Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM)
March 2013
Our "Green Yourt Diet" banner helped to lead the march.
…is exactly what more than 40,000 individuals chanted this past Sunday as
they marched on Washington to demonstrate to President Obama their stance on
climate change, and FARM was there educating the American public how a
change in diet can change the climate.
Thousands of folks participated in the largest climate march in our
country’s history…pushing for a ban on the devastating Keystone XL pipeline,
limiting carbon pollution from dirty power plants, and moving beyond coal
and natural gas towards cleaner energy like wind and solar power. Each of
these items will make a difference in the health of our planet’s climate,
but as we can see, they take time and depend on the government and
profit-driven corporations to take a stand before we ever see real change.
Unfortunately, our planet doesn’t have the luxury of time; if we are to
survive, we need to see real change NOW. Luckily, there is one small step
each one of us can take that will make a HUGE difference for the health of
our planet (and for human health and the health of animals) and that is
changing the way we eat.
Raising animals for food is one of the largest contributors to global
warming. Reports show animal agribusiness contributes to climate change more
than all the planes, cars, trucks, and all other forms of transportation on
the planet combined. A report from World Watch states, “Livestock (like
automobiles) are a human invention and convenience, not part of pre-human
times, and a molecule of CO2 [carbon dioxide] exhaled by livestock is no
more natural than one from an auto tailpipe.” Switching just two meals per
week from animal products to vegan products reduces more greenhouse gases
than buying all locally-sourced food.
So the next time you recycle, change to more efficient light bulbs or ride
your bike instead of hopping in your car, please think about how your food
choices are affecting our planet’s climate. To learn more, please visit And be sure to take the pledge to “Move Forward” for the
environment, animals and humanity at
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