Bullhook Ban Passed in Fulton County, GA
An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

[Ed. Note: Read Whistleblower Validates Ringling Cruelty to Elephants.]

Because elephants traveling to Fulton County can't be jabbed or beaten with these ugly devices, circuses like Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus and other traveling shows will have to leave them behind.

Sweet Georgia Brown! Or should I say, "Sweet Fulton County Board of Commissioners"?

Earlier today, following pressure from PETA, concerned members of the community, and celebrities like Demi Moore, the board approved a ban on the use of bullhooks—batons with a sharp metal hook on the end that are used to hit captive elephants in order to keep them fearful and obedient.


Bullhook. This is the tool used to bruise, maim, control, “train” elephants. Swung like a baseball bat, it can inflict horrific pain and injury. Used slowly to dig into tender flesh, it can also inflict horrific pain and injury. Training is about getting a desired result by any means possible. The bullhook is always visible whenever elephants are “performing.”

Because elephants traveling to Fulton County can't be jabbed or beaten with these ugly devices, circuses like Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus and other traveling shows will have to leave them behind.

If you're as happy about this as we are, please send a note of appreciation to the Board and commend it for its compassionate decision:

County Board of Commissioners
Fulton County
141 Pryor Street
Atlanta CA 30303
phone (404) 730-4000
fax (404) 730-8254
email - [email protected]

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