The National Humane Education Society
November 2012
“You have only to look into an animal’s eyes to know that it has a soul or listen to its cries to realize that it has feelings, too.” -Anna C. Briggs
When most of us think of dairy farms, we think of peaceful green pastures
and happy cows outside in the sun. This image is easy to picture: just look
at labels, commercials, and other advertisements and you will find this idea
portrayed widely. Unfortunately, this is not a common reality for cows
within the dairy industry. By considering the basic system of the modern
dairy industry, a picture appears that many of us will not be comfortable
A dairy cow is a mother. Like all mammals, a cow will produce milk only
after she has given birth. To obtain the quantity of milk that demand
requires, a cow in intensive dairy operations is made to give birth at least
once a year to force continual lactation. The calf she gives birth to will
be taken from her shortly after joining the world. If her calf is female,
she will be raised to the same life as her mother, confined indoors as a
milk producer. If her calf is male, he too will live a life of confinement,
although a much shorter and extreme one within a veal factory.
Mother cows have a strong maternal instinct and are known to cry and search
for their babies for days. Her calf, too, will cry for her. In breaking a
cow’s bond with her calf, the dairy farmer denies her natural instincts as a
mother. This causes severe stress and emotional trauma for both mother and
Cows on dairy farms are made to repeat this cycle until their milk
production begins to slow, at which time they are considered “spent.” The
natural lifespan of a cow is up to 25 years; but in the stressful system of
dairy facilities, they typically become exhausted after only 4 to 5 years.
They are then sent to the slaughterhouse. Because of the rough life dairy
cows undergo, their meat is considered low grade and is mostly used in pet
food, canned soups, or fast food hamburgers.
Most of us grew up consuming dairy products and regard them as a staple of
our diets. Thankfully, today there are many tasteful dairy alternatives
practically anywhere you look. Soy, almond, rice, oat, and hazelnut milks
are just a few of the products we can substitute for cow’s milk. There is
also a wide variety of commercially-available cheese substitutes that come
in all types: cheese shreds, American-style singles, cream-cheese, grated
parmesan, and much more. Even the most diehard cheese lovers can enjoy
non-dairy hard cheeses like sharp, Swiss, and gouda. It may surprise you
that you can even make your own!
All mammals drink milk from their mother after birth until they wean. Humans
are the only mammals that take milk from other animals so they can drink it
throughout their lives. With such an ugly system of dairy production and so
many simple alternatives available, making a compassionate choice can be
Number of animals killed in the world by the fishing, meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage.
0 marine animals
0 chickens
0 ducks
0 pigs
0 rabbits
0 turkeys
0 geese
0 sheep
0 goats
0 cows / calves
0 rodents
0 pigeons/other birds
0 buffaloes
0 dogs
0 cats
0 horses
0 donkeys and mules
0 camels / camelids