Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D.
May 2007
A major report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization found that animal agriculture is a leading cause of global warming and air pollution; land, soil, and water degradation, and biodiversity loss
The psalmist wrote, "The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof, the
world and those who dwell therein" (24:1). This is why God's instruction to
Adam to till and keep the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:15) is a sacred calling.
However, humans have not been responsible stewards of God's Creation.
While industrial interests generally favor "further studies" rather than
action on critical environmental issues, pollution and resource depletion
are clearly world problems. World temperatures are rising; land, water, and
energy resources are diminishing; and species are becoming extinct at
alarming rates. Many people, troubled by these developments, have favored
modest lifestyle adjustments, such as driving smaller cars, recycling, and
using renewable energy resources. Rarely do we hear environmentalists call
for plant-based diets. This strategy may be politically wise in that it does
not "scare away" meat-eating people from the environmental movement, but
failure to encourage plant-based diets profoundly undermines
environmentalists' campaigns.
First, animal agriculture tends to significantly deplete land, water, and
energy resources. Most calories and proteins are lost when farmed animals
convert feed into animal products, though some animals are more efficient
than others at this conversion. Moving toward a plant-based diet almost
always reduces our footprint on the earth.[1] A major report by the United
Nations Food and Agriculture Organization found that animal agriculture is a
leading cause of global warming and air pollution; land, soil, and water
degradation, and biodiversity loss.[2] The report concluded that the
livestock contributes more to global warming than all forms of
transportation combined. Farmed animals and their waste emit huge quantities
of the potent greenhouse gasses methane and nitrous oxide.
Animal agriculture is a major impetus behind deforestation, which releases
the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
Second, those who eat animals in order to satisfy their taste for meat are
choosing to live according to their sensual desires rather than according to
environmental-friendly practices. One of the main reasons that we face a
growing environmental crisis is that people have sought to satisfy their own
desires rather than abide by environmental imperatives.
Third, when environmentalists show disregard for animals' needs, they
display an attitude that is spiritually dangerous for people as well as
animals. The practice of selectively (and quite arbitrarily) ignoring the
needs of weak and vulnerable animals makes it easier to discount or ignore
the needs of other people during times of stress or crisis, such as when
resources seem scarce.
1. Robbins, John. The Food Revolution. Berkeley, CA: Conari Press, 2001.
2. Steinfeld, Henning, Gerber, Pierre, Wassenaar, Tom, Castel, et al.
Livestock's Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options. Rome, FAO, 2006.
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