Dave Bernazani
[Let the record show, this series was compiled by Dave Bernazani from 12/22/2007 – 12/07/09]
A compilation of the various acts of cruelty and abuse humans routinely (and usually quite legally) inflict on their fellow animals. I believe we must answer for our crimes and our disgraceful stewardship of our planet, and a list of the charges is a beginning to that end.
Note: This is a work in progress, and items may continuously added and updated as new events occur and information is discovered. Any suggestions, comments or corrections are greatly appreciated. I think I’ve pretty much covered the main ways that devious humans have come up with to abuse animals in a big way, but if you know of anything I’ve missed that you think should be added, please email me. Also, I do not apologize for the sometimes shocking photos here that document these forms of abuse, for I believe the world needs to see exactly what is happening; only then (hopefully) will enough of us act to stop it.
Crimes Against Other Species of Planet Earth
Part 1. Backyard Big Cat and Other Exotics Breeding
Part 12. Street Dog Slaughter/Culling
Part 13. Elephant "Breaking" / Phajaan and Other Abuses
Part 14b. Factory Farming - Pigs
Part 14c. Factory Farming - Chickens and Turkeys
Part 14d. Factory Farming - Dairy Cows
Part 14e. Factory Farming - Veal
Part 14f. Factory Farming - Sheep and Wool
Part 18. Gorilla Murder and the Bushmeat Trade
Part 22. Laboratory Vivisection/Experimentation/Testing
Part 24, Overfishing - Trawling, Longline and Drift Nets
Part 25, Polar and Grizzly Bear and Other Trophy Hunting
Part 30. Whale and Dolphin Slaughter
Part 33. Other Forms of Organized or Industrial Cruelty
Crimes Against Other Species of Planet Earth
This is a compilation of the worst offenses people commit in an organized fashion against other species of the Earth. There is no mention of the individual acts of cruelty to other species that occur every day around the world; I only list large-scale group actions here, “institutionalized” cruelty where the guilt is shared by many, who defend them as "just" or even "necessary." Many of them, such as rodeos, bullfights, etc. are sponsored by large corporations that you buy products from. they have all been made aware of the cruelties involved in these events by animal welfare organizations, but choose to ignore that and enjoy the money such sponsorship brings them. It is easier to continue animal abuse when you are a part of a crowd, or even get paid to do it; but it doesn’t make it right.
These crimes are all currently happening in the world today, right now in 2009– crimes which future generations will judge us by. What will we say in our defense?
If any of these were committed against other humans, it would make headlines around the world and people would scream for justice. However since they are done to nonhumans, they continue today, and although some are (hopefully) waning, others are gaining ground.
While reading them, see if you can guess which crime I have selected as the worst, most unforgivable of them all (answer at the bottom). As this is a listing of shameful human activities, it is not easy reading. Some may even become angry or defensive if they see something they themselves are guilty of. I make no apologies; for that matter, if someone is guilty of one of the offenses listed here it is they who should apologize.
I only state the facts and show the photos. It is up to future generations to decide what is to be said for humankind’s actions up until now.
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