Nifty Tools
- 7 Things You Can Do to Help End Cosmetics Testing on Animals
- 8 Reasons Why Choosing A Vegan Diet May NOT Be For You
- 8 Reasons Why Meat-eating Anarchists Need a Kick Up Their Anthropocentric Ass
- 8 Year Old Girl Shoots Bear
- 8.6 Million Acres Protected for Green Sturgeon
- 9 Things Everyone Should Know About Farmed Fish
- 10 Animals With the Longest Life Spans
- 10 Lab Beagles' Lives Saved
- 10 Things Animal Exploiters Do Not Want You to Know
- 10 Things I Wish All Americans Knew About The Meat and Dairy Industries
- 10 Things You Should Know About Animal Testing
- 11 Every Hour
- 12 Animal Activism Stories That Made Headlines in 2012
- 12 Animal Activism Stories That Made Headlines in 2017
- 12 Stories About Animals That Made Headlines in 2020
- 12 years of Hunting Act: the fight continues
- 12 Years Old, 45 Races, 10 Different Trainers, Has Never “Won” – And Yet They Still Keep Forcing Him Out There
- 13 Scary Facts About Wildlife
- 13 Terrifying, True And Taxpayer-Funded Torture Devices Used In Animal Experimentation Laboratories
- 14 States in Iran Ban Wild Animal Circus Acts
- 15 Pilot Whales Killed at Taiji, September 2010
- 15 Reasons to Stop Eating Meat
- 15 Souls: Why the Chickens at Urban Adamah Matter
- 17 Reasons To Go Leather Free
- 18 Kills at Arkansas' Oaklawn Park This Spring
- 19 Arrested In Canary-Fighting Investigation
- 19 Inches of Snow...Still the Carriage Horses Were Out
- 20 Questions for Animal Lovers on World Day for Farmed Animals
- 20th Anniversary of International Homeless Animals' Day
- 23 Species to Earn Protections in Hawaii
- 26 Horses Dead After Excruciating Winter Roundup
- 27 Animals Killed During “The Hobbit”
- 27 Chattering Lories Confiscated and Released in Maluku
- 28 lives saved as Staten Island Turkeys move Upstate
- 30 elephants are now chain-free...forever
- 31 Bison Captured Inside Yellowstone, Sent to Slaughter
- 31 Wild Horses Rescued from Carson City Prison
- 37 More 2019 Kentucky Horseracing Kills
- 41 Wild Horses Saved from Capture and Possible Slaughter
- 45-day Sentence for Killing Birds on Beach
- 47 Animals from Gaza's Rafah Zoo Were Rescued
- 47 Pit Bulls rescued from Bronx fight ring
- 47,000 Acres of Critical Habitat Protected for California Tiger Salamander
- 48 Hawaiian Plants, Birds, Insects Protected
- 50 So Cal Marine Animal Rescues Halfway Through April 2011
- 50th Anniversary of Space Monkeys Abel and Baker
- 55 Macaque Monkeys Find Refuge as Advocates Rush to Collaborate and Construct Living Spaces
- "60 Minutes Australia" Segment on Tilikum
- 60 Seconds to Read; 60 Seconds to Die
- 63 Billion Animals Fed a US Population of 313 Million in 2011
- 63 Years Ago, Laika Was Launched into Space - No Return
- 70 Hatchling Turtles Rescued from Chinatown's Live Animal Market
- 70 Malls Across US To Ban Pet Sales
- 85 Percent of Continental U.S. Birds Protected by Endangered Species Act
Have Increased or Stabilized Since Being Protected
- 86 Percent of Dolphins and Whales Threatened by Fishing Nets
- 93 Chickens Rescued From Kapparot
- 100 Neglected Sled Dogs Rescued in Northern Quebec
- 100 Sled Dogs Slain in Canada Because of Tourist Slump
- 100 times more monkeys enter U.S. labs than chimps are leaving
- 125 Pilot Whales Die on NZ Beaches, 43 Saved
- 146 Cows Just Rescued from Slaughter in Gorantla, India
- 150 Dead Dogs Lie in the Wake of the Cruel Iditarod
- 200 Bottlenose Dolphins Held a Fourth Night in Cove; 11 More Dolphins Taken Captive
- 200 Buffalo and 70 Calves, Out of Prison....For Now
- 200 Year Old Whale Killed � Enough is Enough!
- 300 pit bulls saved from dog fighting ring
- 350 Dogs Seized in Dogfighting Raids
- 350 Species Threatened by Global Warming
- 450 Tigers Seized from Private Thai Zoo
- 600 Cats Rescued by Chinese Activists
- 600-Plus Species at Risk From Deadly Gulf Oil Disaster
- 600 reptiles and 18,000 rats saved from Global Captive Breeders
- 700 River Miles Protected for Endangered Southwest Fish
- 750 Hens from Battery Cage Egg Farm Safe
- 800 dogs headed for slaughter rescued in China
- 1,000 (Dead) Reasons Why You Should Not Bet on or Watch Today's Belmont Stakes
- 1,000 Endangered African Grey Parrots Rescued
- 1000+ Italian Activists Liberate Beagle Puppies in Daylight Raid
- $2,000 Reward Offered for Information Leading to Arrest and Conviction of Medieval-Style Puppy Torturer
- 5,000 Foxes: The Transaction of a Mercy Release Rescue
- 10,000 Citizens Protest Feds' Plan to Round Up and Send Wild Horses to Slaughter
- 100,000 Dogs Given Second Chance at Life
- 1,300 Birds Destroyed In Cockfighting Ring Bust
- 2014 Highlights - League Against Cruel Sports
- 2014 North Carolina Ag-Gag Bill Is Dead
- 2017 Boat-Strike Manatee Deaths Tie Record High
- 2020: A Bitter Year for Humans and Elephants
- 4,000 monkeys saved as Colombian vivisector loses wild capture permit
- 5,000 horse deaths since '03 have been reported by thoroughbred racetracks in U.S. alone
- 6,000 Thirsty Camels Who Invaded Australian Town Will Be Killed
- $13,200 Fine in Dolphin Deaths Paid by University of Hawaii
- 15,748 Seal Pups Killed in 3 Days
- 2009 10 Worst Zoos for Elephants
- 2009 Seal Hunt Makes its First 19,000 Kills
- 2010 Canadian Animal Protection Laws Rankings
- 2010 Farm (and Food) Bill
- 2010 State Animal Protection Laws Rankings
- 2010 Soccer World Cup Animal Sacrifice Planned
- 2011: A Surprisingly Good Year for Animals
- 2011 Top Ten Worst Zoos for Elephants
- 2011 State Animal Protection Laws Rankings
- 2013 Britches Award for White Coat Waste Project
- 2013 Korea Animal Film Festival
- 2013 Ten Worst Zoos for Elephants
- 2014 Was Another Good Year For PAWS
- 2014 Ten Worst Zoos for Elephants
- 2019 Ten Worst Zoos for Elephants
- 20,000 Exotic Animals Rescued from Broker
- 20,000 African Elephants Wiped Out in 2013 � 68 Elephants Killed In Garamba National Park In Past Two Months
- 24,429 Animals Suffer from Illegal Activity by Labs; U.S. Labs Break the Law 3 Times A Day
- 2,700 cattle die onboard transport ship
- 3,700 Gentle Greyhounds from Florida Need Homes
- 42,000 acres saved from grazing in Arizona
- 400,000 Dogs to be Saved from Poisoning in Bali
- 51,200 Dead Oregon Cows Not Killed By Wolves! Where’s The Media?
- 500,000 Chickens Perish in Factory Farm Fire in Colorado
- 500,000 Pigs Abandoned in Chile
- 2012 Top Ten Worst Zoos for Elephants
- 2013 is here, and we are ready!
- 6,000 Stores Ditch Fur
- A Behemoth
- A Belated Mother’s Day Victory for Colorado’s Bears
- A Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Wants to End the EPA�s Cruel Animal Testing
- A Bit of Animal Trivia
- A Blood Trail in the Snow
- A Bovine Sophie's Choice
- A Brief History of Hunting Animals to Extinction
- A brief thought about words: euthanasia
- A brief thought on feel-good fuzzy words
- A Brutal Death for Horses
- A Bunch of Bull at BEEF
- A California Gray Whale Shot With Machine Gun
- A Cautionary Tale
- A City of Glass Towers and a Hazard for Migratory Birds
- A Civilized Nation? dedicated to the dog in the sack
- A Compelling Case For Crustacean Compassion
- A Conversation with Karol Orzechowski the Director of the film Maximum Tolerated Dose
- A Conversation with Thalia Field, Author of Experimental Animals
- A Corporate Calculation
- A Cry for Help: African Elephants under Seige...for Ivory
- A Day for Lab Animals
- A Day to Forget: 'The Most Sick I've Ever Been'
- A Death at One Track Is a Death at All
- A Declaration Worth Celebrating
- A Different Kind of Loss
- A Dead Dog Continues to Haunt New York City and the No-kill Movement
- A Demented Woman (Do Unto Others...)
- A Different View of Hunting
- A Dog to Fit All Whims
- A Fate Worse than Death
- A 2014 Federal Reprieve for Wolves
- A Few Words About Game Farms
- A Few Words about "The Future of Animal Law"
- A Field Guide to Animals Killed by Wildlife Services
- A Field Guide to the North American Hunter
- A Fishy Solution
- A Follow Up To Our Four Night Vigil
- A Fool's Prediction on the Economy and Animals
- A Free Pass for Factory Farms?
- A Further Look at Sanitized Violence
- A Gap in the GAP
- A Glass of Milk - A Glass Full of Suffering
- A Good Day for Elephants': Ban on Domestic Ivory Trade Passes International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress
- A Good Way to Be Kinder to Elephants Is to Stop Riding Them
- A Grieving Gorilla: A Picture That's Worth Entire Courses
- A Half-Full, Not Half-Empty Decision: United States v. Stevens
- A Hatchery Account
- A Hen Learns to Eat Again
- A Hold on Wolf Delisting by President Obama
- A Horse is Worth More Than Riches
- A huge step forward for Liberia's threatened elephants
- A human-bear tragedy in Yellowstone
- A Is for Animal: The Animal User's Lexicon
- A Killing Machine?
- A Lack of Graciousness Toward One's Fellow Beings
- A Ladder for Compassionate Hearts
- A Legal Challenge to Animal Research
- A Letter from a Shelter Manager
- A Letter to Corky
- A Letter to Nonvegans
- A Letter To The Furbearers
- A Life Connected
- A Life Contained
- A Life Sentence: The Sad and Dangerous Realities of Exotic Animals in Private Hands
- A Lifetime: The tragic short lives of foxes on a fur farm
- A Living Carcass...A Dehorned Rhino
- A Look at Cancer Research
- A Look at a PMU Farm in China - And It's Not all About Pfizer
- A Look at Modern Scientific Medical Research Methods That Do Not Harm or Kill Animals
- A Look Inside Mexico's Cruel Egg Industry
- A Look Inside the Angora Rabbit Fur Industry
- A Look Inside the Largest Equine Prison in NYC
- A Lost Opportunity
- A loving memoriam – her name was 'Cathi'
- A Matter of Life and Death
- A Meaningful Life: Animal Advocacy, Human Nature, And A Better World
- A Moment of Recognition & Catharsis
- A Mouthful of Flesh
- A Nation Divided: Lupophobia, Wolf Protection or Managed Slaughter (2013)
- A Nation Divided: Lupophobia, Wolf Protection or Managed Slaughter (2019)
- A New Beginning for Dolphins?
- A New Jersey Traveling Manatee Pops up again in South Florida
- A New Look at Animal Suicide
- A New Slaughter of Pilot Whales in Taiji
- A Passion for Animal Justice: Q&A with Camille Labchuk
- A Perfect Day, Unless you Happen to be a Chicken
- A Pet In Your Life Keeps The Doctor Away
- A Powerful Statement...A Modern Day Remus and Romulus Sculpture: the Absurdity of Our Dependence on Milk
- A Pragmatic Fight for Animal Rights
- A Priest of God or a Priest of Satan?
- A Primer on the No Kill Philosophy
- A Promise to be Made
- A quick look at the movement of nonhuman primates across the Florida state line
- A Quote to Consider and Ten Questions
- A Real Easter Bunny Comes With Real Consequences
- A Real Turkey Day
- A Registry for Animal Abusers
- A Report That Should Shock � Pennsylvania's Horse Racetrack Dead in 2015
- A Right of Ethical Consideration for Non-Human Animals
- A Roaring Rescue
- A shameful end to the fight to save Lennox
- A Side of Diarrhea
- A Small Dairy Farmer Addresses a Vegan’s Concern about Separating Calves from Mothers
- A Special Mother’s Day Wish for All Cow Mothers
- A Story And a Question
- A Sunless Hell
- A Systems Approach to Agriculture Reform
- A 10-Day Journey from Ireland to Libya Where Cows Will Face the Worst
- A Tale of a Whale
- A Tale of Two Horses
- A Tale of Two Species
- A Tale of Two Sports
- A thought on 'less use'
- A third horse dies and HBO's "Luck" is gone
- A Tragedy in Eden
- A Tribute to Eldon Wesley Kienholz (1928-1993)
- A (trophy animal) picture is worth a thousand (angry, violent) words
- A Vaccine to Make Animals Immune to E. coli?
- A Vegan Animal Shelter in Colombia
- A Vegan Guide to Thanksgiving
- A Vegan Thanksgiving Story
- A Very Good No Kill Year
- A Victory for Farm Animals?
- A Victory for Greyhounds in South Africa
- A Victory for Snowy Owl
- A Victory for Wild Bison: Yellowstone Decides Against Remote Vaccination Plan
- A Whale of a Conversation
- A Whole Can of Worms
- A Winning 2013 Legislative Season for Greyhounds
- ABC (Animal Birth Control) Program Gets A Boost from an Unexpected Direction
- Abolish Animal Cruelty—End Elk Hunting
- Abolition - The Only Path to Animal Liberation
- Abolition Defined
- Abolitionism and Incremental Reforms
- About a Goose
- About AELLA (Alliance for Earth, Life, Liberty & Advocacy)
- About Animal Immorality and Amorality
- About Animal "Patents"
- About Canned Hunting
- About Live Feather and Down Production
- About Prairie Dogs
- About the Alamogordo Chimps
- About the American Cancer Society
- About the Lobster
- About the Pork Industry
- Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Didn't Die Like a Dog
- Abuse, Bird Flu, and Death: It's Business as Usual at the CDC
- Abused Calves at Vermont Slaughter Plant
- Academics, Advocacy and AETA
- Accountability and Responsibility
- ACLU Letter to Congress Urging Opposition to the Animal Enterprise Act
- ACTAsia for Animals' Caring for Life Course Breaks Records
- Acting Affirmatively for Animals: Moving Beyond the Rhetoric of Apology in Animal Rights
- Acting Individually For Animals
- Action for Animals 2009 Feedback
- Activist Groups Sue USDA for Allowing Sale of Diseased Poultry Product...Foie Gras
- Activist Raid Finds Pigs 'Eaten Alive' by Maggots
- Activists Campaign to Empty the Tanks
- Activists Hijack Brutal Bull-spearing Festival
- Activists Play Slaughterhouse Sounds in Chipotle
- Activists Stop Onstage Rabbit Beheading
- Activists win legal victory just as the circus comes to town
- Activists' Detective Work Brings a Sadist to Justice
- Actors Against Animal Abuse
- ADI'S Top Ten Dramatic Moments of 2012
- Adelaide Animal Cruelty Cases Double
- Adopt a Horse and Save it From the Slaughterhouse
- Adopt a retired racing greyhound and help save the planet
- Advancement of Modern Primate Sanctuaries
- Advancing Animal Protection and Advocating for Animals
- Advocacy at Work...Changing Behavior
- Advocate From Your Plate
- Advocates call for horse slaughter ban at wild horse and burro meeting
- Advocates for Lolita and Nosey Use Viral Video to Demand that USDA Enforces Animal Welfare
- Advocating For the Ones We Love
- Aerial Wolf-control Hunts Hampered by Lack of Snow
- AETA 4 Case Dismissed, But Re-Indictment Possible
- Afghan Protection for Rare Warbler
- AFMA is frequently identified as an animal rights group. Why?
- Afraid For Wolves
- African Antelope Shielded From Safari Club and Trophy Tourists
- African Elephants Could be Extinct in 15 Years
- After 22 Years in a Laboratory, Will Camillo Be Retired?
- After 84 Years, Suffolk Downs Says Goodbye To Live Horse Racing
- After ALF Visit, Farmers say they are out of the Pheasant Business
- After Animal Exploitation - Imagining A Post-Advocacy World
- After Much Debate, Denmark to Ban Bestiality
- After Ship Accident, Romania Plans to Suspend Live Exports to Third Countries
- After Tampering Claim, Company Stops Selling Mink Oil
- Again, Aquariums Prove their Indifference to Cetacean Welfare
- Against the Current
- Against The Use of Wild Animals in Entertainment
- Agreement Raises Hopes & Fears for Egg-Laying Hens: Our Perspective
- Agreement Reached with State of Nevada to Protect State's Mustangs
- Ahimsa Milk?
- Air France Flies Monkeys to Lab Cruelty
- Alabama Dog Torturer Denied Parole; Victim Wags Tail
- Alamogordo Chimpanzees Will Stay Put for Now
- Alaska Gunners Wipe Out Wolf Pack
- Alaska’s Tongass National Forest Saved from Destructive Logging and Road Building
- Albatross Chicks Full of Human Garbage
- ALDF Calls On USDA to Investigate Potential Animal Welfare Act Violations in �Terror Tests� at University Of Wisconsin
- ALDF Grant Provides Necropsies of Chihuahuas
- ALDF Investigation Reveals Violations at Maryland�s Worst Breeding Facility Routinely Goes Unpunished
- ALDF Offering Reward for Information Leading to Arrest of Hollywood Elephant Abusers
- ALDF Teams with Las Vegas Entertainer Stephen Sorrentino to Urge Illusionist Dirk Arthur to Make Big Cats Disappear from His Magic Show Once and For All!
- ALDF’s 2012 Compendium of Animal Protection Laws and the Animal Bill of Rights
- ALEC Is Now Deciding What You Eat
- All 50 States Now Have Felony Animal Cruelty Provisions
- All Animals Go To Heaven!
- All Beings Cherish Life
- All Beings That Feel Pain Deserve Human Rights
- ALL Downers Deserve Better
- All factory, no farm: And the CAFOs go rolling along
- All Heaven In a Rage
- All Rise for These Apes
- All the Missing Horses: Federal Gov’t Selling Wild Horses to Western Dealer Linked to Slaughter
- All the World�s a Stage: Thoughts on the Death of Harambe, the Cincinnati Zoo Gorilla
- 'Allergic' to All But Meat, Cheese and Eggs?
- Allies and Images: The Importance of Communicating the Victim�s Personhood
- Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos
- Along Came a Spider Who Stopped a Highway Project
- ALS Association: Put the Animal Experiments on Ice
- Alternatives Overview
- Alternatives to Animal Testing - Article Series
- ALV Exposes and Shuts Down Dog Farming Hellhole
- Am I a Hypocrite for Keeping Adopted Hens and Advocating Animal Rights?
- Amazing Disgrace: How Japan has Used Tsunami and Earthquake Relief Funds to Subsidize Illegal Whaling
- American Airlines Stops Transporting Monkeys For Research
- American Girl Place Responds and Cancels Carriage Horse Rides
- American Kennel Club Severs Ties with Dog Breed Club Responsible for 'Bear Baiting'
- America Takes the Wildness Out of its Wilderness
- Americans' Extinction Denial Syndrome
- America's Horse Slaughter Controversy
- America’s Massive Wildlife Imports Fuel Global Pandemic Risks
- Amphibious Things that I Love
- Amplifying the Voices of Victims: Seeking Justice for ALL During Sexual Assault Awareness
- Amsterdam Fashion Week Ditches Fur Following Vegan Pressure
- Amur Leopard Population Triples to 103
- Amy: Animal Rights Artist and Poet
- An Affront to the Idea of Family
- An Animal Activist Tells Her Story
- An Animal Holocaust?
- An apologist�s Kentucky Derby nightmare
- An Argument for Animal Rights
- An Easter Bunny Warning
- An Elephantine Obesity Epidemic
- An ethical revolution for animals
- An Exclusive Interview with Mark Devries, Twenty-Something Creator of "Speciesism: The Movie"
- An Eyewitness Account of Racehorse Heartspoke�s Death
- An Inconvenient Lunch
- An Influx of 'Christmas Gift' Animals
- An Insect's Life: How Do We Measure Insect Welfare?
- An Inside Look at Slaughter Houses
- An interview with animal communicator, Anna Breytenbach
- An Interview with Farmer Brown
- An Investigation into Hunting: Why Do People Hunt Animals?
- An Introduction to the Canadian Seal Hunt
- An Introduction to the Most Beautiful Animal You'll Never See
- An Oasis for Bears in Romania
- An Open Letter to Animal Advocates
- An Open Letter to Bob Costas (and NBC Sports) about Horseracing
- An Open Letter to Iditarod Supporters
- An Open Letter to Pope Francis from Tom Regan
- An Open Letter to the Humane Society of the United States from United Poultry Concerns
- An Open Letter to the Students of Green Mountain College
- An Open Letter to the University of Wisconsin-Madison
- An Open Letter to Veterinarians: Why Aren’t You Vegan?
- An Open Letter to Whole Foods
- An Ordinary Thursday until Rufus and Wainwright
- '...An unbearable kind of suffering'
- An Unnatural Life Span
- Analysis: Humane Methods of Poultry Slaughter Lawsuit Dismissed
- Anatomy of a Chicken Rescue
- And, Action!
- And Another Orca Dies at Seaworld
- And Now You Want to Kill MORE Innocents?
- And the Dead Horses Keep Piling Up � Florida, 2017
- Andrew Wakefield, Scientific Censorship, and Fourteen Monkeys
- Animal Abuse = Humane Abuse - 10 Reasons Why They Connect
- Animal Abuse: It's Why We Have Infectious Diseases
- Animal-abuse Crackdown Helps Fight Other Crimes
- Animal Abuse Inherent in Rodeo
- Animal Abuse Is Not Consistent With Bible Teachings!
- Animal Abuse Law Will Protect Kids Too
- Animal abuse laws: Teaching compassion at the barrel of a gun
- Animal Activist Refuses to Let Bow-hunter Retrieve Deer
- Animal Activists Hope Lawsuit Protects Circus Elephants
- Animal Activists in Finland Use Library Exhibits to Educate Public
- Animal Activists Should Send Money to the Racing Industry? Obscene.
- Animal Activists Stop Cruel Pig Experiment in Austria
- Animal Advocacy and the Charge of Anthropomorphism
- Animal Advocacy and The Scientific Method: The Humane Research Council Study
- Animal Advocacy, the Media, and Democracy
- Animal Advocates Declare Victory in Federal Foie Gras False Advertising Suit
- Animal Advocates Worry Bill Would Decimate Wild Horse Herds
- Animal Aesthetics
- Animal Agriculture and Global Warming
- Animal Agriculture Boosts Antibiotic Resistance
- Animal and Babies Pain Threshold Studies
- Animal Campaigner Accused of Cruelty After 'Saving' Lambs
- Animal Chaplains To Bless All Creatures on World Animal Day
- Animal Consciousness
- Animal Consciousness and Science Matter
- Animal cosmetics testing: Do you know as much as an 8th grader?
- Animal Cruelty: Who is to Blame?
- Animal Cruelty Laws Among Fastest-Growing
- Animal Cruelty Strictly for the Birds
- Animal Dealer's Owner, Manager Arrested on Hundreds of Felony Charges!
- Animal Destruction During the Holidays
- Animal Defenders international (ADI) 2016 Successes
- Animal Emotions, Animal Sentience, Animal Welfare, and Animal Rights
- Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (PDF)
- Animal Equality: Demonstrators Carry Bodies of Dead Animals
- Animal ethics as a critique of animal agriculture, environmentalism, foodieism, locavorism, and clean meat
- Animal Experimentation at the University of Florida
- Animal Experimentation - Frequently Asked Questions
- Animal Experimentation Increases in U.S. While Coming Under Fire in U.K.
- Animal Experimentation: The Truth
- Animal Experiments Could End in a Generation
- Animal Experts Database
- Animal Extinctions Bad for Your Health
- Animal Fighting Magazine Pulled from in Response to Lawsuit
- Animal Flesh and Human Brain Evolution: Dispelling Myths
- Animal Flesh Eaters, Vegetarians, And Government Leaders, "Unite"
- Animal Health Technology Students: Hidden Curriculum Lessons in Insensitivity
- Animal Hoarder Sentenced to Jail and Psychiatric Evaluation
- Animal Hoarding: Florida Officials Find 340 Dead Animals on Property
- Animal Hoarding: The Paradox of the Caring Abuser
- Animal Hoarding May Not Only Be About the Number of Animals
- Animal Hoarding Project
- Animal "Holocaust" op-ed in Israel's Haaretz newspape
- Animal husbandry and the Horn of Africa famine
- Animal industry coopting the concept of nonhuman animal personhood
- Animal-Insensitivity Syndrome: A Cognitive and Affective Developmental Disorder
- Animal Instincts
- Animal Justice Project exposes cocaine, ecstasy, heroin and nicotine experiments on animals
- Animal Justice Project: New Organization Launches in U.S. and U.K. to Campaign Against Animal Experiments
- Animal Kills by Federal Agency More than Double
- Animal-Knowing
- Animal Lab Inspections Cut and Licenses to Experiment Fast Tracked 21 July, 2009
- Animaland Zoo is closed and will soon be torn down for good
- Animal Law: A World Phenomenon!
- Animal Law: Alive and Well in Michigan
- Animal Lawyer Plan Rejected by Swiss Voters
- Animal Laws and You
- Animal Legal Defense Fund Appealing Ruling over Mistreated Pregnant and Nursing Pigs at State Fair
- Animal Legal Defense Fund files a class action lawsuit against Pet Store, Barkworks
- Animal Legal Defense Fund, PETA Sue to Stop Dangerous and Illegal California Great Bull Runs
- Animal Legal Defense Fund Urges Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to Revoke Illegal Permit for “Tony” at Iberville Parish’s Tiger Truck Stop
- Animal Legal Defense Fund ALDF White Paper - COVID-19 and Animals
- Animal Liberation: The Next Great Liberation Movement
- Animal Liberation March in Uruguay!
- Animal Liberation Victoria's Open Rescue on Network TV
- Animal Lovers Seek to KO Thailand's Orangutan Kick Boxing Matches
- Animal Lovers: Don�t Hesitate to Feel Your Hate
- Animal Minds and the Foible of Human Exceptionalism
- Animal models: Humanized animals or failed strategy
- Animal Nations
- Animal Organizations Intensify Opposition to Egg Bill (H.R. 3798) in Anticipation of Senate Version
- Animal People and Sexual Misconduct
- Animal Personhood: Journal of Evolution and Technology
- Animal Place spearheads the rescue of 3,000 hens
- Animal Park Employee Injuries May Go Unreported
- Animal Parts: High Style or Just Plain Beastly?
- Animal Place’s Position on “Humane” Meat, Dairy, and Eggs
- Animal Planet Cancels Man-Eating Super Wolves Show
- Animal Practice TV Show Abusing Capuchin, Crystal, Canceled
- Animal Protection and the Pace of Social Change
- Animal Protection Group Files USDA Complaint Regarding Multiple Violations at Cincinnati Zoo
- Animal Protection Group Shuts Down US Senator Inhofe's Pigeon Shoot
- Animal Protection Groups Stop Coyote Killing Contest
- Animal Protection in Constitutions Around the World
- Animal Research and Demonstrating Animal Sentience
- Animal Research Protestors Stage Mock Funeral at University of British Columbia
- Animal Researchers: How Do They Do It?
- Animal Rights: 'A Very Noble Cause'or Terrorism? The State Just Can't Decide
- Animal Rights: From Obscurity to Acceptance
- Animal Rights: Remedy to Trumpism
- Animal rights: the last frontier of social injustice
- Animal Rights 101
- Animal Rights, Films, and Food: Going for the Trifecta with the Animal Film Festival
- Animal Rights and Christianity: A Historical and Theological Discourse
- Animal Rights and Slavery/Rape Analogies
- Animal Rights Activist Sentenced to 30 Months in Jail for Having Bolt Cutter in His Prius
- Animal Rights Activists Call to Ban Horse-drawn Carriages and Stand up for Free Speech
- Animal Rights Activists Employ New Tactics to Thwart Wolf Hunters
- Animal rights activists free 9,000 pheasants and vow to
'dismantle the shooting industry'
- Animal Rights Activists Lose Battle to Ban Badger Cull
- Animal Rights Activists Win Rodeo Fight
- Animal Rights Advocates are Almost a Separate Species
- Animal Rights Advocates Plan to Build Sanctuary in Abu Dhabi
- Animal Rights and Animal Welfare
- Animal Rights and the New Enlightenment
- Animal Rights Enters The Mainstream
- Animal Rights Group Calls For 'Wolf Of Wall Street' Boycott, Accuses Scorsese Of Abuse
- Animal Rights Groups Pick Up Momentum
- Animal Rights Group Sues Rodeo Over Videos
- Animal Rights Groups in Beirut Fight for Stricter Legislation
- Animal Rights Groups Try to Halt Mirage from Importing Dolphins
- Animal rights Halloween hazards: Candy corn, chocolate milk, and squid ink pasta with baby octopus
- Animal Rights, Human Rights And Wrongs
- Animal Rights Movement Starting to Stir in Egypt
- Animal Rights, Multiculturalism and the Left
- Animal Rights Philosopher Tom Regan Addresses a New Generation
- Animal Rights Protesters Bring Carcasses to Madrid
- Animal Rights Vegan Guilt
- Animal Rights Violence
- Animal Rights, Animal Welfare, and the Slavery Analogy
- Animal Rights, Race and Social Progress
- Animal Rights, Respect for All Life and Human Violence
- Animal Rights, Steven Wise, and Stephen Colbert
- Animal Rights vs Animal Welfare
- Animal Sacrifice: In The Name of Science
- Animal Scam: A Critique by Vasu Murti
- Animal Science, Public Universities and the Business of Animal Exploitation
- Animal sentience: the real omnivore's dilemma
- Animal Sentience and Irish Farming Myths
- Animal Sentience - After Brexit: 'There Are Still A Lot Of Questions To Answer'
- Animal Smarts
- Animal Souls, Feelings, and Government Torture
- Animal Suffering in the Egg Industry
- Animal Suffering Isn't An Enigma So Let's Get Over It
- Animal Testing Facility Paid $4,500 Fine for Primate Killed in Cage Cleaning
- Animal testing for cosmetics banned in Turkey
- Animal testing in China: PETA removes Avon, Estee Lauder and Mary Kay from cruelty-free list
- Animal Tests and Scientifically-Validated Alternatives
- Animal Tests Are Today's Tuskegee Experiments
- Animal Tests Harm Humans
- Animal Trainer Jeffery Loy Convicted of Animal Cruelty in NJ
- Animal Trainer with Checkered Past Back in the Spotlight
- Animal traps that grip or snare are banned in L.A. as 'inhumane'
- Animal Values and the Quantum of Suffering
- Animal Victims / Human Victims: Reports from Police case Files
- Animal Voices
- Animal Welfare Act Violations
- Animal Welfare Act Should Oversee All Federal Animal Experiments
- Animal Welfare Labeling: What They’re Not Telling You
- Animal Welfare Act Violations at Ivy League Universities
- Animal Welfare Or Animal Rights? Dismantling a False Opposition
- Animal Welfare Reform: Total Denial, One Step at a Time
- Animal Wise: "the ants come home with us"
- Animal, Vegetable, Miserable
- Animal, Vegetable, Science, Ethics: Interview with Jonathan Balcombe
- Animals' Altruism and Ability to Empathize
- Animals and Domestic Violence
- Animals and Genetic Engineering – Unlimited Cruelty
- Animals And The War On Drugs
- Animals and us: Our hypocrisy
- Animals Are More Sentient Than You Think
- Animals Are Mothers Too
- Animals Aren't Sentient and Can't Feel Pain, Tories Claim
- Animals Are Not Our Tasters: We Are Not Their Kings
- 'Animals Are Not Ours' Demonstration
- Animals Are Our Friends: Farm Animal Sponsorship and Adoption
- Animals are Part of the Working Class
- Animals Are Smarter Than You Think
- Animals Are Stupid
- Animals as Tools
- Animals Australia's latest investigation documents terrible abuses of Australian animals...
- Animals Can Be Happy Too
- Animals Can't Reason, Don't Deserve Same Consideration
- Animals Eat Other Animals, So Why Shouldn�t We?
- Animals Feel the Pain of Religious Slaughter
- Animals In Court
- Animals in Education: Classroom Dissection
- Animals in Entertainment: The Circus
- Animals in France: What Really Happened about Sentience?
- Animals in Military Service
- Animals In the Spotlight
- Animals Killed in Religious Ritual
- Animals or Machines: Whom Do You Love?
- Animals Rescued From New Sam Circus in Anantapur, India
- Animals Saved from Cruel Military Medical Drills in Poland
- Animals Should Be Shot — With Cameras
- Animals Suffer a Perpetual 'Holocaust'
- Animals, the Church, Christmas Slaughter and Climate Change
- Animals Receive Own Political Party in Switzerland
- Animals Torn to Pieces by Lions in Front of Haying Crowds: A Spectator Sport China DOESN'T Want You to See
- Animals Voice Magazine Folding; Website to Continue, Grow
- Animals we use and abuse for food we do not eat
- Animals, Slavery, and the Holocaust
- Anne The Elephant, Safe At Last
- Anne the elephant to remain alone
- Announcing the 2017 Conscious Eating Conference Videos!
- Annual whale slaughter began today in the Danish Faroe Islands
- Another Brick Falls: Hazel Park Raceway Is Shuttered
- Another city bans bullhooks
- Another Death in the Family
- Another Defeat for Science and Animals
- Another Historic First in Animal Law
- Another HORROR! 65,000 Hens Burned Alive
- Another Fashion Victory! Chanel Bans Fur and Exotic Skins
- Another Fatal Kangaroo Accident at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
- Another Grizzly Mom Killed, Yearling Cubs Will Go to Zoos
- Another happy ending for greyhounds
- Another Kill at Santa Anita; Desperate Industry Blames Trainer
- Another Kill at Belmont – That’s 40 Dead Animals This Year
- Another Kind of Property Rights?
- Another Law Enacted To Protect Frogs
- Another Legal Victory for Greyhounds
- Another Liberated Moment
- Another New Coyote Contest Hunt?
- Another PA Pigeon Shoot Location Withdraws
- Another Reason to Protect Elephants: Frogs Love Their Feet
- Another rotten egg story
- Another Shocking Food Recall
- Another Tragic Killer Whale Death Occurs at SeaWorld Orlando
- Another Unexplained Elephant Death: Dondi Dies at Massachusetts Southwick’s Zoo
- Another Victory for the Harp Seals
- Another View of Sealing
- Another Win for the Elephants
- Another Zoo, Another Fatal Accident
- Anthrax Study on Baboons Rejected by OSU
- Anthropomorphism and Sentimentality: Flawed Rhetoric Harming Animals
- Anthropomorphism Favors Coexistence, Not Deadly Domination
- Anthropomorphism in the Lab
- Anti-Cruelty Measure Certified for California's November Ballot
- Anti Dog-Chaining Law Passes in Chattanooga
- Anti-Fur Tactics in the Big (Red) Apple During Fashion Week
- Anti-hunters Outnumber Hunters by Three to One
- Anti-Mustang Bill is NOT Passed
- Anti-Vivisection and Civil Liberties - A Common Cause
- Antibiotic Resistance at Factory Farms "Scares the Hell Out of" Johns Hopkins Scientists
- Ants Build Traps for Grasshoppers, Male Fruit Flies Orgasm
- Ants More Rational than Humans
- Apologies to the Rhino Hunter
- Apology to Otway Pork
- Appalling Cruelties at Nation’s Top Egg Producers
- Appeal from Sea Shepherd concerning predatory whaling: Nations, don't forget your responsibility
- Appellate Court Delivers Blow to L.A. Zoo
- Application Withdrawn for Rabbit Breeding Farm
- Appointment at the End of the World
- Appreciating Animals: Fascinating Facts - Article Series
- AQHA American Quarterhorse Association Official Celebrates Pending Slaughter of Quarter Horses
- Aquatic Cats Are Eating the Oceans
- Are American Rodeos More Acceptable Than Spanish Bullfighting?
- Are Animals Entitled to the Same Respect and Rights as Humans?
- Are Animals Smart Enough to Have Rights?
- Are Banks Responsible for Animals Caught in Foreclosures?
- Are Canadians Eating American Beef Raised on Chicken Manure?
- Are Chickens Smarter Than Toddlers?
- Are Disability Rights and Animal Rights Connected?
- Are Factory Farmers Really That Cruel?
- Are Frogs Being 'Eaten to Extinction'?
- Are Girl Scout Cookies Killing Orangutans?
- Are Hunters Psychopaths?
- Are Organic Poultry/Eggs Even Possible?
- Are Pigs as Smart as Dogs and Does It Really Matter?
- Are Pennies Worth It?
- Are the Lab Rat's Days Numbered?
- Are There ‘Better’ Ways to Kill Dolphins?
- Are US hunters becoming an endangered species?
- Are Vegans Responsible for More Deaths in the Fields? No Way
- Are We Becoming More Hardhearted?
- Are We Nearing the End of the Line for Edible Ocean Fish?
- Are We Really That Special?
- Are You a Legal Person or a Legal Thing
- Are You a Speciesist? (and How to Tell!)
- Are You an Extremist?
- Are You as Kind as a Macaque?
- "Are You Kidding Me?" Moments
- Are You the Terrorist Next Door? The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and the Green Scare
- Are You More Important than a Gorilla?
- Are Zoos Prisons? Habeas Corpus Filed for Chimp
- Area Around Denali Opened to Wolf Hunters
- Arizona Governor Signs Legislation to Ban Dog Racing in Arizona
- Armani commits to fur-free policy
- Army Medical Center Ends Cruel Ferret Labs
- Aren't Zoos Educational and Humane?
- Art As Activism: The Power of Interpretation
- Around the World with Human-Animal Studies
- Arizona Victory for the Greyhounds
- Arizona's Desert Nesting Bald Eagle Victim of Agency Corruption Again
- Arrested for Helping Dying Chained Dog
- Arrests Made in Costa Rica Following Worldwide Rallies for Jairo Mora Sandoval, Murdered Sea Turtle Activist
- Art for Animals' Sake Created a Compassionate 2014
- Arturo: The White Bear Who is The Black Eye of Argentina
- Art World? More Like SeaWorld: The Use of Live Animals as Objects of Art
- As Bats Begin Hibernation, Deaths Expected
- As Saratoga Readies to Kill More Horses, We Expose (With Facts) NYRA�s Sham of 'Equine Safety'
- As Sponsors Fall Away, the Iditarod Tightens Its Belt
- Asia's Greed for Ivory Puts African Elephant at Risk
- Asia's Richest Man Backs Vegan Start-Up Venture
- As Smart Emotional Apes We're Not Alone So Let's Get Over It
- Aspen Art Museum Removes Live Tortoises From Controversial Exhibit
- Assuming Chickens Suffer Less Than Pigs Is Idle Speciesism
- At Chile's Ground Zero, We See Animals Everywhere
- At Home on the Range: Making Room for America's Wild Horses Requires Balance
- Atlanta Falcons Star Tony Gonzalez Pens Letter in Support of Bullhook Ban
- At last the Dog and Cat Fur Trade has ended in The European Union
- At Least 3 Rhino Poachers Killed by Lions at South Africa Nature Preserve
- At least 4 racehorses killed yesterday
- Atrazine and Save the Frogs' May 2011 Meeting with the EPA
- At Sundance, a Triumph for Unlocking the Cage
- Attack of the Giant Asian Carp Threatens to Cost the US Economy Billions
- Attack On Factory Farm Whistleblowers Goes Global
- Attending a Criminal Court Proceeding
- Attitudes Towards Animals Over The Past Three Decades
- August 12 is World Elephant Day
- Aussie Plan to Kill Wild Cats Will Hurt More Animals
- Australia Swears in Third Vegan Activist to State Parliament
- Australia Tells Japan: Stop Whaling or Face Court
- Australia Zoo in Talks over Las Vegas Crocodile Oasis
- Australian Farmers Told to Dynamite Rabbits
- Australian Koalas Receive Death Sentence
- Australian Opposition Party Extends Whaling Ultimatum
- Australia Orders “Final Solution” on Kangaroos
- Australia's Tasmanian Devil Declared Endangered
- Australia's Wildlife Whisperer
- Australian Senator Suggests Government Fund Sea Shepherd to Save the Whales
- Austria Cracks Down on Animal Maltreatment
- Austrian Activists Arrested, Solidarity Protests Ensue
- Author of Eternal Treblinka Returns His Ph.D. to Columbia University to Protest Animal Cruelty
- Authorities Seize 7,000 Birds in Largest Cockfighting Raid in US History...Now They're Dead
- Avalon Hotel In Beverly Hills Removing Foie Gras From Menu
- Average and Total Numbers of Animals Who Died to Feed Americans in 2008
- Avoid Mass Confinement Factory Farming at all Costs
- AWI Continues Fight to Protect Endangered Elephants from Abuse by Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey Circus
- AWI Urges USDA to Strengthen Enforcement of Humane Slaughter Laws
- AZA Releases Initial Results of Zoo Elephant Welfare Study
- AZA Report Causes Uproar with PAWS
- Babe, Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich?
- Baby Ducks... Baby Chicks - Cognitive Dissonance
- Baby Elephants' Circus Misery
- Baby-Monkey Experiments Revealed in Chilling Videos
- Baby orca born to endangered whales in Puget Sound
- Baby Pigs and the Ontario Humane Society
- Baby Seals are Murdered
- Baby Whale Bacon
- Background to the "I Am Not An Animal" Symposium
- Backsliding on Bluefin Ban: Restaurants and Diners Step Up While Governments Argue
- Back to Basics: Canada Goose and Fur Trim 101
- Back to Normal
- Backyard butcher turns himself in
- Backyard Butchers
- Backyard Chicken Farming Leads to Abandoned Hens
- Backyard Chicken Flocks...Is It Really a Good Idea?
- Backyard Chickens Require More Care Than Some Realize
- Backyard Chickens: Expanding Our Understanding of �Harm�
- Backyard Slaughter Reality Check
- Bad advice: 'Homework is for kids who don't hunt'
- Bad News at The Cove - 2009 Taiji Dolphin Hunt Begins
- Bad news for red meat is bad news for chickens
- Bad Will Hunting
- Badger Cull 2013
- Bailey's Story
- Balearic Islands ban bullfighting, in a very clever way
- Balkasar Bear Sanctuary Opens in Pakistan
- Baltimore's National Aquarium Questions Captivity of Dolphins
- Ban on Monkey Farming Draws Praise
- Banfield Hospitals Ban Unnecessary Cosmetic Surgeries on Dogs
- Banning Wildlife Killing Contests
- Barbarism on the Rise: Hunting Mama Wolves and Bears and Their Cubs in Alaska
- Barbaro died 10 years ago today. What�s changed?
- Barcelona Greyhound Track Reopens as a Centre for Contemporary Arts
- "Barn" Fires Kill 23,000 Animals in Four Days
- Barred Owl Suit Filed
- Based on an FBI report, if you eat animals, you are prone to violence
- Bat Numbers Plummet in White-nose Caves
- Bat White Nose Syndrome Spreading Fast Across The US
- Bats Recognize The Individual Voices Of Other Bats
- Battery Cage Ban to Remain in Force
- Battery Bunnies
- Battering, Bullying, and Beyond: The Role of Gender, Power, and Control in the Link between Animal Abuse and Human Violence
- Battling Battery Cages
- Bayer Pesticide Chemicals Linked to Devastating Collapse of Honeybee Populations
- Baywatch Star Files Access to Info Requests; Tries to Uncover Seal
- Hunt's Financial Data
- BBC Team Discovers 40 New Species in Papua New Guinea
- B.C. sled-dog executioner charged
- B.C. Wolf Cull Led to Hybrid 'Monster Wolves,' Study Shows
- Be a Guardian to, Not Owner of, Your Pet
- Beagle Freedom Law Enacted in Illinois
- Beagle Freedom Project 2016
- Beagles �Lobby� Against Taxpayer-Funded Animal Experiments
- Beak to Beak
- Bear 399: Delisting the grizzly you know
- Bear bile farming industry put on notice by World Conservation Congress
- Bear Cubs Pay the Price for Short Sighted Spring Bear Hunts
- Bear enjoys sprinkler�memorable and heartwarming
- Bear Pits: They’re the Pits!
- Bear Tapping: A Bile Business
- Bearing Witness
- Bears and Bobcats in California Protected from "Hound Hunting"
- Bears are brutally beaten to perform stupid tricks
- Bears in Captivity: The Overlooked Animals
- Beating a Rabbit to Death in Denmark to Make a Point about Not Killing Animals?
- Beautiful Hens Fly Home to United Poultry Concerns
- Beavers Save Wildlife Refuge from Oil Spillxx
- Because of You...Jungle Friends 2013
- Because There Are Better Things to Waste Your Money On
- Beef Companies Ban Amazon Cattle
- Been Down This Road Before…
- Bees and Honey
- Bees Can Remember Human Faces
- Bees Vanish, and Scientists Race for Reasons
- Be Fair Be Vegan Tasmania
- Before You Buy Me
- Behind ag-gag laws: Following the money trail
- Behind the Egg Hatchery Cruelty Video
- Behind the Sequins and Smiles: Animals in Circuses
- Being property�what it means
- Be Kind to Our Small Friends
- Belgrade: Monstrous Case Of Animal Cruelty
- Beliefs About Chickens And Fish & Their Relation To Animal-Positive Behaviors
- Believe It or Not...Sandra Orangutan Personhood?
- Beluga Whale Listed as Endangered.
- Beluga whale, Qila, dies at Vancouver Aquarium
- Beluga Whales Arrive Safely at Sea Sanctuary
- Belugas in Captivity: the Legal and Moral Issues
- Ben the Bear: From Roadside Hellhole to Sanctuary
- Bensalem PA police identified pigeon torturer and charged him with animal cruelty
- Berkeley Becomes Second US City to Ban Fur!
- Berkeley Unites to Keep Animal Rights Center Open
- Berlin Creates Rest Stop for Weary Beavers
- Best Friends leads effort in L.A. to ban sale of dogs, cats, rabbits
- Best Friends Volunteers Protest Pet Stores That Buy Puppies From Puppy Mills
- Bestiality: Animal Liberation or Human License?
- Bestiality: Besmirching Intrinsic Human Dignity
- Bestiality: Hidden Facts About the Sexual Abuse of Nonhumans
- Betrayal: Pigeon Racing
- Be Thankful for Hunting Accidents
- Better Late Than Never for Minnesota Dolphins
- Betrayal: The HSUS and Horses
- Betraying Our Equine Ally
- Beware of the Life Science Industry...And its GM Foods from Genetically Engineered Crops
- Beyond Carnism - FAQ's
- Beyond Herdism
- Beyond Meat: Protein That's Animal and Earth Friendly
- Bid to Reopen Elephant Ivory Trade Rejected
- Biden's Puppy Breeder: "Never, Never, Never Again"
- Big Apple Needs Bees, Supporters Say
- Big-Brained Cetaceans: How Does Social Living Contribute to Brain Expansion?
- Big Cat Rescue Frees Male Serval from Birdcage in Basement
- Big Cat Rescue's 2016 Victories
- Big Loop Rodeo: Horse Tripping Ban Enforced
- Big names in China support Fur-Free Fashion in China
- Big News! More than 100 Chimpanzees Going to Sanctuary
- Big Numbers - Finitude
- Big Step Forward for Rights of Dolphins and Whales
- Big Victories for Elephants and Big Cats in New York State
- Big Win for Polar Bears
- Bill Aims to Ban Carriage Horses
- Bill and Lou, One Year Later
- Bill and Lou: Two Oxen Who Compel Us to Question What We Eat and Why
- Bill and Lou: Who lives, who dies, and why
- Bill and Lou and Shifting the Paradigm: Now Is the Time to Go Vegan
- Bill Dyer - Animal Rights Activist EXTRAORDINAIRE
- Bill Gates new website promotes plant-based options
- Bill S-203, Ending the Captivity of Whales and Dolphins Act, passes in Canada!
- Bill Would Put Pet Abusers Online
- Billy the Elephant is Staying at the LA Zoo
- Bioengineering Tissues as an Alternative to Animal Testing
- Biological Pessimism: Can We Survive in Spite of Ourselves?
- Biological Xenophobia
- Biologists Say Proposal to Remove Protections Fails to Follow Best Science
- Biotechnology Companies Use of Non-Animal Methods for Drug Development
- Bird Flu – "Not If But When"
- Bird Flu Outbreak in Hong Kong
- Bird Flu Strikes Mexico–2.5 mil Chickens Killed
- Bird-Friendly Building Manager - Bird Migration Advisory (2012)
- Bird-Friendly Solar Glass
- Birds and the U.S. Postal Service: What Do We Learn From the Current Tragedy?
- Birds and Us: Should Cormorants Be Killed to Save Salmon?
- Birds Can Identify Languages
- Birds Can "Read" Human Gaze
- Birds Rain Down from the Sky during U.S. Senator Inhofe�s Fundraiser
- Birds Shielded From International Cage Trade
- Birds Suffer Horribly for Pillows and Coats
- Biological Pessimism: Can We Survive in Spite of Ourselves?**
- Bison Bull Mourns Another Canned-Hunt Victim
- Bison Gain Ground in Court Ruling
- Bison Hazing Goes On...and On and On
- Bison Management Agencies Ineffective
- Bites vs. Breeds and a New Reason to Smile
- Bittersweet Victory: Condolences and Cheers for University of Memphis' Last Live Tiger Mascot Trucked to Games
- Bizarre Sex Experiments on Small Animals
- Black Abalone Earns 90,000 Protected Acres
- Black Bear Hunted Into Extinction
- Black Bears in Zoo
- Black Dog Syndrome
- Black Eagle Farm: Story of an Organic Egg Scam
- Blackfeet Reservation Facing Cultural Dilemma over Animal Control
- Blackfish (The Importance of October 24th)
- "Blackfish" - An Indictment of SeaWorld?
- Blackfish Backlash: The Beach Boys, Pat Benatar join large list of Seaworld's cancelled artists
- Blackfish Documentary Exposes Negligence, Corruption in SeaWorld's Quest for Profit
- Blackfish, CNN and SeaWorld�s Silence
- Black Rhino Auctioned for $350K in the Name of Conservation
- Blame It On Beef
- Blame the AZA, not Bob Barker
- Blessing Then Barbecue Nonsense
- Bless the Beasts
- Bless the beasts and children: violence, animals, and honesty
- BLM Captures 74 Mustangs on First Day of Roundup
- BLM Capture of Iconic Wild Horse Herd Sparks Controversy
- BMW Dealership Pulls Name from Minnesota Horse and Hunt Club Website
- BLM Delays Wyoming Wild Horse Roundup as Preliminary Injunction Motion Filed
- BLM Gives the US Public and Federal Judge the Finger
- BLM to Round Up More Wild Horses
- Blood on their hands
- Blood Sport Auction
- Blood, Gore, and Violence: Teaching Children to Kill Chickens in High School
- Bloody Arenas: Bullfighting
- Bloody Pictures from Hunters
- Blue Tits Embrace 'Aromatherapy'
- Blue Whales Reclaim Old Feeding Grounds
- Board game aims to teach children to be kind to animals
- Bob Baffert, Justify and the Chemical Triple Crown
- Bob Barker Donates $1M for Animal Rights Professor
- Bob Barker Donates $1 Million to End Pennsylvania Pigeon Shoots
- Bob Barker Donates to Mindy’s Memory; primate sanctuary to give new homes to five California monkeys
- Bobcat Fur Coats Raise Trapping Concern in West
- Boiling Mad: Crabs Feel Pain
- Boldly Going Where Monkeys Have Gone Before
- Bolivia Bans All Circus Animals, July 2009
- Bolivia Bans Animal Circuses
- Bolivia Bans Military Abuse of Animals - Historic Victory!
- Bolivian Lions On Their Way to a Sanctuary
- Bok-Nal in Seoul
- Bonding With Giants
- Bonobo Language
- Boohoo Removing Angora Products
- Born Free 2016 Successes
- BornFree's 2017 Trapping Report
- Born Free USA Applauds the Passage of California Assembly Bill 273 - Prohibiting commercial and recreational trapping for fur in the State of California
- Born Free - Sold Out
- Born Free Sheds Light on Public Safety Issue - Exotic Animals
- Born to be killed: lion hunting in South Africa
- Boston Globe Reports Huge Cockfighting Raid in Massachusetts
- Boston Zoo May Close, Euthanize Animals
- Botswana LEGALIZES elephant hunting
- Botswana to outlaw 2014
- Bowmanville Ontario Zoo to Close its Doors
- BP Turtle Tragedy - Update 9/1/10
- Bragging Rights - AniCare Workshops
- Branding Event - Argentina
- Breaking News… 29 More Virginia Range Mustangs Rescued from Slaughter
- Breaking 6 News Lawrence: Fraternity Turkey Torture
- Breaking investigation: 1,183 dogs in danger
- Breaking PETA Expos� Reveals Cruelty in Your Cashmere Sweater
- Breeding Slavery: Why Veganism Should Be Considered a Feminist Issue
- “Brian The Lion” (Sea Lion C022) Killed By Oregon Dept Of Fish and Wildlife
- Bridge for Animals
- Brilliant Chickens and Einstein Squid
- Bringing Down the Curtain on the Big Top
- Britain’s biggest wild animal circus sells its animals
- Britches and the Great Imagining
- British Columbia SPCA to Exhume Mass Graves of Slain Sled Dogs
- British Hospitals Will Take Meat Off Menus in Bid to Cut Carbon
- British Race Horses Being Slaughtered for Meat Exports in Record Numbers
- British Royals Warn of ‘Irreversible Tragedy’ They Helped Create
- Britons Call for Hunting Ban; Americans and Canadians Reject It
- "Broiler Breeder" Chickens: Their Misery Revealed
- Broilers
- Broken Gorilla
- Broken Wings: The Breakdown of Animal Protection in Canada
- Brookstone STOPS Selling Frog-O-Spheres
- Brothers of Man
- "Brown Dog Affair" - Animal Advocacy in the Edwardian Era
- Bruno: A New Perspective on Happy Cows
- Brutal Death and Suffering; Business as Usual in The Faroe Islands
- BUAV Investigation Exposes Shocking Lab Animal Cruelty and Major Failings by the UK Government
- Buddhists and Animal Rights Activists Against Hindu Sacrifice
- Buddy the Chimpanzee Killed In Nevada Because He Wasn't Really a Pet
- Buenos Aires Zoo is Closing
- Buffalo Ceremony Held in Yellowstone, Despite Government Shutdown
- Buffalo Field Campaign's 15th Season Begins
- Building Compassion From the Ground Up
- Bulgarians Rally Against Animal Cruelty
- Bull Dog Mascot Dies at Age 4 from Heart Ailment
- Bull Kills Man During Spain's Annual Pamplona Run
- Bull Riding Returns to Madison Square Garden
- Bull-Run Hits Liquor-Fueled Town
- Bullfighting And Social Change: A Case Study From Spain
- Bullfighting Bends Rules for Fresh New Face
- Bullfighting in Spain: History, Economics, Animal Rights
- Bullfrogs: Political Victory in Santa Cruz
- Bullhook Ban Passed in Fulton County, GA
- Bullhooks: Used On Elephants
- Bullying - An Analogy
- Bunny Fever: Don't Catch It!
- Bunny Killing Workshop Cancelled
- Burning Ivory to Spread the Message - Hard Hitting New Videos Released
- Burnout Among Animal Activists by Stephen Kaufman, hales In Sonar Exercises
- Busting Up the Illegal Backyard Slaughter Farm Mafia
- Busy Ambulances on U.S. Tracks Last Week, July 2019
- Busy Ambulances Last Week on Quarterhorse Tracks, July 2020
- But for the Sake of Some Little Mouthful Of Flesh…
- But What About That Hot Dog?
- Butterball Abuse
- Butterball's Turkey Abuse Exposed...Again in 2012
- By understanding the animal rights/welfare movement's 'half-a-loaf' problem (Part III)
- By understanding the animal rights/welfare movement's 'half-a-loaf' problem (Part IV)
- CA Governor Signs Law to Protect Mountain Lions
- CA Police Develop New Policies After Cougar Killing
- CAFOs: An Unregulated Assault on the Air & Water
- Calgary Stampede kills third chuckwagon horse
- Calgary Stampede Rodeo Horse Deaths Draw Protests
- Calgary Stampede Steer Put Down
- Calgary Stampede v. Vancouver Humane Society
- Calgary Zoo Director Cites 'Challenging' Few Months in Her Resignation
- Calgary Zoo In Canada To Close Elephant Exhibit... in 4-5 years
- Calgary Zoo to Close Ray Exhibit After 41 Deaths
- Calico Complex Roundup, Dec. 28 thru Feb 2010
- California 2012 Legislative Victories for Animals
- California Ag-Gag Bill is Dead
- California Ballot Initiative to 'Prevent Cruelty'
- California Bans All Bobcat Trapping
- California bans the bullhook!
- California Bear Hunting Expansion is Rejected
- California Becomes the First State to Ban Rodenticides
- California Chrome mercilessly whipped while injured
- California Cities Act to Ban Cat Declawing
- California Coastal Commission Protects Orcas by Imposing ALDF�s Suggested Conditions on SeaWorld's Expansion Plans
- California Court of Appeals Says Pets are More Than Inanimate Property
- California Drift Gillnet Fishery Declared One of Deadliest for Endangered Whales
- California Egg Farmers Face Felony Cruelty Charges for Leaving 50,000 Hens to Starve to Death
- California Governor Newsom Signs Circus Cruelty Prevention Act
- California Governor Newsom Signs Ban on Certain Exotic Animal Skins
- California Gray Whale-watchers Fear Dip in Species Population
- California High School to End Animal Dissection, Will Utilize New Digital Simulation
- California Legislature Passes a Bill to Bar Forced Cat and Dog Debarking and Declawing
- California Makes History by Banning Lead Hunting Ammo
- California Red-Legged Frog (Rana draytonii) Declared California's Official State Amphibia
- California Solar Power Tower Withdrawn
- California State University, Chico joins the Meatless Monday movement
- California Tiger Salamander Protected
- Californians Against Cruelty, Cages, and Fraud: Stop the Rotten Egg Initiative
- California's mountain lions receive further protection!
- California's New Law will Make it Illegal to Sell, Donate or Manufacture New Fur Products
- California's Mendocino County Suspends Contract With Wildlife-killing Program
- California's Victory for Sharks
- Call for Animal-Rights Letters, Documentation
- Calories, bias, and ethics
- Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger Ban Angora Products
- Camel Fighting
- Cameras Monitoring More Slaughterhouses in Britain
- Campaign Launched to Make West Hollywood a Fur-free City
- Campaigners in Nepal ‘Deeply Disturbed’ by Gadhimai Sacrificial Killings
- Can a Non-Human Be a ‘Person’?
- Can a Pig's Ear Become a Silk Purse?
- Can a Leopard Change Her Spots?
- Can An Ethical Person Have a Chicken or a Turkey for Dinner?
- Can Animal Foods Be Produced Sustainably? art One
- Can Animal Foods Be Produced Sustainably? Part Two � Organic Follies
- Can Animal Rights and Vegetarianism (Veganism) Succeed Without Church Support?
- Can Animal Foods Be Produced Sustainably? Part 1: Loco for Local
- Can Animals Be Slaves?
- Can Art Go Too Far?
- Can Fish Suffer?
- Can Humans Truly Connect With Nature by Eating a Big Mac?
- Can I Trust This Study?
- Can meat replacement help put an end to factory farming?
- Can skepticism save animal rights? I�m optimistic.
- Can Sport Hunting Ever be Ethical?
- Can They Suffer? Pain in Insects, Spiders and Crustaceans
- Can 'Unlocking the Cage' Be the Next 'Blackfish'?
- Can We Stop “Alienating” Octopuses?
- Can You Spare Five Minutes A Day?
- Canada, Aphrodisiacs, and Seals: Is There No Shame?
- Canada Ends Cruel Live Animal Labs for Trauma Training
- Canada Geese: Honk If You Want to Stop the Hunting
- Canada Geese - we love you, but please fly away
- Canada Geese in Lacey Township NJ spared death from USDA gassing
- Canada Goose Customers Are Unzipping and Donating The Fur Trim
- Canada Goose hurts animals with fur and plumage
- Canada Goose to Phase Out New Fur Purchasing
- Canada Loses Appeal of the WTO Ruling, Allowing the EU Seal Product Import Ban to Stand
- Canada Lynx: Snow Hunter at Risk
- Canada Takes Aim at its Own Foot Again...
- Canada to Launch Protest Against Seal Product Ban
- Canada's 2019 Seal 'Hunt'
- Canada’s Animal Law and Policy Must Change
- Canada's crimes against seals
- Canada's Fur Industry: A Lesson in Critical Thinking
- Canada's Seal Hunt to Close Early After Low Harvest
- Canada's TAC increased for Hunting Harp Seals
- Canadian advocate documents the stories of online pet sales
- Canadian Green Party 2005-2006 Animal Protection Plank
- Canadian Medical Schools End Live Animal Labs
- Canadian Senate Proves Conservatives Are a Tad Dumb
- Canberra Kangaroo Cull: May 2008
- Canine "CSI" Crucial in Charging Chihuahua Hoarder
- Canine Heart Failure Research at Wayne State University: Concerns about Scientific Merit and Cruelty to Animals
- Canisius College Anthrozoology Program: Another Step forward for Human Animal Studies and Anthrozoology
- Capitol Hill Considers Tax Breaks For Pet Owners
- CAPS Exposes Zoo Breeding Tigers for Circus Owner
- Captain Paul Watson Receives Jules Verne Award
- Captain Paul Watson Sends First Message To Supporters Since Departing Germany
- Captive Animals: More Questions
- Captive Killer Whales Die Much Younger than Wild Orcas
- Captive Orca Appears to Smash Her Head Into Gate Over and Over
- Captivity Denies Most Basic Needs
- Capture of 200 Horses Postponed after Massive Public Outcry
- Caracas circus ban went into effect on July 26
- Carbon Neutrality and Factory Farms
- Carbon38 Bans Fur
- Cargill to Adopt Video Auditing at Turkey Slaughterhouses
- Caring for Animals: A Feminist Approach
- Carl...One Calf Rescued
- Coverage of Santa Anita carnage rolls on
- CARNISM: Why Do We Think It's So Normal To Eat Animals?
- Carnistic Defenses
- Cartoons by Denise E. Stephens
- Casualties of Gambling, March 27 - April 2, 2017
- Cat Fight Over China's Feline Meat Trade
- Cat Meat Served as Mutton
- Cat stomped to death in film draws outrage
- Catalan Parliament Passes Landmark Vote to Ban Bullfighting
- Catalina Island Bison Birth Control Is Working
- Catalonia Final Vote Bans Bullfighting
- Catastrophe in the Gulf
- Catch-and-Release: It's Not a Humane Alternative
- Catfish Are Skinned Alive
- Cathay Pacific Airlines Participates in the Dolphin Slave Trade
- Cats Do Control Humans, Study Finds
- Cats Rescued from Restaurants by Chinese Activists
- Catskill Animal Sanctuary's Camp Kindness
- Cattle Grazing and the West's Wasteland
- Cattle Grazing on Federal Public Lands Contributes to Global Warming
- Cattle, horses aren't here to entertain us
- Cattle Industry Magazine Publishes Editorial Against Pigeon Shoot Cruelty
- Caught in the Crosshairs
- Caught in the Web
- Cave Paintings and Our Relationship with Other Animals
- Cecil and Obie: owning animals, dead or alive
- Cecil the Lion: His Life, Death, and Effects on Conservation
- Celebrate Easter With Compassion
- Celebrating Coretta, Who Celebrated Nonviolence - and Stopped Eating Animals
- Celebrating Easter Without Eggs
- Celebrating Jody on Mother's Day
- Celebrity Chef Butchers Live Rabbit in Front of Young Audience
- Center for Biological Diversity Connects Diet and Animal Extinction
- Center for Biological Diversity - 2016: A Year of Lifesaving Victories
- Center for Biological Diversity 48, Bush 0
- Centuries of Persecution, Horrific Cruelty, Sterile Ecosystems
- Certainly my heart is defective: It breaks too easily...
- CFIA Fails Again at Enforcing Regulations for Live Horse Exports to Japan
- Chai's Abuse Funded With Taxpayer Money
- Chain Free Means Pain Free
- Chained wolf dogs rescued from tourist attraction in Alaska
- Challenging Death on the Beaches of Namibia
- Change in the Direction of Vegan Advocacy
- Change Behaviors by Changing Minds
- Changing Tides
- Charge against COK Investigator Dropped, Criminal Cruelty Cases against 3 Employees at Quanah Continues
- Charles Ramsey, Hero to Kidnap Victims, Rewarded with LifetimeSupply of Kidnap Victims
- Charlotte Laws: Rebel with a Cause
- Cheap Gas, Poisoned Wolves, Shot Bears, Deformed Fish, and Us
- Cheering the Return of Eagles
- Cheetahs to Return to India's Grasslands under Multimillion-pound Plan
- Chef Tal's Veganism
- Check Mate's Death at 2011 Cheyenne Rodeo
- Chemnutra Owners Sentenced for Melamine-Tainted Pet Food
- Cherokee’s Unbearable Bear Pits
- Chessie surfaces again after a ten-year absence
- Chicago bans horse-drawn carriages
- Chicago City Council prohibits restaurants from selling foie gras
- Chicago Lifts Two-Year Ban on Foie Gras
- Chicco Joins the Fur Free Program
- Chick-fil-A: Bad on Every Front
- Chicken Behavior: An Overview of Recent Science
- Chicken: How Safe? The Price of Cheap Chicken
- Chicken: How Safe? Chicken: At What Cost?
- "Chicken" Book Review
- Chicken or Broiler, Cow or Steer, Owner or Guardian? - Liberating the Language of Animal Abuse
- Chicken Talk: Peeps and clucks in a network of communication
- Chicken Tenders
- Chicken-Human Relationships: From Procrustean Genocide to Empathic Anthropomorphism
- Chicken Rescuer Says Hens from New Colony Cages as Damaged as Those from Battery Cages
- Chickens and Toxic Waste, and I Was Wrong about Backyard Chickens..
- Chickens are Courageous Birds. They are NOT Cowards, or a Trope for Human Cowardice
- Chickens are more evolved than previously believed
- Chickens Deserve Compassionate Care
- Chickens Flying High � Literally!
- Chickens or Pigs: Would You Pick One to Suffer More?
- Chickens Recruited to Serve Their Country...To Make Vaccines
- Chickens Slaughtered by New York Students
- Chickens Will Not be Slaughtered at Canandaigua Academy
- Chickens, Eggs, and the Free-Range Scam
- Chicks Ground Up Alive
- Chilling Cruelty in the Down Industry: Birds Abused for Their Feathers
- Chimp owner denied permit by Clark County
- Chimp Research: The End in Sight?
- Chimp Researcher of 30 Years Says, "Animal Activists Were Right."
- Chimpanzee Personhood: What the Media Said
- Chimpanzees and Their Role in the U.S. Space Program
- Chimpanzees Deserve Our Compassion
- Chimpanzees Don't Make Good Pets
- Chimpanzees Suffer Psychologically Like Humans
- Chimps bid farewell: Last of Coulston primates leave for Florida
- Chimps Cooking � and Starving
- Chimps On (and Off) Stage
- China bear bile farmer eaten by own animals
- China Eastern Airlines Will NOT Transport Primates to Labs
- China FDA is now allowing some cosmetic products to be sold without prior animal testing
- China Says NO to Rodeo!
- China Seen as Biggest Driver of Ivory Market
- China Southern Airlines Stops Shipping Monkeys to Labs
- China Urges Ban on Animal Performances in Zoos
- China's Caged Bears in Long Battle for Freedom
- China's Cruel Canidrome Greyhound Race Track To Close Its Doors!
- China's Dog Meat Cruelty
- China's Encounter with Factory Farming
- China’s Gold Medal for Cruelty
- China's Last Tiger May Have Been Eaten
- China’s Shark Fin Feast Over At Official 3 years
- China’s State FDA has proposed a draft for non-animal testing alternatives on their cosmetics
- Chinese Activists Stop Truck Carrying 900 Dogs to Slaughter
- Chinese Laundry Removes ALL Fur
- Chinese Zoo Accused of Letting 11 Rare Siberian Tigers Starve to Death
- Chinh’s Rescue Diary
- Chino Beef Recall Lawsuit
- Chipping Away at Injustices
- Chipotle Experiences an Outbreak of Literary Food Poisoning
- Choice Versus Rights
- Choosing The Animal You Will Watch Be Killed
- Chopping Off Cow Tails
- Chris Rock's Dog-Fighting Comments Cost Him Richard Pryor Role
- Christmas Has Become A Festival Of Cruelty � The Peak Of Animal Abuse
- Christmas Trees Showing Up with Live "Ornaments" – Pacific Chorus Frogs
- Chuckwagon Horse Report
- Cinema for Social Change?
- Cincinnati Freedom Has Died
- Circles of Compassion
- Circus Bosses Charged with Cruelty to Anne
- Circus Dropped Over Treatment of Animals
- Circus Elephants in the Legal Spotlight
- Circus elephants used for children's rides go out of control
- Circus Life: Is it Fun for the Animals? Contest for Humane Educators
- Circus Lions Fly to Sanctuary. Orcas Soon?
- Circus No Fun For Its Elephants
- Circus Owner Who Abused Nosey the Elephant has USDA License Revoked
- Circus Reality Show Coming to Cable TV
- Circus Shut Down in California City of Corona
- Circus Tiger Kills Eight-year Old Girl
- Circus Tigers and Lioness Found Dead
- Circus tigers are finally living in a natural habitat
- Circuses, Zoos and Resorts Profit Shamelessly at Animals’ Expense
- Circuses in UK Facing Ban on Wild Animals
- CITES: A "Rookie" Perspective
- CITES – Victory of Good Over Evil
- Citigroup Donates $50,000 to Support Chimps Abandoned by New York Blood Center
- Citizens for Alternatives to Animal Research and Experimentation (CAARE)
- Citizens United v. Animal Sentience
- City Seizes 111 Birds from Aurora Colorado Home
- Civet Cats Are Suffering for the Most Expensive Coffee in the World
- Civilized Decadence?
- Clarification on IDA's Wild Horse Roundup Lawsuit
- Clarifying the Supreme Court's United States v. Stevens Opinion
- Class B Animal Dealer Indicted
- Clearing up Misconceptions or Revealing More Concerns? Eric Sandgren�s Defense of Primate Research Raises More Red Flags
- Clever Whale Uses Fish to Catch Seagulls
- Clone Wars: Public Opinion vs. Animal Cloning for Pets, Food, and Preservation
- Cloned Farmed Animals Spark Trade Concerns
- Cloning Farm Animal Suffering
- Cloris Leachman to Retirement Communities: Be Kind to Seniors and Animals
- Cloud's Herd is in Danger of BLM Roundup
- Coalition to Ban Ohio Dog Auctions
- Coalition Sues U.S. Government Over Failure to Respond to Animal Testing Petition
- Coca-Cola Sponsors Animal Cruelty and Deaths of Iditarod Sled Dogs
- Cockfighting Operation in New Jersey Shut Down
- Codifying a "Compassion for Living Things"
- COK in 2012: The Power of Compassion
- COK Sets the Record Straight: A Case of Animal Cruelty at Cal-Cruz Hatcheries
- COK Undercover Calf Video Prompts Cruelty Charges
- Cold Blooded Murder of a Young Giraffe
- Cold Temperatures Take a Tragic Toll on Manatees
- Cole Bros. Circus Elephant Transport Truck Crashes
- Cole Brothers Circus Pays $15,000 to Settle Abuse Lawsuit
- Collapsed After Race; Broken Cannon; Fractured Skull � Wyoming's Dead, 2017
- Collective Position Statement on Backyard Poultry
- Collie Who Bit Three Wins New "Leash" on Life
- Colorado Mink Farm Raided...Then Closes
- Colorado State University Cited In Lab Kitten's Hanging
- Colorful Florida Butterfly Receives Protections at Last
- Colombia passes wild animal circus ban!
- Combat Unnatural for Roosters
- Come on Al, Steak or the Earth?
- Coming Out Against Betty White
- Coming Soon: No More Honeybees
- Commemorating Tom Regan (1938-2017)
- Comment Is Free; Reason Too Expensive
- Commentary on the Zoo (Cartoon)
- Comments on Human Nature - Part I
- Commercialized Cruelty to Sled Dogs
- Commercial Fishing
- Common Objections to Animal Rights Activism
- Companion Animal Care - Article Series
- Companies Transporting Lab Animals
- Company Issues Second Recall for Tainted Beef
- Comparative Psychological Criminal Profile of Walter Palmer and Robert Hansen
- Comparing Animal Philosophies
- Comparing Animal Tests with Non-animal Alternatives
- Compassion and Forgiveness: Animal Liberation
- Compassion: Boon and Bane of Animal Rights (2005)
- Compassion: Boon and Bane of Animal Rights (2013)
- Compassion in Action: Avi Kuzi
- Compassion for Sale? Doublethink Meets Doublefeel as Happy Meat Comes of Age
- Compassion Is Patriotic: Go Veggie
- Compassionate Giving Does Not Involve Cruelty to Goats
- Compassionate Student Saves Hatching Project Chick
- "Compassionate" Vegetarians Who Eat Dairy
- Compensatory Rebound Effect
- COMPLAINT to Bill Peters, Canadian Association of Zoos and Aquariums
- Concealment and Surveillance
- Coney Island Freak Show Owner Vows to Fight for Ownership of Five-Legged Puppy
- Conference Orientation 2003
- Conference “The Emotional Lives of Animals: What are the Implications? A Comparison Between Researchers and Disciplines”
- Confessions of An Ex-Slaughterman
- Confronting Cruel Kids
- Confused about Cruelty: the Canada Goose Story
- Confusion reigns as Canadian slaughter plants stop slaughtering U.S. horses
- Congratulations -- on Our Gains from the AETA vote
- Congress Enacts Key Animal Protection Measures In Farm Bill
- Congress Holding Military Accountable for Killing Animals!
- Congress Must Stop USDA�s
Kitten and Other Animal Experiments, Says Whistleblower
- Congress to GAO: Audit Government Animal Labs
- Congressional Cave of the Week
- Congressional Committee Stops the Return of Horse Slaughter to the U.S....For Now
- Connecticut bears to residents: Won�t you be my neighbor?
- Connecticut State's Bear Hunt Bill Shot Down
- Connecticut Legislature Passes Dissection-Choice Law
- Connecticut State Legislators Form Animal Advocacy Group
- Connecticut Yankees Say, “Get the Hens Out of the Cages!”
- Connecting Human Rights and Animal Rights
- Connecting the Issues of Food Justice
- Connections in Advocacy Work
- Conservation, Restoration, Reparation
- Conscience Vote Critical on Live Export
- Conservation Organizations Win Right to Grazing Permittee Information
- Conservationists, Scientists Outraged by Japanese Dolphin Hunt
- Conserving Moose... or Not
- Consider the Turkey
- Consideration For Other Creatures
- Consuming Songbirds for Supper, Illegally
- Contamination and Cruelty in the Chicken Industry
- Controversy over use of life animals in London Olympics
- Conversations With No One
- Contaminated Race Horse Meat a Health Risk
- Continuing Down the Long Road to Ending Toxicity Testing on Animals
- Controversial Teaching Procedures to End at Michigan State University
- Conservation Deal Protects Corridor Between Two Key Southern
- California Wildlife Areas
- Conservation Group Frees Taiji Dolphins Bound for Slaughter
- Conservation Groups Thrown Out of International Elephant Debate
- Conservatives, liberals team up against animal research
- Constitutional Inclusion of Animal Rights in Germany and Switzerland: How Did Animal Protection Become an Issue of National Importance?
- Consumers and Animals Let Down by March 2011 Failure to Ban Food From Cloning in the European Union
- Continuing Progress for Animals in Labs
- Controversial primate dealer flees Miami
- Cooked Alive
- Cool Things About Honeybees
- Corbyn's Labour Party Unveils Plan to Make UK 'World Leader on Animal Welfare'
- Corey Knowlton? Yup, I Hate Him Too
- Coronavirus Shines Light on Zoos as Danger Zones for Deadly Disease Transmission Between Humans and Animals
- Corpse-munchers Are Ruining Everything: Smithfield’s Swine Flu Virus Update
- Corruption Can Never Penetrate the Place From Which Empathy Originates
- Cosmetic Testing and Non-Animal Alternative Methods
- Costa Rica Shuts Down Its Zoos
- Costco Dumps Foie Gras Cruelty
- Costco, General Mills, Prop 2, and HSUS: New Day � Same Bogus Claims
- Cougar Chews Off Foot to Escape Wolf Trap
- Could Ag-Gag Laws Backfire?
- Could the Hunting Ban in the UK be Repealed?
- Council of Sustainable Activism (CoSA)
- Council Passes Resolution Supporting Foie Gras-Free Restaurants
- Counting Capabilities in Nonhuman Animals
- Court Dismisses Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Lawsuit. Here’s How That Affects You.
- Court Finds Sierra Nevada Off-road Vehicle Plan Illegal, Closes 89 Miles
- Court Protects Kangaroo Rat in Southern California Wildlife Preserve
- Court Rules That Sea Turtles Need Stronger Protections After BP Oil Spill
- Court Upholds Ban on Importing Dead Polar Bears to U.S.
- Court Upholds Endangered Species Act Protection for Polar Bears
- Court Upholds Limits On Navy Sonar Training
- Couscous and Miss PoPsicle
- Covance to shutter $150M Chandler testing facility this year
- "Cove" Director Defiant of Military Ban, Harassment
- Cove Guardians Begin Live Stream of Dolphin Slaughter in Taiji
- 'Cove' Mind-set Harms Japan
- COVID-19 and the Pandemic of Hunting
- COVID-19 Exposing Flawed Moral Framework Behind Animal Testing
- COVID-19 Infected Mink Stolen from Morgan Farm?
- Cows Gone Wild
- Cows in California Can No Longer Be Routinely Tail-docked
- Cows in Modern Day India
- Cows on a Pasture of Solid Waste
- Cows Producing "Human Milk"
- Cows Rescued From Slaughter in India
- Cowspiracy
- Coyotes and Us
- Coyotes Not Decimating Deer Numbers
- Crack-smoking Monkeys
- Crackdown on Animal Protectionists...What's Happened to Democracy?
- Crackdown on Anti-Corporate Dissent: The Animal Rights Movement
- Crackdown on Dangerous Dogs to Make Microchips Compulsory For All
- Crafty Cod Use Tool to Get Food: Nothing Fishy About It
- Crated Cruelty: Canada's Pork Industry Animal Abuse Exposed
- Crawfish Have Anxiety (And That�s No Joking Matter)
- Crazed Cows Do Not Kill Farmers
- Creating a Hierarchy of Concern only Replicates Systems of Inequality and Systems of Privilege
- Creating a Humane Sustainable Society
- Creating A Movement
- Creature Consciousness
- Crime and Consequence
- Crime and Punishment in Kentucky
- Crime Doesn't Pay: Wildlife Hotline Targets Bear Bile
- Critical Animal Studies: Towards Trans-Species Social Justice
- Crossing (S)words with the Goliaths of Doom
- Crossing the Mammalian-Avian Line
- Cruel, Cold, Stupid ... and Hardly Sporting
- Cruel and Bizarre Live Fish and Turtle Key Chains
- Cruel Iditarod Training
- Cruel Lab Experiments Inflict Monkey Madness
- Cruel monkey circus at UNESCO facility shut down
- Cruel Pig 'Rassle' Shut Down!
- Cruelty and Censorship
- Cruelty and Cover-Up in California's Egg Industry
- Cruelty Exposed at Iowa Pig Factory Farm
- Cruelty for the HolidaysCruelty to Animals May Lead to Child Abuse
- Cruelty Laws Apply to Livestock, Lawsuit Says
- Cruelty-free dissection via virtual reality software
- Cruelty in the Cause of Fashion
- Cruelty Reaches Further Than Pets
- Cruelty to monkeys worse than killing of Marius
- Cruelty Uncaged: European Fur Farm Laws (2018)
- Cruelty Uncaged: Report on Fur Farming in North America
- Cruelty Won't Fly With Air China
- Cruelty Won't Fly With Philippine Airlines
- Crush and Fur
- Crush Bill Becomes Law, December 2010
- 'Crush Video' Suspects Arrested
- Crushing Cruelty, Seen and Unseen
- Crustacean Rights: The Case of the "Lucky" Crabs
- Crying Wolf Too Much
- Cry Of the Innocent - Documentary
- Cull: Killing animals because they have unacceptable characteristics to be used as test subjects
- Culturally Rationalized Forms of Chicken Sacrifice: The Kaporos Ritual and the Chicken Project
- Cure for Cancer Found...Again
- Custom Heavy as Frost and Deep Almost as Life What Do We Mean By Socialization?
- Cut and Died
- Cutting Mouse Tales with a Carving Knife
- Cut Out Meat and the Truth Tastes Sweet
- Cute Baby Elephants: Born to Be Wild
- Cyberbullying And Animal Abuse: A Comparison
- D-CON: the Poison that Keeps on Killing
- D016 – Makes Room in God’s House for All God’s Creatures
- Dairy company agrees to stop selling "overdrugged cows" to slaughterhouses
- Dairy Cows Have Individual Personalities
- Dairy Industry Claims Torching Udders of Dairy Cows Painless, Prevents Mastitis
- Dairy Industry Puts Pressure on Cornell University to Cancel Course
- Dairy's Dark Side
- Dallas Safari Club Lauds Obama Administration Decision on Antelope
- Damian Aspinall Kills His Gorillas
- Dane Co. Board Debates Controversial UW Animal Research
- Dane County WI Takes a Stand Against Trapping
- Daniel Engber on The Use of Animals in Research - 5 Part Series
- Dangerous and Cruel Bull Run Vows Never to Return to California
- Dangerous Intersections at Sochi � An Olympian Speaks Out
- Darien CT suspends town deer hunt indefinitely
- Darkness
- Darkness Visible
- 'Darth Vader of Dolphins' to Release 17 Bottlenose Dolphins
- Darwin Animal Doctors - 2013 Successes
- David and Goliath: A Story for Today
- David Soul joins other actors to raise awareness of dog meat trade
- Dawn of a New Ape Era?
- DawnWatch: Jack Hanna Misinforms Anderson Cooper on BP Gulf Clean-up
- D.C. Organization Educates Public on Hen Abuses
- Dead Cow Carcasses "Resurrected" to Produce Cloned Beef
- Dead Horses at Del Mar � Cool as Ever
- Dead Squirrel Contest for Cash and Guns?
- Deadly Driftnets Will Not Be Expanded Into Sea Turtle, Whale Habitat Off California Coast
- Deadly Pesticides Found Inside Marine Mammals
- Dear Ellen: Let Us Tell You Something About “Happy”
- Dear Iditarod Participants and Supporters
- Dear Michael Vick...
- Dear Monkeys: These Eleven Days of Action Are for You
- Death at a Party: 30,000 Witness Two Kills at Saratoga
- Death of Sea World Trainer: Do "Killer Whales" Belong in Theme Parks?
- Death of Braveheart, NV Wild Stallion, Embodies Inhumanity of BLM Wild Horse Program
- Death on Display at Grocery Stores
- Deaths at Harvard primate research facility prompts ALDF to demand investigation
- Deaths of Dogs - and Why It's Not Cute
- Debate: After Activists overtly Expose Animal Cruelty, Should They Be Targeted With "Ag-Gag" Laws
- Debating Eating Animals at the Museum of Modern Art
- Debating Vivisection Using the Scientific Argument
- Debeaking...Mutilation to Increase Profit
- Debeaking Poultry: Poultry Researcher Speaks Out
- Debeaking - An e-mail discussion with an Industry Researcher
- Debeaking - Comments on e-mail discussion
- Decades-Long Campaign Ends Animal Use at Military Medical School
- December Days
- Deceptive Model: Stem Cells of Humans and Mice Differ More Strongly Than Suspected
- Deceptive Wordplay Can�t Mask Hunting�s Cold-Blooded Cruelty
- Declaration of the No Kill Movement in the United States
- Declaring Freedom for Animals from Harm, Illogic and Wrongheadedness
- Decline in Big Predators Wreaking Havoc on Ecosystems
- Decline of Dog Racing Industry Continues
- Declining Wolf Population in Alaska's Denali National Park
- Decompression: A New Way to Torture Chickens and Turkeys
- Deconstructing the Boar’s Head Logo: Turning Animals into ‘Beasts’
- Deconstructing the Dairy Is Natural Myth... in 14 Steps
- Decoration or Torture?
- Deer and Jockey Hollow: A Chance to Get it Right
- Deer Hunt Called Off in Valley Forge National Park
- Deer Hunters Would Freak if They Saw a Wolf
- Deer in Long Island - Safe for Now
- Deer Population Control (Non-Lethal) - Article Series
- Deer Saved From Cruel Bow Hunt In New York
- Defend This, Racing Apologists- On one Day, At Least Five Horses Killed on U.S. Tracks
- Defending Animals from Cultural Bias and Journalistic Integrity
- Defending Death
- Defending New York City's Geese
- Defending the Defenceless: Speciesism, Animal Liberation, and Consistency in Applied Ethics
- Defending the Ocean's Animals
- Defending the Whale Sanctuary
- Defense of Great Apes Begins With Children
- Defenseless Rat Proves Knockout in Lab
- Defining Animals Only by How We Use Them
- Delay Announced for Wild Horse Roundup in Nevada
- Delaware Law Requires Shelters to Make Saving Animal Lives a Priority
- Delight as first bear is secretly rescued from Vietnam�s last bile farm hotspot
- Del Mar Racetrack at 12 Dead and Counting
- Delving Into the Murky Minds of Animals
- Demand an End to Cruel Fiestas
- Demolished dog tracks become sites for new schools, businesses, housing and more
- Denigration of smart, sensitive chickens decried
- Dennis Kucinich's speech at Animal Rights Conference
- Denver Conference Addresses Violence Link
- Denver Stops Bullying the Bully Breeds
- Denying The Freedom of Flight: The Story of Silk
- Descartes’ Reasons: Challenging Today’s Irrational View of Animals
- Desert Tortoises and the BLM
- Desolate Plain of Humanity - 21 Sep 2000
- Despite Arson, Horse Slaughterhouse Says It Will Open On Schedule
- Despite a Triple Crown, all that glitters is not gold in American horse racing (part 1)
- Despite a Triple Crown, all that glitters is not gold in American horse racing (part 2)
- Despite a Triple Crown, all that glitters is not gold in American horse racing (part 3)
- Destroying What Remains: How the US Navy Plans to War Game the Arctic
- Detroit Free Press Article about Winky and Wanda
- Devastating news about Jos� and Liso, two of our rescued lions
- Developmental Psychiatry Comes of Age
- DFG: Department of Fish and Game
- Dialogue, Not Dominance, Wins Over Dogs - And Saves Their Lives, Too
- Diane von Furstenberg Bans Fur, Angora and Exotic Skins
- Did a Monkey Pick Your Coconuts?
- Did dolphins at Switzerland's Connyland Zoo die from heroin substitute?
- Different But Equal
- Ding Dong, The Bills are Dead...Let's Film It All!
- Dingoes Armed with Suicide Time Bombs
- Dire Year for the Manatee
- Dirk Arthur�s Vegas exotic cat act has been canceled
- Dirty Dealings: The Truth Behind the Vote on the Topeka Zoo's Elephants
- Dirty, Deafening Dirt-bike Race Bites Dust
- Did an Abused Monkey Pick Your Coconut?
- Did Szenja the Polar Bear Die of a Broken Heart?
- Disappearing Bees and Bayer: A Deadly Combo. What the EPA Doesn't Want Us to Know
- Dis-ease of the Heart: The Psychology of Eating Animals
- Discarded Lives
- Disease and Transport: A Costly Ticket Around the World
- Disappearing Hens: Stopping Short of What Needs to Be Said � and Done
- 'Disaster for Endangered Species and the Natural World': Advocates Decry Trump Move to Gut Habitat Protection Law
- Disgraced Scientist Clones Coyotes
- Discovery Channel’s Crush Videos
- Disenfranchised Grief
- Disengaged Journalism & The Disparagement & Disappearance of Animals
- Dismantling the Canadian seal hunt
- Dispelling a Popular Hunting Myth
- Diversity in Action at the People of Color - Animal Rights, Advocacy and Food Justice Conference
- Do 11 Dead Deer Satisfy Mayor Jensen?
- Do Animal Welfare Campaigns and Reforms Hurt or Help Animal Rights and Abolition?
- Do Animals Need Laws Protecting Them From Shelters?
- Do Animals Typically Think Like Autistic Savants?
- Do Captive Insect Welfare Regulations Exist?
- Doctors Protest Use of Beagles for Drug Testing; Demand Investigation of Testing Facility by Colorado Attorney General
- Do Elephants Weep as an Emotional Response? They Likely Do
- Do Fish Feel?
- Do Fish Feel Pain? Norwegian Research Suggests They Can
- Do Individual Wolves Care If Their Species Is On the Brink?
- Do It Yourself Slaughter - A New Concern For Animals
- Do Nonhuman Animals Stand a Chance with the Left and Environmentalism?
- Do Roosters Naturally Fight?
- Do the Meat, Dairy, Fish and Egg Industries Have You Where They Want You?
- Do You Eat Sweet Green Potatoes? Damn Yam, Damn Yam, Sam I Am
- Do You Love People or Animals?
- Do You Know Who Your Neighbors Are? California Considers Registry for Animal Abusers
- Do You Want to Know?
- Do what the bulls can�t - run miles away from Pamplona in July
- Do We Need Zoos?
- Doctors Persuade OHSU to Modernize Medical Training
- Document Reveals Waste and Abuse in NASA's Monkey Radiation Experiments
- Documentary on Intensive Pig Farming Faces Legal Threat
- Does Being a Vegetarian Really Save Animals?
- Does Eating Meat Support Bestiality?
- Does Evolution Have a Gun to Our Head to Eat Animals?
- Does God Want Us To Eat Meat?
- Does It Matter that Jonathan Safran Foer Isn't Vegan?
- Does Man's Best Friend Really Give a Damn?
- Doesn't A Killer Whale Suffer in Captivity?
- Dog and Cat Cruelty
- Dog and Cat Meat Could Come off Chinese Menus?
- Dog & Cat Rescue and Animal Overpopulation
- Dog Branding Shines Light on Bigger Picture of Animal Cruelty
- Dog Breeder Regulation Bill Signed
- Dog Race Gambling Drops for Twenty Years in a Row
- Dog Racing is Ending in Texas!
- Dog Rescues Three Haitian Girls from Collapsed Building
- Dog, Horse... It's Good Food for Us
- Dog-population Management in China
- Dog Severely Burned - Justice for Zeus!
- Dog Show Breeders Brace for UK Investigation
- Dogs and Cats Abused for Fur: Larry King Live - Transcript
- Dogs Have Souls, But You Already Knew That
- Dogs and Cats in Massachusetts Have Their Voices Heard: Debarking Banned
- Dogs Bludgeoned and Killed for Leather
- Dog Killed at Cleveland Clinic in the Name of Medical Salesmanship
- Dog Racing Columnist Gives Straight Talk on Greyhound Injuries and Track Designs
- Dog Racing Declines for Nineteen Years in a Row
- Dog Racing Ends in New Hampshire!
- Dog Racing Supporter Smears GREY2K USA on Eve of West Virginia Election
- Dog Racing to End in Rhode Island
- Dog racing to remain illegal in South Africa
- Dog track closures bring new life to host communities
- Dogfighting Investigations Spike in Philadelphia
- Dogs Can Predict Cancer
- Dogs Don't Need Facelifts
- Dogs in the Line of Fire
- Doing Time With Activist Jan Smitowicz
- Dolphin Day 2011
- Dolphin Exploitation and Suffering at Seaworld Parks
- Dolphin Hunt Film "The Cove" Wins Documentary Oscar
- Dolphin Project Returns to Taiji - 2017
- Dolphin Speak: Did a Dolphin Really Say "Seaweed"?
- Dolphin ‘Therapy’ Is a Scam
- Dolphins Armed with Pistols
- Dolphins as Midwives – the Latest Scam
- Dolphins as �non-human persons�? Progress.
- Dolphins Trapped But None Killed During Annual Hunt in Taiji
- Dolphins, Monks, Migrants Aided By Oscar's Long Arm
- Dolphins: From Mythology to Public Policy
- Dolphins save men from shark
- Domestic Disgrace
- Domestic Violence And Animal Abuse
- Dominion: An Interview with Chris Delforce
- Donating Deer Meat to the Needy is Irresponsible and Potentially Dangerous
- Donegal Fur Farms Set to Close Under Agreement with Irish Government
- Donkey Basketball Endures Despite Some Protests
- Donkey Business - The Only Zebra in Gaza
- Donkeys abandoned by the hundreds in drought-stricken South
- Donkeys are under threat worldwide... for Ejiao?
- Don't Blame Deer for Causing Collisions with Cars
- Don't Buy the Lies
- Don't Cook the Uncooked Crustacean with Me
- Don't Fall in Love With Your Monkey
- Don't Gift a Goat!
- Don't Gobble Me
- Don't Let U.S. Horse Slaughterhouses Return
- Don't let snake rattles in Georgia go silent
- Don't Put A Collar On Exotic Animals
- Don't Tell Me They Don't Know
- Don�t Tell Me What To Do
- Don't Tell The Kids [About Killing Rabbits for Food]
- Don't think about (contagious) elephants: Whose job is it to combat and contain tuberculosis?
- Don't Wait For A Ban - Stop Buying Animal-Tested Cosmetics Today
- Doris the Hen’s Amazing Recovery and What Most Don’t Know about Eggs
- Dormouse Bridge Has Village Squeaking
- Doth Smithfield Protest Too Much? Swine Flue Brings Focus to Factory Farm Practices
- Double Standards in Animal World
- Doubts About Deer Economic Study
- Douglas and Linus Rescued from Dairy Industry
- Doves Stranded and Dying in Park after Wedding
- Down Production: Birds Abused for Their Feathers
- Down with animal testing: Study reveals more people oppose the controversial practice
- Downloading Cruelty: An Investigation into the Online Sales of Exotic Pets in the U.S.
- Dr. Barry Friedman's Letter to Animal-friendly Members of Congress
- Dr. Brian May (‘Queen’ Guitarist) Tells Why He Has to Speak for the Animals
- Dr. Mengeles in Our Midst
- Dr. Michael Fox's DVD Collection
- Dr. Ray Greek Responds to Foundation for Biomedical Research
- Dr. Sujatha Ramakrishna's Letter to NIH re Maternal Deprivation Experiments
- Drain the swamp
- Dramatic Policy Shift That Ends Some Cruel Training of Elephants in Zoos
- Dreams Often Change on Their Way to Reality
- Drone Films Dog Breeding Farm
- “Dropped Dead – Rupture of Stomach Wall”; “Severe Laminitis – Pedal Bone Pushed Through Sole”
- Dropping Turkeys from Airplanes May Cease in Yellville, Arkansas
- Drowning Rats and Human Depression: Positive Psychology for Whom?
- Drug Approved for Diabetic Dogs
- Drug Reform Is About Animal Rights, Too
- Drug Violations Raise More Questions About Tucson Greyhound Park
- Drumming Instead... of Fireworks
- Duavive - The Yellow Trail of Horse Pee Drugs Crosses the Pond to Europe
- Duck Shooting Season A Licence To Kill Endangered Native Species
- Ducks Hardly the Only Cruelty Victims
- Ducks Saved From The Meat Grinder
- Ducks Unlimited CANCELS Phigeon Shoot
- Dutch Animal Rights Party Members Right an Authoritarian Wrong
- Dutch Court Sides with Morgan the Orca...For Now
- Dutch fur industry will end!
- Dutch Ministers Call for Q-fever Animal Slaughter
- Dutch Parliament Votes Against European Union Subsidizing Bullfighting
- Dutch Parliament Votes to Close Mink Fur Farms Following COVID-19 Outbreaks
- Dying Puppies and Chained, Sick Dogs Found at Iditarod Champ's Kennel
- Dying for Fur: A Report on the Fur Industry in China
- Dying to Learn
- Dying Traditions: The Truth about Thanksgiving Turkey
- Each Slice of Pizza
- Eagles Getting Sick on Food They Eat
- Earthlings for Children: Roger Olmos discusses his book Senzaparole [Wordless]
- East Carolina University (ECU) has ended its use of live ferrets
- Easter Bunnies Living On College Campus
- Easter no-no: Dyeing animals leads to dying animals
- Eastern Puma Declared Extinct, Removed From Endangered Species List
- Eatery Accused of Serving Whale Meat Closes
- Eating Animals: Addressing Our Most Common Justifications
- Eating Animals at the Zoo
- Eating Animals is Making Us Sick
- Eating As If The Climate Mattered
- Eating For the Planet
- Eating horses a solution to neglect and cruelty? We can answer that.
- Eating meat on July fourth violates spirit of the day
- Eating the Ethical Way
- EBay Is Outselling the Dark Web in Illegal Wildlife Trade
- eBay to Ban Sales of Ivory Products January 2009
- Ebola Crisis - Chimp Sanctuary Needs Your Help
- Ebola Curbs Dancing Monkey Business in Nigeria
- Ebola, Chimpanzees and Fear of the �Other�
- Ecocide Is Suicide: Compassion and Personal Rewilding
- Ecological Importance of Wild Carnivores
- Economics, Politics, and Hunting
- Ecotourism an Innovative Solution for Seals, Canadian Fishermen
- Editorial Decries Subsidies to Racing Industry � But Fails to Mention Dead Horses
- Editorials on enforcing SOME regulations at rodeos
- Eel-tastic
- Effective Activism
- Effective and Ineffective Means of Protest: The Picketing of Homes
- Efforts to Close Seal Pelt Markets
- Egg Producer, Trade Group Sued Over Continued Use of "Animal Care" Logo
- Egg Production Articles - Article Series
- Eggribusiness
- Eggs: The Price They Pay
- Eggs-travaganza
- Eggs-tremely Disgusting: Inspectors Uncover Factory Farm Filth in Iowa
- Egypt Criticized for 'Inhumane' Killing of Pigs
- Egyptian Armed With Satellite Dish Hero Fights Lion to The Death
- Eight Belles - racing 10 years on
- Eight in Ten People Believe Fox Hunting Belongs to the Past
- El Al Airlines will NOT Transport Monkeys to Laboratories
- El Al wins legal battle and confirm they will not transport ANY animals for vivisection!
- El Salvador votes to ban wild animals in circuses
- Elections, Animals and the Web of Life
- Electric vehicles replace horse drawn carriages in Istanbul
- Elektra's New Life
- Elephant Aid International has closed on ERNA - Elephant Refuge North America!
- Elephant and Conservation Experts From Around the World Condemn
- Elephant appeal fails; they must go to Ohio - Zoo director can't send them to sanctuary
- Elephant Attacks and Kills Tourist During 'Elephant Ride'
- Elephant Care and Rehabilitation Center- INDIA
- Elephant [Dumbo] Kills Trainer at Pennsylvania Circus
- Elephant Expose at Oregon Zoo
- Elephant Interactions Abroad Are Definitely Not Okay
- Elephant Riding at Amber Fort, India
- Elephant Rides
- Elephant Rides at Arizona Renaissance Festival Temporarily Suspended
- Elephant Riding Ended at Cambodia’s Angkor Wat
- Elephant Sanctuaries Grow in Popularity
- Elephant Slaughtering CEO Disgraces Domain Company
- Elephant Who Crushed and Killed Handler Will Not be Punished
- Elephants Among Us
- Elephants Beaten with Bullhooks in the Name of Entertainment
- Elephants Master Basic Mathematics
- Elephants to Be Banished From All Zoos in India
- Elephants to be Declared Indian National Heritage Animal
- Elephant's Sad Farewell to Friend
- Eleven Horses Ambulanced Off, Another 'Found Dead in His Stall' on Preakness Day
- Eliminating the Suffering of Chickens Bred for Meat
- Elon Musk Funds
Cruel Neuro Research on Animals
- Email Activists Save Desert Tortoises
- Emily the Cow and Tyke the Elephant: Resistance is Never Futile
- Empathy and Anger
- Empathic Chickens and Cooperative Elephants: Emotional Intelligence
- Expands Its Range Again
- Employee of Virginia's Royal Pet Shop Speaks Out
- Emptying the Cages
- Encouraging Animal Shelters to Adopt Animal-Friendly Menus at Their Events
- Encouraging Vegan Eating Is Not a Crime, but Assaulting Women Is
- End Cruel and Unnecessary Trapping on Public Lands
- End of Animal Use for Trauma Training in Sight
- End of Cash Cow as Europe says no' to bullfighting subsidies
- Endangered Mexican Gray Wolves Get a Boost on Road to Recovery
- Endangered Orcas Need Immediate Help
- Endangered Species Act: A Failure Worth Fighting For?
- Endangered Species Act Listing
- Endangered Species Act Success Story: Channel Island Foxes
- Endangered Species Aren�t the Only Ones Who Matter
- Endangered species status is only hope for Wyoming�s wild horses
- Endangered Wildlife: Where Did All Our Birdie and Beasts Go?
- Ending the USDA's War on Wildlife
- End of Animal Sacrifice at the Gadhimai Festival?
- England's Chipperfields' Circus Will be Animal Free
- 'Enormously Complex' Orca Brains Lead to Great Stress in Captivity
- Enriched Cages and Embodied Prisons
- Entertainment at Whose Expense?
- Environmentalism vs. Animal Rights: Florida's Python Problem
- Environmentalists warn against reopening legal ivory trade
- Environmentally Destructive Zoo Bill Vetoed
- Epic Sports Fail: Put an End to Fox and Coyote Pens in Florida
- EPA to Remove Clean Air Standards for Factory Farms
- EPA Denies SAVE THE FROGS! Petition for a Federal Ban on the Use And Production of Atrazine
- Ephrata (PA) Fair Cancels Pig and Rooster Chases
- Equal Rights Activities from RPA
- Equality for Humans; Equality for Nonhumans
- Equine Intelligence, Revisited
- Equine Vet: "What impact would 23 and 1/2 hours of standing in a closet have on the mental health of a child?"
- Era Of Chimp Research Ends At Maryland Lab
- Escada Announces It Will Go Fur Free in 2011
- Escaping the Research Mousetrap
- Essay on Culture Programming
- Eternal Treblinka
- Ethical and Political Approaches
- "Ethical Standards in Hunting"
- Ethical Veterinary Training
- Ethics, Animals and Academia
- Ethics and Laws
- Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme (EWCP) Protects Wolves
- EU court upholds seal fur ban!
- EU Must Implement 2012 Battery Cage Ban
- EU Rejects Cloned "Food" Animals
- EU Vets Reject US Poultry Plans
- EU, China and India Thrash Out Deal on Tigers and Tiger Parts
- EU's Sales Ban on Animal-tested Cosmetics in Effect as of Today!
- Eugene, Oregon, Passes Ordinance Banning Dogs Downtown
- Europe Marks the End of Cosmetic Tests on Animals
- European Commission Launches Newsletter on Animal Welfare
- European Court rules against ADI on landmark onprofit campaign advertising case
- European Court Upholds Hunting Ban
- European Parliament Bans Commercial Trade in Seal Products
- Europe's first fur-free shopping street
- Evaluating Mass Slaughter Techniques: �Whole-House Killings� Of Hens
- Even Animals are Celebrating the Season of Sharing
- EVEN Interview with Marc Bekoff
- EVEN Interview with Howard Lyman
- EVEN Interview with Laura Moretti
- EVEN Interview with Priscilla Feral
- EVEN Interview with Tom Regan
- Every DiGiorno pizza comes with a slice of cruelty
- Every Drop of Milk is Not So Delicious
- Every Living Beating Heart
- Every Nation is the Worst Offender
- EVERY picture tells a story
- Every Species on the Planet Documented in New Report
- Everyone Can Be An Activist: Pairing Your Passion and Skills for a Better World
- 'Everyone Wants a Lost Dog Found' - Bridging the Empathy Gap
- Evidence of commerce, not conservation
- Evolution's Weighty Anchor
- Ex-Bullfighter: “I Was Wrong”
- Examining Temple Grandin and the Humane Slaughter Paradox
- Exotic and Wild Companion Animals: What We (Don't) Know
- Exotic and Wild Animal Attractions: Are They Coming to Your Local Fair?
- Exotic Big Cats in Jeopardy in Kaufman County
- Exotic Birds are Becoming Extinct Due to Illegal Trade
- Exotic Pet 'Ownership' Banned in West Virginia
- Expanding Our Circle of Compassion: Giving Rights to Nature and Animals
- Expanding the Circle
- Experiencing Animals
- Experiencing Chickens and Restoring Their Earth Rights
- Experts: Tormenting Baby Monkeys Is Bad Science
- Export Ban Should Make Us Re-Examine Captive Life of Wild-Caught Elephants
- Exporting boatloads of cruelty to Hawaii: Pigs shipped to island in cramped container ships
- Exporting Factory Farms: The Global Expansion of Industrialized "Meat" Production
- Exposed: The Long, Cruel Road to the Slaughterhouse
- Exposing Safari Club International
- Exposing Cruelty to Animals
- Ex-RSPCA Officer Hanged Herself
- Extend Sympathy and Compassion to All Animals, Not Just Dogs and Cats
- Extending Compassion From Birds Harmed By BP To Birds Killed For Food
- Extinct Ibex is Resurrected by Cloning
- Extinction Folly - Review of Paper Tiger: A Visual History of the Thylacine
- Extinction Through Incarceration
- Extinction Trade
- Extraordinary article on egg farming in Harper
- Extreme horse breeding leaves animals looking like cartoons, warn vets
- Exxon Mobile STOPPED from detroying pristine area
- Exxon, Wells Fargo, Others Sponsoring Inhumane Iditarod Race
- Faces of Advocacy: Who We Really Are
- Facing Extinction but Not Endangered
- Fact Sheet: World Animal Studios (Sam Mazzola) Wildlife Adventures of Ohio
- Factory Bred Quail Chicks Used as Clay Pigeons
- Factory Chickens to Suffer Under New EU Rules, Says RSPCA
- Factory Farming: A Dirty Secret
- Factory Farming: The True Costs
- Factory Farming in China and the Developing World
- Factory Farming on Display
- Factory Farming vs. Alternative Farming: The Humane Hoax
- Factory Farms & Swine Flu: A Food System that Kills
- Factory Farms Get the Ultimate Handout
- Facts About Horse Slaughter
- Faeroe Islands: Sea Shepherd Undercover Operation Exposes Cetacean Mass Slaughter
- Fair Oaks Farm's Pig Adventure Glorifies Factory Farming
- Fairfax, Virginia, Passes City-Wide Ban on Continuous Dog Chaining
- False hopes and misunderstanding 'welfare'
- False claims of COVID-19 cure by bear bile manufacturers
- Fallacies with the Miami Seaquarium’s “Lolita the Killer Whale” Page Update
- Family Cat Grievously Injured by Another Ladner-Area Trap
- Famous Mustangs Torn From Their Home
- Farm Animal Angst: Decoding the Sustainable and Humane Meat Hysteria
- Farm Animal Cruelty Worse than Cocky Cruelty
- Farm Animal Manifesto
- Farm Animals, on the Plate and in the Lab, and Human Hypocrisy
- Farm Bill Update: Dangerous King Amendment is Dead
- Farm Sanctuary Doublespeak
- Farmed Animal Sanctuaries Oppose “Enriched” Cages for Laying Hens
- “Farmed Animals” vs “Farm Animals”
- Farmed Fish May Pose Risk for Mad Cow Disease
- Farming Agony to Satisfy Our Demand
- Fascism and the Language of �Humane� Meat
- Fast Track to Disaster: Swine Flu and Factory Farms
- Fastest Fish in the Ocean, Speeding Towards Extinction
- Father and Son Build Humane Rat Trap
- FBI Makes Animal Cruelty a Felony!
- FDA Approves Cruelty-free Alternative to Animal Testing for Botox
- FDA Approves Drug Made from a Transgenic Animal
- FDA Requires Label Declaration of Cochineal Extract and Carmine on All
- Feel Good Rescue Narratives: Do They Make Us Feel TOO Good?
- Five Blood-Chilling Facts About Wildlife �Services�
- Five of 14 Baby Elephants will be returned to the wild in Zimbabwe
- Foods and Cosmetics
- Former Miami Seaquarium Trainer Speaks About Lolita and Hugo
- Feather Hair Extensions & Fly-fishing Tyers: Roosters Slaughtered for
Fashion & Fishing
- Federal Duck Stamps � Financing the Destruction of Waterfowl Since 1934
- Federal Oversight in Animal Labs
- Federal Report Exposes Puppy Mill Atrocities Allowed By the USDA
- Fear Factor: Can We Learn to Live with Predators Among Us?
- Fearing For Your Sanity
- Fears, Jeers, Cheers, and Loathing for Sea Shepherd In South Park
- Feast or Famine: Meat Production and World Hunger
- Federal Agency�s New Action May Mean Release for Orca at Seaquarium
- Federal Court Gives Green Light To Wild Horse Lawsuit
- Federal Judge Allows Idaho Wolf Derby to Proceed
- Federal Judges Overturn Sim Lake Ruling in Landmark Animal Crush Video Case
- Federal Prairie Dog Conservation Report Remains Grim
- Federal Snake Ban Lacks Bite
- Feds Find Problems With UW-Madison's Animal Research
- Feds Fine Notorious Bear Pit, Suspend Its License
- Feds Give Sea Otters Habitat Protection in Alaska
- Federal lawsuit exposes Ringling elephant abuse
- Federal Agent Sacked for Reporting Illegal Cougar Kills
- Federal complaint over 38 primates dead at Everett lab and breeding facility
- Federal Judge Closes Down Kosher Slaughterhouse
- Federal Trade Commission Announces End to Misleading Egg Logo
- Feds Again Deny Permit for Flaming Gorge Pipeline Threatening Colorado's Green River
- Feds Raid Slaughterhouse and Three-time ALF Target
- Feds Yank Wolf Delisting Decision
- Feeding Birds in Wake of Mumbai Terror Attack
- Feeding the Local Critters: Does it Help or Hinder?
- Feeding Wildlife: A Bad Idea 50 Years Ago, A Bad Idea Now
- Feeling all the Pain, Isolation of Disaster
- Feeling for Animals and Animal Liberation
- Feeling the Pain of Animals
- Felony Warrants Issued for E6 Cattle Co. Owner and Workers
- Fetish Animal Torturers Indicted on Felony Charges
- Feral Camels? Feed Them to the Crocodiles
- Fewer Animals Killed as Britain Continues to Go Veggie
- Fewer Bats Means More Pesticides for Dairy Cows
- Fido, Fluffy, and wildlife conservation: The environmental consequences of domesticated animals
- Fighting on a Battlefield the Size of a Milk Label
- Fighting Over Cats in Southern China
- Fighting the Oldest Tyranny
- Film on the Dolphin Hunt Stirs Outrage in Japan
- Film Prompted First Humane Slaughter Law
- Finally: A Study Will Examine Whether Animal Testing Even Works
- Finch Fighting: New Breed of Animal Cruelty
- Finding Justice in the Ashes
- Finding Purpose and Passion in the Fight for Nonhuman Rights
- Finding Your Inner Fish
- Finland breeding foxes five time larger than normal to produce more fur per animal
- First Conviction Under Ontario's New Animal Welfare Act
- Fire Destroys Part of Hog Confinement
- First “Ag-Gag” Prosecution: Utah Woman Filmed a Slaughterhouse from the Public Street
- First Ever Fox Cub Hunting Conviction in the UK
- First Major Wild Horse Roundup of Summer Proves Deadly
- First They Came for the Pigs
- First Time in Greece: A Prosecutor for Animal Protection
- First University in the Ural Region Signs Formal Agreement on Stopping Animal Experiments
- First ever cruelty-free fashion show in China
- First-Ever Lawsuit Filed for Chimpanzee Personhood
- Fish: 99+ Million Tons Killed Every Year
- Fish - The Ignored Victims
- Fish and Game Commission gives California gray wolves 90-day reprieve
- Fish and Seafood
- Fish Are Not Vegetables
- Fish are Sentient and Emotional Beings and Clearly Feel Pain
- Fish Exploited for Food Suffer Like Mammals and Birds
- Fish Feel Pain: Let's Get Over it and Do Something About It
- Fish Found Only In Arizona, New Mexico Gains Endangered Species Act Protection
- Fish (Not Just Fido) Are Smart, Feel Pain
- Fish Out of Water
- Fish 'Pedicures'...Really?
- Fish That Could Beat You Up
- Fish: Sensitivity Beyond the Captor�s Grasp
- Fish Sentience – Recognition by the Scientific Community
- Fishes and the Flesh Industry
- Fishing Hurts - cartoon by Denise E. Stephens
- Fishing for GM Salmon
- Fishing Industry Kills and Throws Away 20 Billion Pounds of Fish a Year
- Fishy Stew
- Five Facts to Help You #MakeFurHistory
- Five Fatal Flaws of Animal Activism
- Five Horses Killed in Two Days of Cheltenham "Festival"
- Five Lessons Captain Kirk Can Teach Us About Animal Activism
- Five Minutes With Ingrid Newkirk
- Five more schools abandon their dissection programs
- Five Myths About Grass-Fed Beef
- Five Non-Nutritional Reasons to Go Meatless
- Five Not-so-well-known Absurd Things We Do To Animals
- Five Reasons Not to Buy a Turtle or Tortoise
- Five Reasons That Petting Zoos Are Being Cancelled Across the Country
- Eating Animals and the Illusion of Personal Choice
- Five Sturgeon Species Gain Endangered Species Act Protection
- Fixing the Pit Bull Problem by Embracing the Breed
- Flash, The Hero Cat
- Flint and Denbigh Hunt
- Flea Market Puppies
- Floods in Uttarakhand: Help on the way for injured working animals
- Florida Adopts New and Improved Endangered and Threatened Species Rule
- Florida Bear Hunt Cancelled: A Win for Conservation Psychology
- Florida Dog Racing Cruelty Revealed
- Florida Governor Signs "Python Bill"
- Florida Greyhounds Testing Positive for Cocaine....Again
- Florida, Let Dog Racing Die
- Florida Monkey Breeder Illegally Cut Fetuses out of Pregnant Monkeys and Sold Organs, Says Whistleblower
- Florida Passes Law to Ban Breeding, Selling or Importing of Some Snakes and Lizards
- Florida's Endangered Wood Stork Recovering
- Florida Wildlife Commission Postpones Bear Hunting for 2016
- Flu Deaths and Frayed Nerves in Egypt
- Flu Factories: Tracing the Origins of the Swine Flu Pandemic
- Flu Season: Factory Farming Could Cause A Catastrophic Pandemic
- Flyaway
- Flying High: Condors are Back from the Brink of Extinction
- FoA responds to ASPCA/HSUS's betrayal of America's wild horses
- FOIA document obtained by WHFF shows wild horses betrayed by RTF, ASPCA and HSUS
- Food and gender through the context of the media
- Food, Inc.: Happy Vs Sad Meat?
- Food Giants Turn Veggie in Gujarat
- Food Justice and Personal Rewilding as Social Movements
- Food Realities 1989
- Food Recalls, Awareness, and Consumer Attitudes
- Foodies, feds and factory farms � Why we need vegans now more than ever
- Foie Gras - Duck and Goose Liver Pate - Article Series
- Foie gras ban flouters put on notice
- Foie Gras Ban Upheld in California
- Foie Gras Given Away Due to Lack of Sales
- Foie Gras is not Free-Speech – Court Slaps Down California Restaurant in Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Lawsuit
- Foie gras rejects that are shredded alive; Female goslings discarded as they don't make enough profit
- Following LCA Investigation, OSPCA Charges Marineland with 6 More Counts of Animal Cruelty
- Following Years of Pressure, USDA Announces New Policy for Posting Animal Welfare Records
- Food for Thought: African Lions are not a main course
- Food for Thought: Animal Shelters Adopting Animal-Friendly Menu Policy
- Food Service Company More than Triples "Meatless Monday" Locations
- Food, Life and Liberation
- For animal allies, Mother's Day is a given. But we're less quick to celebrate dads. Why?
- For $2 Bets
- For Animals, the Price Is Always Right: Bob Barker's Amazing Campaigns
- For Coyotes, It's Till Death Do Us Part
- For Chimps, the End of Vivisection, Almost
- For La Gloria, the Stench of Blame is from Pig Factories
- For Pigs, a Match Made in Hell
- For the Love of Prairie Dogs
- For Those Vegetarians Who Sometimes Eat Seafood
- For Wolves, Delisting Means Destroying
- Force-feeding ducks for foie gras to be banned in California
- Force-feeding of geese and ducks is illegal in Israel!
- Forced and Murdered / Fortnum & Mason
- Forced Labor on the Factory Farm
- Forced to be Fat: Scientists Induce Morbid-obesity in Captive Monkeys
- Forest Service to Revise Cattle Grazing to Help Endangered Species
- Forget About Equal, How About Alive
- Forgotten Victims - Parent Birds
- Former Agriprocessors Kosher Meat King Sentenced to 27 Years
- Former Australian High Court Judge Kirby Speaks Out For Tougher Sentencing for Animal Cruelty
- Former Circus Elephant Kills Founder of Controversial Rehab Center
- Former Exercise Rider on Why She Has Turned Against Horseracing
- Former Humane Society Officials Barred from Charity Work
- Former Meat and Dairy Farmers Who Became Vegan Activists
- Former NHL Player Georges Laraque Pledges Money to Move Elephant
- Former Pets End Up Dead in University Teaching Labs
- Former Vivisector Speaks Out About Cruelty and Bad Science
- Forty-seven Million Turkeys Will be Served on Thanksgiving
- Foston “Pig Prison” Application Withdrawn
- Foundations
- Four California Humane Societies Call For Ringling Circus Boycott
- Four Members of Middleton Foxhounds Convicted of Illegal Hunting
- Four more labs getting out of the "Monkey Business"
- Four Paws Achieves Ban on Bear Baiting in Ukraine
- Four Paws officially closes World's Worst Zoo!
- Four Paws Returns Captive Lions to Life in Africa
- Four Reasons Why Cloning Extinct Animals Is Wrong
- Four Roosters Rescued from Bloodsport
- Four Seasons Maui Removes Foie Gras from Event Menu
- Four-year-old Could Hold Key in Search for Source of Swine Flu Outbreak
- Fourteen maimed and terrified moon bears are rescued
- Fourth Of July All-American KILLOUT
- Fourth Save the Frogs Day schedules over 200 events in 30 countries
- Fowl Gestures: Cutting Edge Adventures in Animal Activism
- Fox Cub Hunting � A Shocking Secret
- Foxycology - The Truth About Foxes
- France bans imports of lion hunt trophies
- France: Two official documents enforce the consumption of animal products in schools
- Free Range is Not the Answer
- Free-Range: Not Free Enough
- Freed from a Slaughterhouse, Ten Cows Remain Free Almost a Month Later
- Freedom for Fish, Too!
- Freedom of Choice?
- Freezing Conditions Lead to a Temporary Ban on Wildfowl Hunting
- French Connection Drops Angora!
- French Foie Gras Investigation: A Haute Cuisine Hell
- Friends of Animals and CARE Sue to Stop National Park Service Deer Control Plans
- Friends of Animals and WildEarth Guardians Sue Salazar to Protect Free-Living Cockatoos, Parrots and Parakeets
- Friends of Animals exposes hunting as a crime against nature...and the public is listening
- Friends of Animals Makes Noise about the Silent Extinction of Giraffes
- Friend of Animals' Public Comment on Aerial Wolf-Killing
- Friends of Animals to 'bait' bear-hating Gov. Christie with donuts
- Friends of Animals to NYC: Fur is Over
- Friends or Food?
- Friends...or Food?
- Frog Fungus Hammering Biodiversity of Communities
- Frog-juiced Racehorses
- From BornFree: You Helped So Many Animals in 2019
- From Bullfighting To Rodeos: Culture Shock In Spain
- From Canada To California, Toka, Thika and Iringa Have Arrived At ARK 2000
- From Chicken Feathers to Flowerpots
- From Democracy to Omniocracy
- From Ferrets to Foxes: Exotic Animals as Pets
- From FOIA to Freedom: FDA Retires Monkeys to Florida Sanctuary
- From Horse Racing Fan to Horse Racing Protester
- From Minnie to Mickey
- From Science, Plenty of Cows but Little Profit
- From Speciesism to Equality
- From the Animals' Point of View
- From the Desk of Former Vivisector Lawrence Hansen, M.D.
- FSIS Vet Blows Whistle On Agency For Ignoring Cruelty Reports
- Full ban on animal fur farms in the Czech Republic is now in effect
- Funeral To be Held in New York For Victims of Animal Holocaust
- Fur: America's New Pacifier?
- Fur Company Canada Goose Under Siege
- Fur: The Deadly Luxury Animals Can't Afford
- Fur farm liberation in NY Times 10/17/13
- Fur Farms: Whom would Jesus skin?
- Fur Farmers Attack Italian Activists for Photographing Animals
- Fur Farming in the U.S. in 2020
- Fur Free Fashion Show in Beijing
- Fur Free Friday 2013
- Fur Free Life Campaign 2015-2016
- Fur is Cruel, but What About Leather and Wool?
- Fur Is Not Dead — Yet
- Fur PETA's Sake! The politics of animals in the Zionist state
- Fur Sales On The Rise
- Furrier Ordered to Pay Protesters' Legal Fees
- Future-Present
- FWC Moves Toward Prohibiting Fox, Coyote Penning
- H&M Pledges Never to Use Exotic Skins
- H1N1 Vaccine - Tested in Animals First
- Haiti Earthquake: How You Can Help The Animal Victims
- Half Of Fish Consumed Globally Is Now Raised On Farms
- Half the World�s Wildlife Destroyed in the Last 40 Years
- Hamburger horrors on ABC, NY Times etc. thanks to COK investigation
- Ham I Am
- Happy Cows: A Heart-Warming Video Offers an Important Lesson
- Happy Cows, At a Glance
- Happy Cows? Hardly...Lawsuit
- Happy Cows? You Decide.
- Happy Cows Don't Watch TV
- Happy Endings...
- Happy Human Rights Day and Animal Rights Day!
- Happy New Year?
- Happy news, the State of Colorado Just Banned Greyhound Racing
- Happy Year of the Sheep! (Domestic or wild, it's no party)
- Harambe Is Dead
- Hard-Fought Victory for Animals at Medical College of Wisconsin
- Hardening Hearts Through Slaughter
- 'Hardly ever' and 'only a drop'
- Hare Coursing Permanently Banned in Northern Ireland
- Hare Today... Gone Tomorrow?
- Harp seal population at risk due to global warming -- Canadian government urged to call off seal hunt
- Harp seal oil smugglers busted in L.A.
- Harp Seals Face Slaughter At Quebec Aquarium
- Harp Seals Win at WTO
- Harry Potter Meets Biodiversity
- Harry Potter Pooch Left Homeless
- Harsher Fines For Animal Abusers As Winona, MS Passes Precedent-Setting Amendment
- Happy Rape, Happy Meat
- Hartford Hospital Ends Animal Trauma Lab: Only Three Labs Remain
- Harvey Nichols Drops Foie Gras
- Has Experimenting On Human And Animal Life Lost Its Power To Disgust?
- Hatcheries Ship Male Chicks as Packing Peanuts
- Hatching Good Lessons
- Have a Cruelty-Free Thanksgiving and Know Real Gratitude
- Have it Your Way
- Hawaii's Governor signs
Law that Bans the import of Wild Animals for Circuses and Carnivals
- Hawthorn Elephants in Danger of Ending Up With Circus
- Hazing Begins: Helicopter Harasses Bison, Grizzlies
- Head Teacher Who Slaughtered Lamb Resigns
- Head vs. Heart in Animal Advocacy
- Health and Life Insurance Companies Invest Billions in Fast Food
- Hearing Them Out
- Heat
- Heat-Related Deaths of Dogs and Turkeys
- Heifer International’s Brand of Dominionism: The Helping Hand that Exploits Animals
- Hell for Animals and Children for Leather in Bangladesh Exposed
- Hello? (A Telephone Answering Message)
- Hello Mass Extinction
- Help Animals India, 2012
- Help Animals India 2013 Successes
- Help Animals India's 2013 Grants
- Help Animals India - 2018 Accomplishments
- Help Animals India - 2019 Year-End Review
- Help IDA Prove Deer And People Can Co-exist
- Help Provided For the Forgotten Dogs of Chernobyl
- Help Women--Without Hurting Animals
- Help for Stray Dogs Arrives in Ukraine
- Help for the Homeless - Humans and Companion Animals
- Help Protect the Future of Wildlife and Help Prevent Pandemics
- Helping animals from Brooklyn to Bodhgaya
- Helping Animals while Occupying Wall Street
- Helping Chickens "Cross to the Other Side"?
- Helping India's Captive Elephants
- Hens and puppy mills � an analogy
- Her Life is Not for the Birds: The Battery Hen
- Herbal Essences Caught Deceiving Public Over Cruelty to Animals
- Herbivores or Omnivores?
- Here's What's Wrong With Vivisection
- Here's What Your Support Helped LCA Achieve in 2020
- Here's What You're Missing When You Say 'Eating Meat Is a Personal Choice'
- Hero Cat - What more do they have to do?
- Hey Johnny Weir - Just Because I Love Animals Doesn't Mean I Hate People
- Hey Radicals: Veganism is Much More Than an “Option”
- Hey, What if Factory Farming Were THE ONLY THING Anyone Worked to End?
- Heythrop Hunt Found Guilty Of Illegal Fox Hunting In First Ever Corporate Conviction
- High Court Debates Dog Fighting Videos
- High School Rodeo Cancelled
- Highland Deer
- High-tech plants churn out poultry - but add to risk
- Hinsdale Greyhound Race Track Closes Down
- Historic Bill Move to End Primate Experiments
- Historic Bill to end cruelty to wild animals in circuses
- Historic Decision Taken in Ireland to Ban Hare Coursing
- Historic EU hearing considers an end to animal research
- Historic Vote: New York Creates Nation's First Registry for Animal Abusers
- Historic Wild Horse Agreement signed
- Historic Win for Animals! Ringling Bros. Circus Closing Down! Last Show in May 2017
- Historical Elephant Abuse
- Historical Impact of Animal Experimentation
- Historic Wins Against Taxpayer-funded Animal Experiments
- History and Evolution of the Animal Rights Movement
- Hit By A Truck
- Hitler and Animals
- Hoarders Need Our Help Not Our Hostility
- Holiday Kindness at the Dinner Table
- Holland America cruise line adds all vegetarian menu
- Hollywood Park Closes, Delaware Decreases Racing Days: A Real “Win” For Race Horses
- Hollywood's Betrayal of Great Apes
- Hollywood's Spin on the Use of Captive Animals
- Homo Denialus: Why We're OK With Eating Pigs, but Not Dogs
- Homo Rapiens Be Damned: Savagery is Not Programmed Into Our DNA
- Honey and Vinegar
- Hong Kong Votes to Ban Ivory Sales in Major Animal Rights Victory
- Honoring Animals Purposely Killed by Zoos On World Zoothanasia Day
- Honoring Cesar Chavez and His Call to Stop Eating Animals
- Honoring Ned
- Hooray! Dog racing is over in Alabama
- Hope - Just One Story
- Hope for Wild American Buffalo?
- Hopes are dashed as Bullfighting continues in Mexico City
- Horrific Cruelty in Dog Breeding
- Horrific Research Monkey Deaths Prompt Calls For Crackdown
- Horrifying, Laboratory Animals Rendered into Pet Food
- Horse cloning and horse slaughter fought in the Courts
- Horse Drawn Carriages - Article Series
- Horse Diving Act Cancelled
- Horse Meat May Face Ban in Italy
- Horse Neglect Case Calls for Horse Slaughter in Nebraska: Point-Counterpoint
- Horse Politics
- Horse Race Illustrates Brutal Side of Sport
- Horse Racing: An Elitist Sport or Animal Abuse?
- Horse Racing Done With Her, Former “Star” Lands in Kill Pen
- Horse Racing Exposed: Drugs and Death
- Horse racing must do away with tongue-ties
- “Horse Racing Has Outlived Its Time” – Thank You, Washington Post
- Horse Racing in America: A Spectacle of Liars, Dopers and Cheaters � Part 1
- Horse Racing in America: A Spectacle of Liars, Dopers and Cheaters � Part 2
- Horseracing: A Dying Industry that Should End
- Horseracing Kills About as Many in One Day as the 4 Major U.S. Sports Have in Their Collective 387 Years
- Horseracing - The Casualties, 6/26/17 - 7/2/17
- Horseracing Writer Renounces Industry, and Says This on His Way Out: “A Great Number of Industry People Favor Slaughter”
- Horseracing Wrongs Reports Facts; Their Pathetic Attempts to Discredit Us Won't Work
- Horse Shocked and Dies at New Jersey Rodeo: Time to Ban Them
- Horse Slaughter
- Horse Slaughter and the Big Picture
- Horse Slaughter Ban at Risk
- Horse Slaughter Ban Should Not Be Repealed
- Horse Slaughter Bombshell in Belgium and Holland
- Horse Slaughter Questions and Answers
- Horse Slaughter Trends From 2006 - 2009
- Horse Slaughterhouse in New Mexico Approved
- Horse Soring 2019 - Year in Review
- Horse Track Casualties, Week of September 7-13, 2015
- Horse Whisperers, Lion Tamers Not Needed: Scientists Find Genetic Regions that Soothe Savage Beasts
- Horse With Screwed-Together Leg Killed at Churchill
- Horsemeat Scandal Prompts UK Consumers to Eat Less Meat
- Horses Abandoned in US West as Feed Prices Rise
- Horses and Humans: On and Off the Track
- Horses Are Not "Its"
- Horses as Courses May End Under French Pet Protection Bill
- Horses in Boxes
- Horses Used in Labs Land on French Tables, 21 Arrested
- Horses Win as Jumps Racing to End
- House Passes Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act With Little Discussion or Dissent: Notes from the House Floor “Debate”
- House Drops Resolution in Support of Cockfighting
- House Food Group Inc. Ends Animal Experiments
- House Rabbit Society Easter 2010 Press Release
- How Animal Experiments Paved the Way for the CIA's Torture Program
- How Animals Fared in Syria Gas Attack
- How Animals Laugh
- How Are Researchers Studying Alzheimer�s Without Hurting Animals?
- How backyard breeders are keeping the RSPCA in business
- How Backyard Breeders are Negating Pet Shop Bans
- How "Big Ag" Bought Iowa's "Ag-Gag" Law
- How Bill and Lou Unmasked Our Hypocrisy
- How Cage-Free Eggs are Hurting Hens
- How Captivity Causes Brain Damage in Dolphins and Whales
- How Chickens Get to Your Table
- How Dare They Bite Back! Humanity�s Illogical Rage When the Beast Bites Back
- How Do You Like Your Bacon Now?
- How Do We “Love” Polar Bears?
- How Do You Make Republicans Care About Animal Testing? Anthony Bellotti Has A Plan
- How Ebola Is Killing Our Cousins
- How fireworks harm nonhuman animals
- How Free Is “Free-Range”?
- How Grazing in the Grass Benefits Captive Elephants
- How Houdini and His Flock Escaped From Kapparot Sacrifice
- How Hurricane Katrina Turned Pets into People
- How I baited the media into showing slaughterhouse footage to over 200,000 people
- How I Became an Animal Rights Activist
- How I Learned the Truth About Eggs
- How Like Us Need They Be?
- How Long Did They Think It Could Go On?
- How Long Have Manatees Been Around?
- How many animals really suffer to death?
- How Many Cows Will Die To Feed Your Chocolate Addiction?
- How Many Marine Animals Did Your Plastic Grocery Bag Kill Today?
- How Medical Breakthroughs Were Discovered Without Animal Experimentation
- How Mom-Friendly is Your Mother’s Day Menu?
- How Much Are WE Willing to Tolerate?
- How Much Water Can a Chained Dog Drink?
- How Much Do You Know About Pound Seizure?
- How much more collective pain will we bear?
- How Never Cry Wolf Made Me a Wolf Advocate
- How Nonhumans Vote
- How now, cannulated cow?
- How one can know the truth about factory farming and still eat animals?
- How One Snapped, Dangling Leg Changed a Heart Forever
- How Orky and Kasatka Almost Sank Sea World
- How Our Food Choices Affect Wildlife
- How Pope Benedict XVI views Animals
- How Protecting Animals Benefits Us, Too
- How Sanctuaries Make Right What's Wrong
- How Selective Breeding Hurts Dogs
- How the 2018 Midterm Election Resulted in Animal Law Victories
- How the BLM Harms Animals and its Image
- How the Government Protects Us from Mad Cow Disease
- How the New British Government Sees Animals: Might the New U.S. Congress Go the Same Way?
- How the Top Ten Animal Stories of the Decade Reveal the Connection Between Animal Welfare and Public Health
- How They Die
- How the Zoo Industry Shoots Itself in the Foot
- How to Adopt an Animal Imprisoned in a Lab
- How to Break a Stalemate on Animal Issues
- How To Keep Your Cat Safe!
- How to Kill a Baby Cow
- How to Make the World Better for Nonhuman Animals? The state of the animals 2017
- How to Prolong Injustice
- How to Spot a Fake Animal 'Sanctuary'
- How Traditional Journalism Screws Animals
- How Turkeys Got So Big
- How Vegan? Ingredients vs. Activism
- How We Finally Won the Ballot Question on Greyhound Racing
- How We Humans Insist We Are Not Animals (Video 1)
- How We Introduce Animals to Children: A Story of Hypocrisy
- How We Live Doesn't Have to Cost the Earth or Anyone's Life
- How Westminster Dog Show and American Kennel Club Allow Cruel Puppy Mills to Thrive
- How We Teach Children a Separate Morality for Food Animals
- H.R. 1513: The Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act of 2011
- HRC Study of Current and Former Vegetarians and Vegans
- HSUS and Colorado Agriculture Groups Work to Phase Out Veal Crates, Gestation Crates
- HSUS Deploys Animal Rescue Team to Assist in Iowa Floods
- HSUS 'Downer' Cattle Video Leads to Charges Against Slaughterhouse Workers
- HSUS Endorsed Smaller-Cages-for-Puppy-Mills Bill is Now Law in Vermont
- HSUS, take a stand against horseracing
- Huge Monkey Seller Kicked Out of Puerto Rico
- Huge Ringling Circus Demo
- Huge UK Cave Spiders Returned Home
- Human Crimes Against Animals
- Human Crimes Against Animals, Part 1 - Backyard Big Cat and Other Exotics Breeding
- Human Crimes Against Animals, Part 2 - Bear-baiting
- Human Crimes Against Animals, Part 3 - Bear Bile Harvesting
- Human Crimes Against Animals, Part 4 - Bullfighting
- Human Crimes Against Animals, Part 5 - Canned Hunting
- Human Crimes Against Animals, Part 6 - Circuses
- Human Crimes Against Animals, Part 7 - China
- Human Decency to Canada Seals? Only With Rational Policy-Makers
- Human Experimentation
- Human Lives Are Not More Important Than Animal Lives
- Human Rights Valued Over Animal Rights
- Human-Based "Military Training" Methods
- Human-Based "Military Training" Methods - Updated
- Human-Nonhuman Chimeras: Do We Really Want to Go There?
- Humane Animal Traps
- Humane Charity Seal of Approval
- Humane Cosmetics Act would Ban Cosmetic Testing on Animals in U.S.
- Humane Declaration
- Humane Education Committee Brings Teachers, Students Together at Conference
- Humane Education Geared Toward Kids
- Humane Farming FAQs
- "Humane" Farming: What Do All the Labels Mean?
- Humane Goose-Control Solutions
- Humane Groups Sacrificed Pigeons in New PA Cruelty law
- Humane Heartbreak
- Humane Hoax Video
- Humane Loopholes
- Humane Meat?
- Humane Myth: Farmed Fish
- Humane Myths
- Humane Research Council 2014 Accomplishments
- Humane Research Council 2012 Accomplishments
- Humane Slaughter Simply a Myth
- Humane Slaughterhouses
- "Humane" Turkey Slaughter
- Humaneness of Killing Birds with Carbon Dioxide is Disputed by Science
- Humane Society Condemns Subscription-Only Firefighters For Standing By And Letting Animals Die In Fire
- Humane Society of the US Announces Creation of New Horse Sanctuary in Oregon
- A Little Something for Every Animal Advocate
- Humanity Is Getting Increasingly Serious About Enforcing Animal Rights Protections All Over the Planet
- Humanity’s History with Animals: The Beginnings
- Humanity's Painful Legacy
- Humanizing Mice; Rodentizing People
- Humanlike Violence Is Not Seen In Other Animals
- Humans and the Eradication of Other Species
- Humans Are Not Flies
- Humans Cause Stressed Chimpanzees to Self-Medicate
- Humans: Uniquely Unique or Chronic Rationalizers?
- Humans vs. Birds: Hitchcock in Reverse (Aug 2009)
- Humans vs. Birds: Hitchcock in Reverse (Oct 2013)
- Hundreds of Cats Rescued from Pennsylvania "Sanctuary"
- Hundreds of sheep die on broken down Kuwaiti ship stranded in Australian port
- Hundreds of Sick Chimpanzees Held in Labs Until They Die
- Hunter Games: End Animal Killing Contests
- Hunter kills companion dog: 'I thought it was a wolf'
- Hunter to Experience 30 Days of Animal Rights 'Reality'
- 'Hunter-Conservationists': The Most Ridiculous Spin of the Century
- Hunters: An Ecological Disaster
- Hunters are terrorists of animal world
- Hunters Don't Understand that We Actually Do 'Get It' but Reject It
- Hunters Helping the Hungry is a Self-serving Endeavor
- Hunters Kill 178 Wolves in 72 Hours in Wisconsin
- Hunters Make Up Large Percentage of Military
- Hunters Put Themselves First. Not Conservation; Not Compassion
- Hunters Shoot Bear Dead in Front of Horrified Tourists
- Hunting and Hate Speech
- Hunting for Christ...
- Hunting for Wildlife Population Control and Ethical Eating?
- Hunting, Wolves and Political Power
- Hunting in South Africa: A Bloody Mess
- Hunting Issues Separate Conservationists and Animal Advocates
- Hunting Under the Influence...
- Hunting with Hounds
- Hunting, Land Conservation, and Blood Lust
- Hurry Up and Die
- Hurting animals because that's just what they do
- I Am An Activist!
- I Am An Elephant
- 'I Am Cecil'
- "I Am Not an Animal" - The signature cry of our species
- I Am Not Garbage!
- I Brake For (and Assist) Animals
- “I Couldn’t Wait To Get My Elephant”
- Idaho Admits Secret Wolf Slaughter
- I Dream of Justice for All the Animal Kingdom
- I Have a Dream
- 'I have personally snapped the legs off of two separate horses' - Longtime Exercise Rider Tells All
- I Know Just How Incredible Chickens Are: I've Spent More Than Thirty Years Getting to Know Them
- I Rescued My First Lobster Today
- 'I think animals should be humanely treated'
- I Was a Journalist Who Reported on Captive Animals—Then I Became One
- I'll Have My Lobster Electrocuted, Please
- I'm a TED Fellow for 2014. Woo Hoo!
- "I'm Not an Activist!": Animal Rights vs. Animal Welfare in the Purebred Dog Rescue Movement
- Ice Cream Has Meat in It?
- Ice-skating Bear Kills Circus Director
- Iceland Sets Sights on Minke Whales
- IDA Celebrates Monumental Victory For Sea Lions!
- IDA Gives Cole Bros. Circus Its Worst Year Ever
- IDA India Installs 1,200 Water Bowls To Help Animals Survive Summer Heat
- IDA Lawsuit Stalls Plan To Kill Deer
- IDA Reward Offer Leads to Conviction in Kitten Torture Case
- IDA Wins Landmark FOIA Victory in Federal Court
- Idaho Power Withdraws Rodeo Sponsorship
- Idaho Suspends Wilderness Wolf-killing Plan in Face of Court Challenge
- Idaho's Dead Racehorses - 'Ankle Hanging by a Thread'
- Identifying predictors of insect abundance
- Idiots, Fools - 100s Of Elk Shot To Death To Contain CWD
- Iditarod Dog Dies on Airplane Flight After Scratching From Race
- Iditarod Facts 2015
- Iditarod: Life off the Trail Also Hellish for Dogs
- Iditarod Sled Dogs Are Racing to Early Graves
- If Dogracing Is Cruel, Morally Indefensible, Then What Is Horseracing?
- If Empathy Ruled the World
- If Hell Really Does Exist Most Humans In The World Probably End Up There!
- If I Were a Cat
- If I Were a Chicken
- If I Were a Lion
- If I Were a Seal
- If I Were a Tiger
- If I Were a Turkey
- If Swine Flew
- 'If the World Went Vegan, You'd be Abandoning All Those Animals'...answered once and for all
- If This Meat Was From a Cloned Animal, Would You Eat It
- If We Can't Defend Animal Rights, We Don't Deserve to Call Ourselves Progressives
- If we didn't eat animals, wouldn't there be too many cows, chickens or pigs on earth?
- If We're Truly Honest About Gun Violence, We Must Acknowledge That Non-Human Animals Are Also Victims
- If You Don't eat It, Why Put it On Your Skin?
- If You Eat Meat
- If You Give a Cluck, Go Vegan! - Karen Davis
- If You Love Prairie Dogs, You Need To Read This
- If You Think that Animal Experiments are Essential...
- If You're Born a Cod, the Odds Are Never In Your Favor
- If You've Never Had Leprosy...
- IFA Plans Two New Projects to Help Animals in Ethiopia
- Ignoring Natural Instincts
- Ikea's clever way to help shelter animals find homes
- I Know Why the Caged Songbird Goes Extinct
- Illegal Ivory Shipments Worth Millions Seized at Kenya and Nairobi Airports
- Illegal Mexican Style Rodeo Shut Down
- Illegal Wildlife Dealer Arrested by the Police of Jembe
- Illegal Wildlife Trade in Bird Markets in Java and Bali Islands Increasing
- Illegally Acquired Horses
- Illegally Held Hyena Confiscated
- Illinois Bill to Repeal Horse Slaughter Ban Fails
- Illinois Cop's Warning: If You Legalize Weed, We'll Have to Kill Our Drug Dogs
- Illinois Is First State To Ban Elephants in Entertainment!
- Illinois Niabi Zoo Elephants Banished to Little Rock, Arkansas
- Illinois pig farm fined for spilling over 200,000 gallons of manure into creek
- Illinois Wildlife Find More Protection
- Illinois Woman Charged after Discovery of 'Horse Concentration Camp'
- I Love My Pets, But Still Eat Meat. What�s Wrong with That?
- Imagine what it�s like roasting to death
- Immense Suffering?
- Implicit Bias Toward Non-Human Animals: Examining Our Own Speciesism
- Important but Flawed: A Review of Food, Inc.
- Imprinting Kids for Violence Toward Animals
- Imprisoned and Poisoned at SNBL: A Whistleblower Case
- Improving Our Language
- In a nutshell: why all egg use is inhumane
- In a Spanish Region, a Twilight of the Matadors
- In a World Deemed Safe and Well-Managed
- In Carriage Horse Fight, Who�s Most Contemptible?
- Incredible Photos of Brazilian Activists Liberating Beagles from Cruel Lab
- Incredibly Realistic Robotic Dolphin Could Save the Real Animals from Cruel Captivity
- In Defense of Animal Rights Extremism
- In Defense of Animals Adds $1,000 To Burro Reward Fund
- In Defense Of Animals Applauds Historic McClatchy Chimpanzee Expos�
- In Defense of Animals Donates Tranquilizer Guns to Save Deer
- In Defense Of Animals Urges Feds To Investigate Tiki's Death
- In Defense of Animals Urges Strict Policy Changes Following Elephant Keeper Death At Dickerson Park Zoo
- In Defense of Pamela Anderson: Animal experiments ARE cruel and fruitless
- Independence
- India Prohibits Importation of Reptile Animal Skins, Certain Furs
- Inditex Pulls Angora: Donates Almost $1 Million of Clothing to Syrian Refugees
- In France, Horse Falling Off Restaurant Menus
- In Honor of My Dear Friend Sam Simon, On the Anniversary of His Passing
- In India, Ursine Rights Finally Brought to Bear: The End of Bear Dancing
- In Israel-Gaza War, Animals Pay Price
- In Largest Track Protest Ever, Horseracing Wrongs Brings 105 Activists to Travers Day, August 26
- In Memorium: Lou
- In Memoriam: Pat Derby, June 7, 1943-February 15, 2013
- In Memory of A Founding Father of Animal Rights
- In Memory of Daniel Shaull
- In Memory of Ellie
- In memory of Laika, November 3rd, 1957
- In Memory of Lorenzo, the Doomed but Victorious Gladiator
- In NYC, Hundreds Stage Dramatic Memorial Service for Animals
- In possible first, Cuba allows march by animal activists
- In Praise of "The New Welfarism"
- In response to: Dr. Robert Golden - "Monkey studies vital to better psychiatric treatments"
- In Solidarity with #Charlottesville
- In the Battle for Hearts and Minds, Vegans Launch a Volley
- In the Eyes of the Hunted, There’s No Such Thing as an “Ethical Hunter”
- In The Leaving
- In the Shadow of Jane Goodall
- In the Words of Farley Mowat
- In Their Heart of Hearts
- In Which Bulls Attempt to Get the Hell Up Out of Here
- In wildfire's path: Animal homes, human homes
- Independence Day at the Zoo -- Oh, the Irony
- India Bans Cosmetics Tests on Animals!
- India Bans Dolphinariums
- Indian government bans foie gras
- Indian government bans use of live animals for education, research
- Indian Help Sought as Nepal Refuses to Ban Ritual Slaughter
- Indian Police Education and Cadet Training in Animal Welfare
- Indian Wild Tigers Face Poaching Threat From Chinese Demand
- India's Overworked Elephants
- Indonesia Has Officially Banned Traveling Dolphin Circus Shows
- Indonesia Rejects Bali Plan for Hindu Turtle Sacrifices
- Indonesian Man Attempts to Smuggle Over 200 Animals in 3 Suitcases
- Indonesian Police Revealed The Illegal Wildlife Trade Syndicate in Surabaya
- Industry News: Egg Consumption Is Declining
- Infiltrating The Cockfights
- Inmates Train Abandoned Dogs For Families
- Innocent Cats and Dogs Crushed by Traps Set for Wildlife
- Insects, Pain, And Robotics
- Inside a Turkey Factory
- Inside the Courtroom at Tommy's Appeal
- Inside the Exotic Pet Trade
- Inside the Pork Industry
- Inside the Wolf Hunter's Mind
- Instagram pet owners using primates for pay
- Institutionalized Animal Abuse versus Individuals Abusing Animals
- Intellectual and Policy Frontiers
- Internal fur industry'Security Alerts'
- International Acceptance of Alternatives to Cruel Rabbit Draize Eye Test Finally Achieved
- International Animal Rights Day 2009
- International Animal Rights Day (IARD), December 10
- International Animal Rights Conference 2013
- International Fund for Africa Works for New Animal Welfare Laws in Ethiopia
- International Outcry Against Pilot Whale Slaughter Continues as Major German Cruise Liner Companies Cancel Faroe Islands Stops
- International Protection for Seahorses Takes Effect
- International Respect For Chickens Day
- Internet Threatens Rare Species, Conservationists Warn
- Interpreting 'HunterSpeak'
- Intersectionality and Animals
- Interspecies Sexual Assault: A Moral Perspective
- Interview with a Fugitive: Captain Paul Watson
- Interview with AAVS President Sue Leary
- Interview with Dawn Moncrief
- Interview with Olympic Medalist Dotsie Bausch
- Interview with Dr. Jonathan Balcombe, Veganpalooza 2012
- Interview with John Gluck, Author of Voracious Science and Vulnerable Animals: A Primate Scientist's Ethical Journey
- Interview with John Sanbonmatsu, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Interview with Robert C. Jones: Why Does Animal Sentience Matter?
- Interview with Robert Grillo
- Into the Mouths of Babes
- Introducing Bleating Hearts: The Hidden World of Animal Suffering
- Introducing the Whale Sanctuary Project
- Introduction to wild animal suffering
- Invasive Swans or Infected Journalism?
- Investigation at Kawartha Lakes Co-op
- Investigation Exposes Farmed Animal Suffering During Interstate Transport
- Investigation into Farm Animal Atrocities at the Auctions Where They Are Bought and Sold
- Investigation of Pennsylvania Pigeon Hunt Cruelty
- Investigator's Diary
- Investing in the Animals' Future, and Our Own
- Invisible RFID Ink Safe For Humans and Cattle
- Iowa Legislature: Criminalizing Compassion
- Iran says no to wild animal circuses
- Ireland Banned Puppy Mills
- Ireland bans wild animals in circuses!
- Irish Hens: Update from Eden Farm Animal Sanctuary, Ireland
- Irrefutable Reasons Not to Hunt
- Irvine CA bans retail sales of dogs, cats and rodeos and animal circuses
- Is a Dying Dog an "Emergency"?
- Is Animal Testing Ever Okay?
- Is Artificially Selecting Animals For Consumption Ethical?
- Is BLM Helping Send Toana Wild Horses to Slaughter?
- Is Burnout Inevitable?
- Is Chinese Economic Demand Killing Africa's Gorillas?
- Is Dolphin-Assisted Therapy Actually Therapy?
- Is Freeing a Duck Terrorism?
- Is Freeing Minks Terrorism? Questions We Should Be Asking Ourselves
- Is "Humane Slaughter" Possible?
- Is Hunting More Of a Threat Than Deforestation?
- Is it Really Hard to Stop Hurting Animals?
- Is It Unscientific to Say that an Animal is Happy?
- Is Killing Painlessly Okay?
- Is Kosher Kinder?
- Is mass extinction unimportant?
- Is Nothing Sacred? Audubon Society Might Allow Oil Drilling in Sanctuary
- Is Monkey Experimentation Ethical?
- Isn't it Time for a Re-think on Milk?
- Is OSHA Caving to Sea World?
- Is Pet Overpopulation a Myth?
- Is Pet Overpopulation Really Killing Our Cats and Dogs?
- Is Princess Charlotte an Animal?
- Is Speciesism Driving the Coronavirus Pandemic?
- Is Starving A Dog Art?
- Is the captive bolt a humane death for horses?
- Is the US Egg Industry “Evolving”? Agreement Raises Hopes for Egg-LayingHens
- Is There a Kinder Side of Veal?
- Is There a Vegan in the White House?
- Is There Anything Truly Sustainable or Humane About Eating Meat?
- Is There Gospel Good News For the Animals?
- Is the End Near for Animal Testing?
- Is This the Real ‘Contagion’?
- Is Your Faux Fur Really Dog?
- Is Your Pet Making You Sick? No, but here’s the latest scary study anyway
- ISAR's International Homeless Animals' Day� 2012
- Island Has Dead Birds, No Rats
- Israel Bans Declawing Cats
- Israeli Masorti Movement Joins Fight Against "Kapparot"
- Israel Says "No" to Personal Home Care Imports Tested on Animals
- Issaquah Salmon Days Festival halts frog sales
- Is Sexism in Science Actually Paternalism?
- Istanbul reins in carriage rides over ‘dying horses’
- Is the Sloth Sanctuary a Zoo?
- Italy has banned ALL animals in circuses!
- "It changes who you are - forever. What you do with that change is what defines who you are."
- It Doesn't Become Burgers & Dog Food
- It is not racist to want to end harm to animals
- It Is Time For Only Humans To Be In The Circus
- It Just Gets Better and Better
- It takes courage to support animals' dignity
- Italy Passes Sweeping Reforms for Animals in Laboratories
- Italy's Green Hill, beagle breeding compound, seized
- It’s a Frog’s Life: Dissection Alternatives in Zoology Education
- It's A Girl!
- It’s About Loyalty to a Friend
- It's Almost Impossible to Ethically Justify the Use of Animals in Research
- It's Even Worse Than We Thought
- It's Nature's Law: When People Arrive, Animals Vanish
- It's Nightmare Season for the Animals
- It's Not About You Or Me. It's About This Guy.
- It's Official - The European Seal Bill Has Passed
- It's Official: Animal Protection IS Human Protection
- It's the Food Chain (unless some one wants to eat us!)
- It's the Year of the Rooster in More Ways than One!
- It's Time for a Paradigm Shift
- It's Time for Social Justice Advocates to Stop Bashing the Animal Rights Movement and Start Embracing It
- It's Time to Break Out of Our Cages to Save Them
- It's Time to Expel Japan from the International Whaling Commission
- It's Time to Go All In
- It’s Time (magazine) to Respect Cows
- It's Time to Phase Out, Not Reopen, Zoos
- It's time to re-evaluate our relationship with animals
- Investigation into Norwegian whaling yields proof of whale suffering
- Ivory's Curse - The Militarization and Professionalization of Poaching in Africa
- I Was a Fish Killer
- I witnessed and reported animal abuse� now being charged with a crime myself
- Jaguar Team Ceases Work Amid Disputes, Big Cat's Death
- Jaguar's Death Was Unnecessary
- Jail and five-year ban for dog fighting brothers
- Jamaica Rejects Dog Racing
- James Cromwell Spends Birthday Addressing Congress on Monkey Experiments
- Jane Goodall Testifies On Interstate Transport of Nonhuman Primates
- Jane Goodall Urges EU to Support Ethical Alternatives to Animal Research
- Jane GoodAll Things Wonderful
- Jane – One Tiny Chicken Foot...
- JaneUnChained Launches JuanitaSinCadenas - A Spanish language Animal Rights Section
- Japan Airlines Stops Shipping Monkeys to Labs
- Japan Deports Ric O'Barry
- Japan Dolphin Kill is On
- Japan Gets the Nod to Kill Whales Again
- Japan Intends to Blatantly Violate International Law with an Announcement to Kill Whales Despite Rulings by the ICJ and the IWC
- Japan Says It Will Ignore A Ban On Bluefin Tuna
- Japanese Fishermen Brace for Giant Jellyfish
- Japanese Government Funding Cuts Could End "Research" Whaling
- Japanese Officials Accept Whale Meat as Holiday Gifts
- Japanese Town in 'The Cove' Setting Some Dolphins Free
- Japanese Whalers Fire on Conservation Vessel - Captain Paul Watson Shot
- Jennifer's Tragic Christmas Eve Story
- Jenny's Aha Moment
- Jentsch Harms Both Animals and People
- Jersey City Bans Wild Animal Circuses
- Jerusalem's Deer Valley Gets Green Light to Become Nature Park
- Jettisoning 'Best Available Science,' Trump Admin. Tosses Out Federal Protections for Yellowstone's Grizzlies
- Jill Howard Church - Articles Directory
- Joaquin Phoenix on Huge New Animal Justice Campaign: 'Now More Than Ever, the World Needs to Hear This Message'
- Jockey Mercilessly Beats Horse at Breeders� Cup
- John Robbins Joins PETA in Lawsuit Against CMAB's False Ad Campaign
- Joint Coordinating meeting of AR groups to stop AETA
- Jonathan Safran Foer - America' #1 Terrorist?
- Jonathan Safran Foer, author of Eating Animals, Now Promotes Happy Chicken Meat
- Jonathan Safran Foer's Eating Animals
- Judge Agrees With IDA, Says Los Angeles Zoo Elephants Are Not Healthy, Happy, Or Thriving
- Judge Blocks Loaded, Concealed Guns in National Parks
- Judge Grants TRO to Stop Sale of Wild Horses At NV Slaughter Auction
- Judge Halts Tessera Solar Project
- Judge Orders Obama Administration to Relist Yellowstone Grizzly Bears
- Judge Rules Poultry Are Not 'Livestock'
- Judge Upholds PCRM's Request for Experimental Information
- Juicing Race Horses via Frogs
- Jumping Mouse Receives Endangered Species Act Protections
- June 2011 GAO Report on Cessation of Domestic Horse Slaughter
- Junk Journalism: New York Times Story Overlooks Fish Farming's Dark Side
- Just An Ant
- Just Before Dawn
- Just Think Before You Give
- Justice For All Mothers
- Justice for Big Boy
- Justice for Buddy - Man Sentenced for Dragging Death of Dog
- Justice for Cecil Act Passes!
- Justice for Karley
- Justice for Karley...Johnson's Probation Continued
- Justice for the Strong, Injustice for the Powerless
- Justice Without Borders / Justicia Sin Barreras
- Justin Bieber’s monkey fever
- Justifying brain experiments on animals?
- Juvenile Jail for NYC Girl Who Roasted Kitten
- Kaavan Going to a Sanctuary!
- Kangaroo: A Love-Hate Story Is a a Riveting, Deeply Troubling, Must-See Film
- Kangaroo Cull Must Be Avoided
- Kangaroos Are Being Killed So That Nike and Adidas Can Use Their Skin to Make Sneakers
- Kangaroos Are Victims of the World’s Largest Commercial Slaughter of Terrestrial Wildlife
- Kangaroos Hardly the Only Ones to Suffer
- Kansas dog tracks blocked from re-opening
- Kansas Lays Down The Law After Hilderbrand Case
- Kapparot
- Karen Davis and Hope Bohanec: What Did We Say at the Animal Rights National Conference?
- Karl Lagerfeld Bans Exotic Skins
- Karmic Disaster: Dead Meat as Gastronomic and Economic Sustenance
- Kathleen Wynne's Christmas Gift: Slow Death to Bear Cubs
- Katie's Story
- Katrina’s Patina
- Keeping Animals on the Agenda
- Keeping chickens can have unwanted surprises
- Keeping Mares Pregnant so Women Can Consume Horse Urine
- Keeping Matilda's Promise
- Keeping Reptiles and Amphibians as Pets: Questions and Concerns
- Keeping the Foxes out of the Henhouse: Avoiding Potential Legislative Pitfalls Following Historic Agreement for Egg-Laying Chickens
- Keeping Track of Animal Abusers
- Kentucky Derby: Trainers Focused More on Their Reputations than Their Horses
- Kenya Rounds Up Zebras for Starving Lions
- Ketchum Idaho Bans Wild Animals in Circuses
- Key. Out. - Steven M. Wise Comments on Interview with Hercules and Leo's Chief Jailer
- Key Supporter of “Animal Enterprise Terrorism” Law Suspended for Animal Welfare Violations: What a SHOCKER
- Kids and Animals: Hunting, Zoos, Climate Change, and Hope
- Kids for Elephants!
- Kids Lead Frog Legs Protest
- Kids Say Veg of Allegiance
- Kill a buzzard, save a pheasant, then kill the pheasant
- Killed After 'Going Over the Rail' at Los Alamitos; 'Humanely Destroyed' at Fair Grounds
- Kill After Kill After Kill - Kentucky Horseracing, 2017
- Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. - At Least Five Dead Racehorses on U.S. Tracks Yesterday
- Kill Prairie Dogs or Be Prosecuted
- Killer-whale Experts Say: Reintroduce Tilikum to the Wild
- Killers With Bows & Arrows & Knives
- Killing Animals and Making Animals Suffer
- Killing Animals: Justified By Imaginary Solutions to Suffering?
- Killing a Pesky Fly
- Killing Barred Owls to Save Spotted Owls? Problems From Hell
- Killing Cats to Restore Island Backfires as Rabbits Take Over
- Killing Chickens in a Wood Chipper Discussed in The Canadian Veterinary Journal
- Killing Condors for Homes, Hotels, and Golf Courses is Okay
- Killing Coyotes - A Resilient Species Facing Relentless Persecution
- Killing Denver's Sentient Geese is Flawed in Many Ways
- Killing Game: The Extinction Industry
- Killing Horses in the Name of Sport
- "Killing IT": "It's a Deeply Personal Thing," Slaughter Practitioner Tells NPR's Fresh Air
- Killing More Jaguars in Violation of Endangered Species Act
- Killing Other Animals For Food Does Not Make us Human
- Killing Prairie Dogs Is Not an Option
- Killing Shelter Pets Is Never the Answer
- Killing the myth of hunting as conservation
- Killing the Messenger While Killing the Animals
- Killing wildlife should be understood as an addiction
- Killing With Your Own Hands
- Killing Wolves for Fun
- Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy 2017
- Kina Has Died At Hawaii's Sea Life Park
- Kindness to All Living Beings
- King Oedipus and the End of the World (Video 4)
- King-size coyote fur comforter: Price vs. cost
- Kinship Circle Rescues: When Water Comes - Amazing Sandy Survivor Stories
- Kinship Circle's Updates/Victories for Animals in 2012
- Kitten’s Horrid Tale Contains Conundrum
- Knesset: Animals Don't Have Legal Rights
- Kobi Grief
- Kosher Slaughter: Should Shackling and Hoisting Be Permitted?
- Kwaheri Satao - Saying Goodbye To A Tsavo Icon
- Kyara - Takara's Daughter and the 'Last' Orca to Be Born at SeaWorld - Has Died
- Kyoto Zoo Visit
- LA City Council Adopts Meatless Monday Resolution
- L.A. City Council Approves Motion to Ban Rodeo Torture Devices
- L.A. Pets Must Be Spayed or Neutered
- Lab Animal Abusers Actually Sentenced
- Lab-animal Alternatives Are the New Guinea Pigs
- Lab-grown Penis Lets Rabbits Mate Like Bunnies
- Lab chimp speaks his own language
- Lab Chimps Are Moving to Sanctuaries - Slowly
- Labels and the lies we tell our children
- “Lab On a Chip” Quickly Detects Pollution Without Animal Testing
- Labor Day Pigeon Shoot Cancelled Due to Lack of Shooters!
- Laboratory Animals � A Look Behind Closed Doors
- Laboratory grown burger
- Lacoste Removing Angora Products
- LaGuardia Community College Replaces Cat Cadavers With Clay Models in its Biology Classes
- Laika: A Radio Play for the Eye and Ear
- Lamb of God: From livestock trailer to rescue
- Lambs to the (Eid) Slaughter
- Lameness in Dairy Cattle Due to Life on Concrete
- Landmark “Ag Gag” Lawsuit Fights Threat to Freedom of Speech
- Landmark Agreement Moves 757 Species Toward Federal Protection
- Landmark protection for giant manta rays
- Large Clothing Retailer Bans Australian Wool
- Largest B2B Site Bans Ivory, Shark Fin and Sea Turtle Sales
- Largest Rescue Ever: Dealer Loses Custody of 'Stock' Because of Cruel Treatment to Exotic Animals
- Last Bastion of Morality
- Last Chance for Animals' Investigation into Online Puppy Broker
- Last Chance for Animals thanks Murdoch for Condemning Australia's Live Animal Export
- Last Chance for Animals (LCA) 2014
- Last Day of Racing at Wonderland
- Last Elephant in Town Faces Heartbreak
- Las Vegas' First Animal Sanctuary Will Be Here Soon
- Last week in U.S. Thoroughbred and Quarterhorse races
- Latest News from Michael Mountain/Earth in Transition
- Latest Statistics on Korean Animal Cull, January 2011
- Launch for Amphibian 'Life Raft'
- Launch of 'concern for life' media forums in China
- Launching
an Animals' Manifesto for World Animal Day
- Lawmakers Pull Tax Dollars for Painful Research on Dogs
- Lawsuit Filed Over "Penning" Facility in Which Hunting Dogs Are Set Loose on Captive Coyotes, Foxes
- Lawsuit Stops BP From Burning Sea Turtles in the Gulf
- Lawmaker Says DOD "Tortures" Animals
- Lawmakers hope to ban elephants from circuses
- Lawsuit filed over handling of wild horses
- Lawsuit Filed to Block Horse Slaughter
- Lawsuit Reveals Pictures of Dead Animals from Luck and The Hobbit
- Lawsuit to Protect Wild Horses Continues Despite Denial of Injunction Against Massive Roundup
- LCA Exposes Montreal's ITR Toxicology Research Lab Cruelty
- LCA Launches 'FBI Tracks Animal Cruelty' Campaign Urging Participation in National Animal Cruelty Database
- LCA's Undercover Investigation Reveals Disturbingly Inadequate Care of Belugas at Marineland Canada
- LCA's Undercover Video Reveals Disturbing Footage of NYC Carriage Horse Industry
- Leading Alzheimer's Researcher: Animal Experiments Will Not Help Humans
- Lead the Way to Equal Rights of All Animals
- Leading monkey lab accused of 'fatal negligence'
- League of Cruel Sports' 2012 Victories
- League Relieved Gloucestershire Badger Cull is Called Off...For Now
- Leaked Video: Live Goats' Legs Cut Off With Tree Trimmers: U.S. military training?
- Leaping Bunny Program Removes Urban Decay From Cruelty-feee Directory
- Learning From the Ants?
- Leather is Beginning to Lose its Luster Among Athletes
- Leatherback Sea Turtles: Ocean Wanderers at Risk
- Leatherback Sea Turtles Granted 70,000 Square Miles of Protection
- Leatherback Turtles, Oh, My!
- Leaving Las Vegas
- Lebanon: Animal Welfare Legislation Press Conference
- Legal Eagles? Swiss to Vote on Lawyers for Animals
- Legal Opinion on the Namibian Seal Slaughter
- Legal Protections For Some Birds
- Legal Rights and Moral Rights
- Legal Slavery in the 21st Century
- "Legal Standing" for Animals
- Legalized Bestiality and the Thanksgiving Turkey
- Legally Blind: The Case For Granting Animal Rights
- Legislator Seeks to Craft Laws to Protect Production Ag
- Legislature Considering Puppy-mill Regulations
- Legitimated by Lapham
- Lemon Sharks Protected in Florida
- Lemurs On Fast Track To Extinction
- Leona Lewis Forces Brit Awards to Drop Foie Gras from Menu
- 'Less Than Human' Labeling is Root of All Evil
- Lessons from the Lower Level
- Lessons I Learned From a Monkey
- Les Stewart, DDS: Activist Extraordinaire
- Lesbian Albatrosses Raising Chick Together
- Let Nature Take Its Course?
- Let slip the dogs of war: Wolf slaughter is afoot
- Let the Panda Die
- Let Them Eat Dog
- Let Them Eat Meat
- Let us not call for donor support for small farmers
- Lethal Control: A Film About the Reckless Use of M-44s
- Lethal New Poison Could Exterminate Black-tailed Prairie Dogs
- Let's Do What Doesn�t Work and Kill (Nearly) All the Deer!
- Let's Have a Humane and Compassionate Easter
- Let's be clear: Captivity in zoos is not conservation for elephants
- Let's Just Buy the Seal Hunt
- Let's Just Call It A War
- Let's Not Have a Cow
- Let's stop the bat shaming
- Let's Think for Ourselves [About Justifying Vivisection]
- Let's Use the Brains Our Species Was Born With
- Letter Annihilates Time Magazine's 'America's Pest Problem'
- Letter From a Vegan World
- Letter from Sue Concerning Human Greed and Indifference to the Suffering
- of Animals
- Letter of Complaint to USDA About Primate Products, Inc., Miami, FL
- Letter to Dr. Dobson About Compassion to Animals
- Letter to Nepal Army about Animal Sacrifices
- Letter to Parents About the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie
- Letter to the Editor, Toronto Star about Saving Three Elephants
- Let Us Now Praise Infamous Animals
- LGBT Compassion's Successful Campaign Against Gay Rodeo Sponsor
- liberate your language
- Liberating Lolita
- Liberating Moments
- Liberators or Terrorists?
- Libby and Louie, A Love Story
- Life In A Box
- Life Threatening Disease is the Price We Pay for Cheap Meat
- Life-Threatening Invasive Experiments on San Antonio 14 Chimpanzees: One is Cammy
- Life After Labs
- Life After the Lab
- Life and Death in the Parks
- Life is cheap when it�s not respected
- Life-Threatening Invasive Experiments on San Antonio 14 Chimpanzees: One is Katrina
- Life-Threatening Invasive Experiments on San Antonio 14 Chimpanzees: One is Ken
- Life-Threatening Invasive Experiments on San Antonio 14 Chimpanzees: One is Levi
- Lifetime Ban on Owning Livestock!
- Light in Dark Places: Anti-Vivisection from the Victorian Era to Modern Day
- Light on the Horizon for Animals in Laboratories
- Like the Little Satans We Are
- Lion-Hunting by Trump Donors is Awful, but the Trade in Lion Bones is Worse
- Lipstick, Shampoo and Cookies Are Pushing Critically Endangered Elephants to Extinction
- Little Goodwill for the Christmas Turkey
- Live and Let Die: Our Animals’ Painful Plight
- Live Animal Export
- Live Animal Exports
- Live Animal Market in Guangzhou, China
- Live Animals Part of Golden Globe Awards Gift Bags
- Live Burials of Animals in Korea - Update
- Live Cattle Trade from Australia to Indonesia Suspended
- Live export set to be an Australian election issue
- Live Gifts - Instructions Not Included
- Live Lobster Game Gets The Hook In Long Beach
- Live Pigs Blasted in Terror Attack Experiments
- Live Poultry Markets
- LiveSafe: Mobile App to Report Animal Cruelty
- Livestock Auction Owner Convicted of Animal Cruelty Following Undercover Investigation
- "Living Cadavers" Replace Living Animals in Surgery Training
- Living Coasts, Devon UK Zoo, Closes Down for Good
- Living Property: A New Status for Animals Within the Legal System
- Local? Mobile? Humane? Chickens Would Not Care
- Local Shelter Animals Used in University of Utah Research
- Locavorism is Great But Leave Out the Animal Products
- Loggerhead Sea Turtles Will Get New Protections
- Loggerhead Sea Turtles Win Room to Roam, Habitat Protection
- Loggerhead Turtle May Make Endangered List
- Lolita's 40th Year in Captivity
- Lolita/Tokitae - 50 Years in Captivity
- London's calling this year's fashion week fur free!
- Long-awaited Ban on Wild Animal Acts in Los Angeles Signed into Law
- Long awaited victory for companion animals
- Long Live Squirrels (just maybe not where you live)
- Longline Fishing and Shark Finning in the World’s Oceans
- Looking at language: Cull
- Looking at language: livestock
- Looking at words: 'slaughter'
- Looking Back on India’s Dancing Bears
- Looking in Their Eyes
- Looking Up for Elephants and Orcas?
- 'Loose Horse Collision at Full Speed' and 28 Other Horseracing Deaths in Indiana Last Year
- Los Angeles bans the use of wild animals for entertainment
- Los Angeles City Council Bans Bullhooks
- Los Angeles City Council Bans Animal Traps that Grip or Snare
- Los Angeles City Council Votes to BAN Manufacture and Sale of New Fur Products
- Los Angeles County Fair ends elephant rides
- Los Angeles Mayor signs Ordinance to Ban the Purchase of Live Animals on Public Streets and Sidewalks
- Los Angeles V.A. Cancels Taxpayer-Funded Dog Experiments
- Lost Dogs, Found Dogs
- Lou: RIP
- Louisiana Downs Celebrates Opening Day With Two – Yes, Two – Kills
- Louisiana Rejects Help from Out-of-State Veterinarians
- Love and Peace to All Creatures on Earth!
- Love Dogs but Eat Pigs? It's a Paradox
- Love in Infant Monkeys
- Love Spain Hate Bullfighting Campaign
- Loving Doggies, Eating Piggies and Wearing Cows
- Loving Meat Too Much to Give It Up
- Lucky Rabbits Not So Lucky After All
- Lucky's Name Has Been a Misnomer
- Lucy and Liam
- Lufthansa Bans the Transport of Dogs and Cats Destined to Be Killed in Experiments
- Lupophobia: Wolf Fear and Hatred
- Luxury brand Armani goes fur free
- Luxury fashion brands set the bar for Fur Free future
- Lynx Critical Habitat Increases
- Macy's No Longer Sponsoring Salinas Rodeo
- Macy's pulls Sean John dog fur jackets
- Macy’s Will Finally Ends All Fur Sales
- Magic Moments 2014 - Animal Defenders International (ADI)
- Magic Moments 2016 - Animal Defenders International (ADI)
- Maine Egg Producer Pleads Guilty to 10 Counts of Cruelty to Animals
- Maine Adds Fido To Protection Orders
- Mainstream Media Is Wrong To Link Violence Of 'YouTube Shooter' With Veganism
- Major Cockfighting Raid is a Major Disappointment
- Major Hawaii Importer Vows to Stop Importing Live Pigs for Slaughter - Victory!
- Major League Baseball Player Opts for Vegetarian Diet
- Major League Baseball Veggie Concession Updates
- Major US Labs Illegally Slaughter and Maim Animals
- Makah Whaling - Whales Must Be Protected in U.S. Waters
- Make No Mistake: Jorge Navarro and Jason Servis Are Horseracing
- Make No Mistake, Orca Mom J-35 and Pod Mates Are Grieving
- Make Veganism About Animals Again
- Maker of Hellman�s Mayonnaise Attempts to Crush Cruelty-free Alternative
- Makin' Bacon: Unspeakable and Grisly Abuse On a Pig Farm
- Making a Killing with Animal Welfare Reform
- Make a Splash: Free Lolita!
- Making All Nations Great: Human Wellbeing and Respect for all Life
- Making Headway in Animal Law
- Making Sense of What Animals Need
- Making the Case Against Fur Farming
- Making the Connection
- Malaysia Airlines Berhad announces it will not carry shark fin or other endangered wildlife products
- Mall Management Company Ends Sugar Glider Sales
- Mama Grizzlies
- Man Dressed in Animal Skin Shot Dead During Hunt
- Man Loses Hunting Licenses for Killing Elk in Park
- Man Sentenced to One Year in Jail for Killing his Dog
- Man Sets Himself on Fire at Portland Fur Store
- Man vs. Lion Fight Cancelled
- Man to Earth: Drop Dead
- Man Who Starved Pit Bull Gets Jail Time
- Man Who Trains NYC Carriage Horses Admits to 'Breaking' Them
- Manatee Death Toll Sets New Mortality Record With More Than 460 In 2013
- Manatee Downlisting Not Supported By Science or Law
- Manatee Mom and Calf Rescued, Then Released
- Manatees and Oil Don’t Mix
- Maneka Gandhi on "The Myriad Excuses of Meat-Eaters"
- Manifest -
- Manly Vegans and the Coming World
- Manotas, the First Sea Shepherd Galapagos Wildlife-sniffing Dog, Retires
- Many Thanks to The Intercept: Missing Piglets, The FBI and The Revolving Door
- Marine Circuses May Soon Be History
- Marineland Owner Shot Neighbors' Dogs, Say Witnesses
- Marines In Puppy Video Disciplined
- Mark Twain and Vivisection
- Mark Zuckerberg: Killing Animals for Self-Improvement
- Marketing Versus Reality: The Myth of the Organic Happy Cow
- Marshall BioResources Is a Factory Farm Like You’ve Never Seen Before: Beagles, Cats, Ferrets, Guinea Pigs, Mice
- Mary Britton Clouse - For the Wonderful Chicken
- Mary Hutton Frees Asia's Endangered Bears From Lives of Torment
- Maryland Bans Devocalization
- Maryland Bans Pigeon Shoots!
- Maryland Governor Ehrlich Encourages Bear Hunt
- Maryland Inmates Might Become Crab Pickers
- Maryland Pigeon Shoot SHUT DOWN!
- Mass Animal Suffering and the Collapse of Compassion
- Massachusetts General Hospital has Ended its Lethal Use of Sheep in Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Courses
- Massachusetts Legislation Would Add Pets to Restraining Orders
- Massachusetts Outlaws Shark Fin Soup
- Massacre of 30 Thousand Chickens in Gaza
- Mass Extinction and the Confederate Flag
- Massive Rescue of Grey Parrots
- Mass Shootings Do Not Reflect Human Nature
- Masters Degree in Humane Education (Distance-Learning)
- Maternal Deprivation Experiments
- Maternal Deprivation studies return to UWI Madison
- May The Outrage Turn To Something More
- Mayo Clinic Reports on Slaughterhouse Illness Research
- Mayor of Bogota prohibits bullfights in the Plaza de Santamaria
- Mayor Villaraigosa of Los Angeles and the Truth about Cats and Dogs
- Maximum Lifespan
- Mazor Monkey-Breeding Farm
- McDonald's Cruelty: The Rotten Truth About Egg McMuffins
- McDonald's Redesigns Deadly Dessert Lids
- Measure 5 on the Ballot in North Dakota
- Measurable Progress for Dolphins in 2018
- Meat. It's What for Murder
- Meat: The Slavery of Our Times
- Meat and Milk from Cloned Animals: Safety Not the Issue
- Meat Feeds More than Our Bodies. Meat Feeds Our Egos.
- Meat Packer Admits Slaughter of Sick Cows
- Meat Free Week in Australia (March 18-24, 2013)
- Meatless Mondays in Baltimore Schools Causes Controversy
- Meatless Mondays Replacing Mystery Meat In More School Cafeterias
- Mecosta County Animal Shelter will no longer practice pound seizure after July 1, 2012
- Medical Impacts of Devocalization
- Media Shining Light on Abuses
- Medical College of Wisconsin and the University of Virginia end the use of animals in medical student training
- Meet a Manatee: Deep Dent
- Meet a Manatee: Doc
- Meet A Manatee: Howie
- Meet A Manatee: Philip
- Meet A Manatee: Phyllis
- Meet a Manatee: Vector
- Meet "Crazy Nick"
- Meet the Parents
- Meet the New FBR Ads - Same as the Old FBR Ads
- Meet Your Meat Industry: The AMI Fact Sheet for 2010
- Meet Your Meat Spin Doctors
- Meet Cynthia Payne: Another former SeaWorld Staffer Comes Forward after Blackfish
- Meet Sharkey
- Mega-dairies: Farming Solution or Big Problem?
- Melbourne Cup - Horse Abuse
- Memo Reveals Japan Aquarium Industry's Secret Sponsorship of Dolphin Slaughter
- Memorial Day: Remembering the Fallen
- Memorial Day for Animals
- Memorial Day 2012 Weekend Manatee Reminder
- Memorial Service Remembers 150 Monkeys Killed from Testing
- Men's Odor Stresses Mice and Rats Used in Pain Research
- Mental Evaluation Ordered For Suspect in Florida Cat Killings
- Merck & Co Announcement
- Mercury Levels on the Rise in Arctic Wildlife, Especially in Predators
- Mercy for Animals Offers to Help Taco Bell Solve Its Meaty Problem
- Mercy for Animals Undercover Investigation Exposes Shocking Abuse at Pork Factory Farm
- Message to the circus “industry” in India
- Mestengo. Mustang. Misfit. America’s Disappearing Wild Horses
- Meteoroid Euthanized on Track � 14th Kill at Saratoga Race Track
- Mexico City Bans Circus Animals in Shows
- Mexico to Reintroduce Wolves Near U.S. Border
- Mexican Government Backs Out of Relocating the Tigers of Cancun
- Mexicans, Strokes and FRAME
- MGM Mirage Dolphin Dies from Lung Infection Complications
- Miami Seaquarium in Hot Water for Endangering Orca Trainers
- Miami Seaquarium is a 'Crime Scene'
- Mice and Rats in Labs: Uncounted, unheeded and unprotected
- Mice Holding Back Muscular Dystrophy Research?
- Mice Prove Useless in Testing Killer Diseases
- Mice with Human Brains � Really!b
- Michael Jackson Did Not Love Animals
- Michael Kors Goes Fur-Free!
- Michael Pollan and Anthropomorphism
- Michael Pollan Talks Trash about Chickens Just Like Big Ag He Denounces
- Michael Vick is Not an Animal Rights Activist
- Michael Vick Signs with the Philadelphia Eagles
- Michael Vick: An American Story
- Michael Vick’s True Message to Young People
- Michelle Obama Swears Off Fur
- Michigan government announces plan to destroy ranch livestock based on hair color
- Michigan Mourning Doves in Danger
- Michigan Woman Faces Down Meat Industry, Wins
- Mickey Mouse Promotes Meat Products and Animal Suffering
- Mierda! Colombia Overturns Bullfight Ban
- Might Courts Be Taking Cruelty to Animals More Seriously?
- Migrating Elephants Keep On Their Natural Path...Through the Lodge
- Mike Tyson Promotes Veganism on New West Hollywood Billboard
- Military Dogs No More
- Military Replacing Animals in Some Training Areas
- Milk Glut Has Dairy Farmers Killing Hundreds of Thousands of Cows in Hope Prices Will Rise
- Milk of Death: The Dark Side of the Nurse Mare Industry
- Millionaire Greyhound Breeder Tells Group to Kill Dog
- Millions of Animals Across the U.S. Suffer Agonizing Deaths in Cruel Traps Just to Supply the Fashion Industry With Fur
- Millions of animals are killed every day, but there’s a reason nobody cares
- Millions of Animals to Be Sacrificed for U.S. Holiday
- Millions of Wild Acres in Alaska Rainforest Protected from Logging
- Minding the Animals
- Mindless Conformity: Factory Farming in Australia
- Mining Ban Saves 1 Million Acres of Tortoise Habitat
- Mink Fur Farms in the Netherlands Will Permanently Close in 2021
- Minks Starving to Death During Worker Protest in Russia
- Minnesota Bans Ownership of Wild Animals
- Minnesota Bill Targets Anyone Who Exposes an “Image or Sound” of Animal Suffering at Factory Farms, Puppy Mills
- Minnesota Fur Farm Burns to the Ground
- Minnesota Wolves Back on Endangered Species List
- Miracles Are For Animals Too
- Miss PoPsicle and the War in Syria
- Miss Snake Charmer Kills and Skins Rattlesnake as Prize
- Missing Iditarod Dog Finally Shows Up in McGrath
- Mission Possible: Defending the Rights of Prairie Dogs
- Missoula Montana City Council Bans Wild and Exotic Animal Acts
- Missouri To Have First Horse Slaughter Plant?
- Missouri Voters Pass Puppy Mill Standards
- Missouri’s 201
- Misunderstood
- 1 Puppy Mill Compromise
- Modern Tests Spare Animals From Oil Leak Fallout
- Money from USPS's "Save Vanishing Species" Stamps to go to Safari Club and Ringling Brothers
- Money Talks; Grizzly Bears Die
- Monkey Abuser Loses Again in Court...Again
- Monkey and Beagle Cull at Lab Prompts ALDF to Call for Legislative Reform
- Monkey Breeding Facility Construction Denied by Court
- Monkey Business in Sochi
- Monkey Business...Edwards, Wrong About Everything?
- Monkey Business in Van Nuys
- Monkey Experiments 'Have Failed Patients With Neurological Diseases,' Says Scientist
- Monkeys for Sale, no questions asked
- Monkey Heads
- Monkey Who Bit Oneida Castle Woman Euthanized
- Monkey See, Monkey Forced to Do
- Monkeys Chained, Abused for Coconut Milk
- Monkeys in NIH Lab Get Congressional Support
- Monkeys use tools to forage
- Monkeys, Nerve Gas, and the U. S. Army: Would You Do This To Your Dog?
- Monmouth Man Charged with Abandoning White Rabbit
- Montana Department of Livestock Kills Another Bison
- Montana Governor Bullock Vetoes SB 284
- Montana Spear Hunting Legislation Defeated
- Montana Stops Wolf Hunting Near Yellowstone
- Montreal bids farewell to its horse-drawn carriages
- Monument to the Dog Killed by Fashion Model
- Moon bears, wasps, and sexy seals: Animals aren't dumb
- Moral Concern, Moral Impulse, and Logical Argument in Animal Rights Advocacy
- Moral Progress Cannot Be Stopped
- Morality, Biology, Complicity: Humans Not Predators
- More Alike Than Different
- More Americans Adopt Pets than Buy
- More Bad 'Luck'
- More Dolphins Go Tail Walking - "That's culture"
- More Evidence Three Rs Do Not Work
- More Killing - Always the Answer
- More of SHARK's Victories in 2016
- More than 2 dozen charged in horse racing doping scheme
- More than 1,000 dogs saved from Vietnamese food industry
- More than a third of health poll respondents eating less meat
- More than Two Million Birds Arrive at the Slaughterhouse Dead
- More than Words: Pet "Owners" or Pet "Guardians"?
- More tourists killed riding elephants in Thailand
- Morris County NJ to Weigh Use of Newly Okayed Deer Contraceptive
- Moscow International Circus Suspends Animal Acts
- Most Good, Least Harm: An Interview with Zoe Weil
- Most people are repulsed by hunting
- Most Shocking Photos of Elephant Abuse in the Circus Ever Released
- Mother bear kills cub then self at Chinese bile farm
- Mother of Toddler Attacked by Cougar Agrees That Development Root of Conflicts with Big Cats
- Mothers Day
- Mounting Opposition to Vivisection
- Mourning A Brutal Death
- Mourning Doves: Bonded Pairs and Family Lif
- Moves in the UK to begin repeal of Hunting Act by 'back door'
- Movie Shooter – the Animal Connection
- Movie Star Electric Shocked - Water For Elephants
- Much-abused Macaques May Soon Face Extinction
- Mugaritz Fined, Fois Gras Farm Shut Down
- Münster Dolphinarium to Release Dolphins
- Murder Most Foul (2016)
- Murder Most Foul in the Faroe Islands (2019)
- Murry J. Cohen, M.D.: UW's monkey maternal deprivation studies are a farce
- Mussel Traffickers to Serve Prison Terms, Pay Restitution
- Mustang Tales: Bringing the Reader to the Range
- Mute Swans: Logic vs. Myth; Compassion vs. Dogma
- "Mutton Busting" Banned at One California Rodeo
- My Adventure Presenting Animal Rights Philosophy to the FBI
- My Baloney Has a First Name: The Art of Political Pandering
- My Dear Elephant Friends Paula and Kristy
- My Dog or Your Child? Ethical Dilemmas and the Hierarchy of Moral Value
- "My Father Shot Our Dog"
- My Furry Client Bleats Not Guilty
- My Gentle Barn: Creating a Sanctuary Where Animals Heal and Children Learn to Hope
- My late night radicalism
- My Late Night Visit to a 'Certified Humane' Egg Farm
- My Monkey: The Sad Life of ro4040
- My Mother's Name Was Anna
- My Rejected Op-Ed to the LA Times
- My Response to the Naysayers
- My Road to Activism Began in Pamplona
- My Soul and Inspiration
- My Visit to the Dolphins at SeaWorld
- Mystery Along the California Coast: Sea Lion Pups Washing Ashore
- My Thank You Letter to Renee, Alice, Oscar and the 281 Other Animals I Helped Rescue from Abuse
- Myth Busting...About Geese
- Myths About Pet Stores and Breeders
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