Last Chance for
Animals (LCA)
March 2017
[Take ACTION: Sign this online petition]
The boldness with which many of the instances of abuse took place––often in full view of supervisors and, in the case of beagles in an inhalation study, in a room with a surveillance camera––suggests that technicians were confident they would not be reprimanded for their behavior. ITR supervisors made no moves to prevent further abuse or to correct systematic neglect of the animals.
Watch the video narrated by Joaquin Phoenix: LCA Investigation Reveals Cruelty at ITR Toxicology Research Lab!
"Kept for years, their life is a toxic nightmare."
During summer and fall of 2016, Last Chance for Animals (LCA) conducted an investigation at ITR Canada Ltd., a contract toxicology research facility in the suburbs of Montreal, Quebec that performs laboratory studies on beagle dogs, mini-pigs, and macaque monkeys. Throughout the investigation, LCA documented an ongoing pattern of animal abuse and neglect in clear violation of provincial animal protection laws and animal testing guidelines.
LCA’s investigation revealed:
Beagle wearing 'infusion jacket'
The boldness with which many of the instances of abuse took place––often
in full view of supervisors and, in the case of beagles in an inhalation
study, in a room with a surveillance camera––suggests that technicians were
confident they would not be reprimanded for their behavior. ITR supervisors
made no moves to prevent further abuse or to correct systematic neglect of
the animals.
Possibly the most intrinsic abuse with lab animals occurs merely in the way
they are housed for most of their lives. Animals in all of the studies
documented by LCA were housed singly in barren wire cages, without
opportunities for exercise or socialization. This social deprivation was
exacerbated by the animals’ ability to see distressful procedures carried
out on the others in the room.
Dogs, macaques, and pigs are all social animals, and depriving them of the
chance to interact with humans or with members of their species, especially
when none of the tests LCA witnessed called for the animals to be isolated
for extended periods of time, is inexcusable
Macaques are highly social animals and live in extended family groups in the
wild. Their suffering from isolation and use in painful experiments has been
documented to show that 10-14% of individually housed monkeys mutilate
All the animals documented by LCA’s investigator were killed at the end of
the studies they were used in, except the macaques. This species is commonly
subjected to multiple studies over the course of their lives, which can be
as long as thirty years.
Placing pig in sling for dermal cream studies
Researchers are required to justify their use of animals in medical studies, with the goal of minimizing animal suffering. However, during our investigation, LCA documented a shocking violation of this principle. In one instance, a dermal study designed to test a gel or ingredient intended to be applied topically to human skin involved rubbing a substance on the skin of mini pigs to test how the pigs’ skin would react.
When it became apparent that the substance was causing a severe degree of
burning and irritation to the animals, technicians asked for the study to be
stopped and the veterinarian and management agreed. However, the study
sponsor was unwilling to stop the tests and instead instructed management to
change the parameters of the study and to force feed the substance to the
pigs. Multiple animals were put through the distress of having a tube forced
down their throats, and a foreign substance injected into their stomachs for
a study that could not possibly produce any relevant or usable results. The
disturbing callousness of ITR management in allowing this treatment to occur
violates the most basic ethical standards to which medical researchers are
expected and required to adhere.
LCA has filed official complaints with Le ministère de l'Agriculture, des
Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation (MAPAQ), Le ministère des Forêts, de la Faune
et des Parcs (MFFP), Ministère de l'Énergie et des Ressources naturelles
(MERN). These ministries are responsible for enforcing violations of the
Animal Welfare and Safety Act (CQLR c. B-3.1), the Regulation Respecting
theSafety and Welfare of Cats and Dogs (CQLR P-42, r.10.1), the Act
Respecting the Conservation and Development of Wildlife (CQLR c. C-61.1) and
the Regulations Respecting Wildlife in Captivity (CQLR C-61.1, r. 5).
Provincial animal welfare laws do not exempt lab animals from provisions
protecting animals from neglect and the types of abuse witnessed by our
investigator. The treatment documented at ITR shows a blatant disregard for
the well-being of the animals in the care of the facility, and we are
calling for charges to be laid against ITR’s management.
Expert Statements:
Margaret Whittaker
Animal Behavior Consultant
Behavioral Advisor to the Old World Monkey Advisory Group of the AZA
“After viewing this video, it is my professional assessment that the monkey wearing the red collar is of extreme concern; her situation must be addressed to alleviate her suffering. I also believe that many of the other monkeys are at risk of developing behavioral pathologies and suffering from the techniques used at this facility.
“I believe that significant changes must be made by this facility in order to protect the animals’ physical and psychological well-being.”
Dr. Jessica Ganas
“As highly social animals that live in large multi-male/multi-female groups in the wild, housing animals in a lab in the conditions listed above is inherently cruel. The effects of these conditions have caused the animals to exhibit abnormal behavior such as stereotypies, and extreme body hair removal. No social animal should be subjected to such living conditions. Psychological and social behavior indicated monkeys suffering.”
Dr. Ganas has over twenty years experience working with
primates in both a lab and wild setting. She received her PhD from the Max
Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology where she studied wild
mountain gorillas in Uganda for her dissertation. Additionally, she has
worked at three different captive and semi-wild primate research centers in
the United States, primarily studying the social behavior of rhesus macaque
In recent decades, scientific advancements have made many medical tests
involving animals obsolete. All stakeholders should be working tirelessly to
move away from using animals wherever alternatives exist; many tests
commonly performed on animals can already be replaced. The scientific
community has a moral obligation to end its reliance on animal models when
more effective, efficient, and ethical methods of testing exist.
Help stop the cruelty!
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