Stephanie Ernest
March 2009
Okay, I wish the title of "The Cow Is a Climate Bomb" had been worded
differently. Cattle themselves are not at fault here. Animal agriculture and
humans are, for forcing into existence so very, very many of them, just so
that we can then kill, eat, and wear them. But still, this study and article
are saying what most people have been refusing to acknowledge: "Whether
cattle are reared organically or with conventional farming methods, the end
effect is bad for the environment, according to a new German consumer
Read on for this important, first-of-its kind study. And this was not a
study conducted by vegan animal rights activists or a study conducted
Whether they are raised conventionally or organically, one thing cows have
in common is that they burp and fart to their hearts' content. Like all
ruminants, cows are constantly emitting methane -- a greenhouse gas that is
23 times more powerful than carbon dioxide -- from both ends.
Bode wanted to find out just how strong the effects of the greenhouse gases
methane, nitrous oxide and CO2 are. On Monday Foodwatch published
a comprehensive study of the effects of agriculture on the climate, the
first study of its kind that differentiates between conventional and organic
farming. The scientists who conducted the study, with Germany's Institute
for Ecological Economy Research (IOeW), accounted for both the CO2 emissions
resulting from the production of feed and fertilizers, as well as the land
requirements and productivity of various production methods.
The results are enough to send diehard fans of steaks and burgers into a
Even if all farms and methods, organic or otherwise, were optimized to
reduce their effects on the climate, Foodwatch concludes that the principal
approach to making agriculture more climate-friendly would require a drastic
reduction in beef production. This would mean a radical increase in the
price of steaks and the like. "It's time we went back to the days of the
Sunday roast," says Bode.
Or just stop eating animals altogether. If you're going to cut down to once
a week, why not go all the way? You'll stop missing the experience of eating
flesh so much after a while if you make an ethical decision not to eat it,
whereas if you're still eating it (and looking forward to eating it) once a
week, those cravings likely aren't going to cease. And I know that this
article talks a lot about meat consumption, but livestock farming as a whole
is the problem--and that means dairy too. Lots and lots of cattle are being
raised (and ultimately killed) for dairy. (Check out the Foodwatch chart
later in this post that shows how much vegetarianism still contributes to
greenhouse gases versus veganism.)
The article continues, "But when it comes time to break the bad news to the
average citizen, politicians are suddenly thin on the ground. Agriculture is
the blind spot in the German government's climate protection policy." Oh
Germany, you're not alone.
But, in Foodwatch's assessment of the results of the IOEW study, organic
agriculture is also not nearly as climate-friendly as many consumers
believe. A complete conversion to climate-optimized organic farming, which
requires more land, would reduce emissions by about 20 percent. However,
this would be principally the result of not using nitrogen fertilizer, with
its energy-intensive production and release of nitrous oxide in the fields.
Nitrous oxide is 300 times as harmful as carbon dioxide.
Low Marks for Organic Farming
If the amount of land being farmed stays at current levels, the result would
be high productivity losses. There would have to be a 70-percent decline in
the production of meat and milk. The beneficial effect on the climate would
be achieved primarily by eliminating the number of cattle, rather than
through the use of organic methods.
Organic farming also scores less favorably when it comes to fattening
cattle. The organically raised bull has a less beneficial impact on the
climate than his highly cultivated fellow cattle, even when feed production
is taken into account. The organically raised bull needs more room and also
requires traditional litter. This produces emissions, unlike the perforated
floors on which highly cultivated turbo-cattle spend their short lives.
According to Foodwatch's analysis, this is where a conflict with animal
rights groups is likely to arise.
He's right, sort of--because basically what we're saying here is that if
people want to keep selfishly eating the way they do (i.e., eating animals),
there are only two choices: reduce consumption and keep treating animals
even more terribly on industrial farms than they are treated on
less-industrial farms, or stop eating animals. But ethically, the choice is
obvious. If you care about animals and you care about the environment and
the future of this planet, it's time to stop eating animals and what comes
from them. "Vegans," the report confirms, "eat in a decidedly
climate-friendly way"--and just as importantly, in the only truly
animal-friendly way too.
And as's Global Warming
blogger noted recently, we now know that climate change and its disastrous
effects are coming at us even faster than previously thought, and the time
to make real changes is now. No more twiddling our thumbs and pretending
it's not happening (unless we're OK with, for example, famine and massive
habitat loss, among other disasters).
A while back, I linked to the Audubon article "Low-Carbon Diet" and later
regretted that I didn't discuss it more. I won't extend this post any longer
to discuss it now either, but given what you've just read, this is a good
time to check it out if you're still eating animals and think you can't
stop. It begins,
Full disclosure: I love to eat meat. I was born in Memphis, the barbecue
capital of the Milky Way Galaxy. I worship slow-cooked, hickory-smoked pig
meat served on a bun with extra sauce and coleslaw spooned on top.
My carnivore’s lust goes beyond the DNA level. It’s in my soul. Even the
cruelty of factory farming doesn’t temper my desire, I’ll admit. Like most
Americans, I can somehow keep at bay all thoughts of what happened to the
meat prior to the plate.
So why in the world am I a dedicated vegetarian? Why is meat, including
sumptuous pork, a complete stranger to my fork at home and away? The answer
is simple: I have an 11-year-old son whose future—like yours and mine—is
rapidly unraveling due to global warming. And what we put on our plates can
directly accelerate or decelerate the heating trend.
And here's another favorite--and important--part of the piece (emphasis is
But with global warming, here’s the inconvenient truth about meat and dairy
products: If you eat them, regardless of their origin and how they were
produced, you significantly contribute to climate change. Period. If your
beef is from New Zealand or your own backyard, if your lamb is organic
free-range or factory farmed, it still has a negative impact on global
Stephanie Ernest: Stephanie is a vegan, a tree hugger, a freelance editor and writer, and an animal rights advocate. She lives in St. Louis with a motley pack of three dogs and two cats as well as the world's most adorable foster pit bull.
Number of animals killed in the world by the fishing, meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage.
0 marine animals
0 chickens
0 ducks
0 pigs
0 rabbits
0 turkeys
0 geese
0 sheep
0 goats
0 cows / calves
0 rodents
0 pigeons/other birds
0 buffaloes
0 dogs
0 cats
0 horses
0 donkeys and mules
0 camels / camelids