An Animal Rights Article Series from
Environment Articles
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- A Call to Environmentalists
- A Civil Rights Anthem from the 60s takes on a new meaning
- A Dream of Mountain Gorillas Deferred
- A Free Pass for Factory Farms?
- A Glaring Omission at the Student Climate Strike
- A Letter to Laurie David about Global Warming and the Cattle Industry
- A New Way to Account for Taste: Tax Meat to Fight Climate Change
- A Reflection on Animals, Nature and the Human Condition: A One Health For One Earth Manifesto
- A Tree in My Head...But None Left on the Earth - Cartoon
- A Well-Fed World's Climate-Friendly Food Guide
- After Gas Leak, Now Hilcorp Reports Oil Leak in Alaska's Cook Inlet
- A Litmus Test for Sustainability Sanity
- A Very Inconvenient Truth
- Agreement Cancels 28 Timber Sales, Protects Rare Seabirds in Oregon
- Agricultural Elephant in the Room
- Ah, the irony: menu options lacking at the UN Climate Change Conference
- Air pollution threatens key crop pollinators, study finds
- Alaska’s Tongass National Forest Saved from Destructive Logging and Road Building
- Albatross Chicks Full of Human Garbage
- Algae bloom kills hundreds of sea lions off California
- Algae Blooms, Seagrass Loss, and Manatee Deaths
- Al Gore Still Won't Talk About Meat
- Al Gore, You Should Be Ashamed Of Yourself
- Al Gore's Vegan Diet: The Power of the Individual
- All Veggies, Half the Carbon
- Amazon Death Rattle
- Amazon Rainforests Pay the Price as Demand for Beef Soars
- America’s Freshwater Mussels Are Going Extinct — Here’s Why That Sucks
- America's Grizzly Bears are in Trouble and So is the Nation's Moral Compass
- America Takes the Wildness Out of its Wilderness
- American Farm Bureau Fumes Over Pro-Vegetarian EPA Blog Post
- Americans' Appetite for Cheap Meat Linked to Widespread Drinking Water Contamination
- Americans’ Extinction Denial Syndrome
- Amphibious Things that I Love
- An Analysis of the Modern Ten "Plagues"
- Analysis and valuation of the health and climate change cobenefits of dietary change
- An Artificial Intelligence Perspective on Planetary Health
- An herbicide so hazardous that courts have banned it twice
- Animal Agriculture Is The Missing Piece In Climate Change Media Coverage
- Animal Agriculture: The Real Inconvenient Truth
- Animal Agriculture and Environmental Destruction
- Animal Agriculture and Global Warming
- Animal agriculture and pollution
- Animal Agriculture is the Leading Cause of Climate Change
- Animal Agriculture: Its Time Has Come — and Gone
- Animal Agriculture Responsible For Thousands Of Air Quality-Related Deaths, Says Study
- Animal-based Diet v. Plant-based Diet: Land Use
- Animal-based Diets are Madness and Sheer Insanity
- Animal Charity Slams Al Gore For Ignoring Animal Agriculture In Newest Film
- An Entomologist Explains Why You Should Not Kill Spiders in Your Home
- Animal Extinction - The Greatest Threat to Mankind
- Animal Flesh Eaters, Vegetarians and All Government Leaders Throughout the World, Unite, Urges Arthur Poletti
- Animal-Free Agriculture Is Key to Restoring Biodiversity
- An Inconvenient Truth: We Are Eating Our Planet to Death: Choosing a Plant-food Based Diet Is a Moral Issue
- Animal Research: An Environmental Perspective
- Animal Research is Hazardous Waste
- Animals and the Environment: How Humans Are Messing It Up
- Animals keep dying, horribly...
- An Earth Day Special - Indraloka Sanctuary
- An Emerging Threat to Conservation: Fear of Nature
- An EVEN Exclusive Interview with Dr. Sailesh Rao
- An Inconvenient Sequel Doesn't Talk About Animal Agriculture—and That's Absurd
- Another Doomsday, Another Dollar: Shifting Science towards Peace and Ecology
- Another Form of Racism Impacting Black and Brown Communities: Environmental Racism
- Antibiotics used in livestock production could cause soil to release more carbon
- Apocalypse Cow: The Future of Life at Point Reyes National Park
- Apocalypse of the "Happy Meal": Worshiping the Golden Calf
- A Reflection of New Harvest’s Achievements: Environmental Analysis on Cultured Meat Production
- Are All Major Environmental Organizations Cowards?
- Are Girl Scout Cookies Killing Orangutans?
- Are we Comfortably Unaware?
- Are U.S. Honey Bees Sustainable?
- Are You Taking Global Warming Personally?
- Are Youth Climate Activists Addressing Meat Consumption?
- Armed Takeover in Oregon: Is the Meat Industry Above the Law?
- As Climate Change Worsens, Creatures May Get Smaller
- As Climate Disruption Advances, 26 Percent of Mammals Face Extinction
- A Sense of Entitlement is Not the Same as Environmental Ethic
- Assessment of the COP 21 Fairy Tale
- A Scourge on the Earth
- A tar sands skirmish for human and animal rights
- At Global Climate Talks, Food Systems Changes Are Kept Off the Table
- A trillion cicadas will emerge in the next few weeks. This hasn’t happened since 1803
- At Long Last, Woodlands Protected for Elfin-woods Warbler, Puerto Rican Songbird
- Atrazine and Save the Frogs' May 2011 Meeting with the EPA
- Avi Kwa Ame and Castner Range Designed as National Monuments
- CAFOs: An Unregulated Assault on the Air & Water
- California Halts Harmful Suction Dredge River Mining
- California Red-Legged Frog (Rana draytonii) Declared California's Official State Amphibia
- California’s Dark Drought Secret
- Can Agriculture Prevent Earth’s Sixth Mass Extinction?
- Calling all Vegan Climate Scientists?
- Campaigners Demand Global Ban on Deep-Sea Mining
- Can Animal Foods Be Produced Sustainably?
- Can Animal Foods Be Produced Sustainably? (Part Two – Organic Follies)
- Cancun Climate Change Conference: The Main Cause, Meat Production, is Not on the Agenda
- Can Eating Less Meat and Dairy Help Save Our Planet? All Signs Point to Yes
- Can Using Regenerative Practices Save Agriculture?
- Can we eat our way out of the climate crisis?
- Can wild horses help prevent wildfires in the West?
- Can You Oppose Global Warming And Eat Animals?
- Can Young Pelicans Stop the Cormorant Slaughter?
- Capitol Hill’s “Nature Preserve on the Anacostia” But for How Long?
- Captain Paul Watson to Receive the Perfect World Foundation's Honorary Conservation Award 2025
- Captain Paul Watson's Sunday Sermon
- Cargill Ignored Chicken Manure Dumping Near Waterways
- Caring For Life (CFL) teaches kids to combat climate change
- Cash For Clunkers Or Veggies For Meat: Which Is A Better Trade?
- Cattle Grazing and the West's Wasteland
- Cattle Grazing is the Real Cause of Aspen Decline in the West
- Cattle Grazing on Federal Lands Contributes to Global Warming
- Cattlemen Ready To Slug It Out With the EPA
- Celebrate Three New California Desert National Monuments
- Celebrating Earth Day 2024: Examining Sacred Cows
- Celebrating Motherhood
- Center for Biological Diversity and Animal Place Sanctuary Partner to ask Environmental Agencies to Adopt Plant-Based Menus
- Center for Biological Diversity Connects Diet and Animal Extinction
- Center for Biological Diversity - 2016: A Year of Lifesaving Victories
- Chaco Canyon Saved From Fracking
- Chemically Castrate the Swamp
- Chicken Farms Are Making it Harder to Breathe on Maryland's Eastern Shore
- Chickens and Toxic Waste, and I Was Wrong about Backyard Chickens...
- Chris Hedges: I've Gone Vegan to Help Try to Save the Planet
- Climate Change and Animal Product Consumption
- Climate Change and Marine Fisheries
- Climate Change a Triple Whammy for Endangered Sea Turtles
- Climate-Change Authority Advocates Vegetarianism
- Climate Benefits of Changing Diet
- Climate Catastrophe or a Sustainable Future – It Depends On Our Food Choices
- Climate Change and Our Food Choices — Connecting the Dots
- Climate Change Driving “Rapid and Widespread” Decline of Bumblebees
- Climate Change in Brazil: Follow the Meat
- Climate Change May Doom the Baby Seals
- Climate Change Refugees: Plants, Animals and Insects Will Need to Keep Moving
- Climate Change: What’s Changed, What Hasn’t and What’s Next
- Climate Chaos: Not Climate Change, Not Global Warming
- Climate Crisis? Who Cares When Coal Miners Need Jobs!
- Cloak and desecrate: The specter of deep-sea mining
- Coal Mine Expansion Halted
- Colorado's 'MeatOut Day' Has Started a Meat War: the creation of 'Meat on the Menu' Day
- Coming Soon to a Reservoir Near You?
- Compared to Climate Change, The Impact of Covid-19 Will Look Like Peanuts
- Connecting the dots between women's rights and climate change
- Consider the Earth and Each Fish
- Consumers Need to Eat Less Meat Says UK Soil Association
- COP 19 and Climate Change: Eating Ourselves Out of a Dire Predicament
- COP26 Meat Menu Backfires
- COP28 Climate Conference To Serve Mostly Vegan Menu
- Cop Out 27
- Copenhagen: Sealing a Deal to Kill off 50% of the Species on the Planet?
- Corporate Food Brands Drive the Massive Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico
- Corporations are consolidating water and land rights in the West
- Corrupt politics, not science, power the US EPA
- Costco, Bill Gates and Africa: The Chicken Connection
- Court Orders Shutdown and Removal of Oil From the Dakota Access Pipeline
- Court Rejects Plan to Expand New Mexico Coal Mine
- Court Scraps Massive Montana Logging Project Threatening Grizzlies, Old Forests
- Corporate Sustainability and the Problem With Eating Meat
- Court Overturns Arch Coal’s Backcountry Mining Plans
- Court Victory for Wilderness in the Arctic Refuge
- Cowboys, Ranchers and Hedge Fund Managers...Oh My!
- Cows: The Carbon Hoofprint on Your Dinner Plate
- Cowspiracy
- Cowspiracy And Beyond
- Cultured Meat, Insects, And Faux Meat: A Land Use Comparison
- Factory Farmed Animal Protein a Recipe for Ecosystem and Human Health Woes
- Factory Farming and Environmental Racism
- Factory Farming's Impact on the Ocean
- Factory Farm Biogas or Bullshit?
- Factory Farms, Dirty Water, and the Bible
- Factory Farming's Long Reach
- Factory Farms Are Poisoning Rural Communities. Will Biden Take on This Crisis?
- Factory Farms Forced to Report Their Deadly Emissions
- Factory farms let off the hook for water pollution, activists say
- Factory Farms: Making Life Hell for Animals and Neighbors
- Factory Farms Put Climate at Risk, Experts Say, Urging Health Officials to Speak Out
- Farewell to Livestock Farming
- Farming—and Consuming—With Less Harm
- Farming-Up Coastal Fish Assemblages Through a Massive
- Farms on the Radar at Copenhagen Climate Talks
- Fatal Bat Syndrome Spreads in Vermont
- Fecal Matters
- Federal Court Rejects Trump’s Approval of Offshore Oil-drilling Project in Arctic
- Feds Again Deny Permit for Flaming Gorge Pipeline Threatening Colorado's Green River
- Feds Find Oil, Gas Seismic Surveys in Gulf of Mexico Would Harm or Harass Marine Mammals up to 31.9 Million Times
- Feds OK Habitat Destruction for Endangered Bats
- Feds to Phase Out GMO Farms and Neonicotinoid Pesticides at Wildlife Refuges
- Feed vs. Food: How Farming Animals Fuels Hunger
- Fifty Shades of Green
- Fight Climate Change with Soy Burgers, In Vitro Meat
- Fight for the Ocean: August 30, 2018: In honor of Dr. Sylvia Earle
- Fireworks, animals and the environment
- First National Park in Democratic Republic of Congo in Over Two Decades: Protects Critical Rainforest Species
- Fish and Dairy Do Not Mix
- Fish Found Only In Arizona, New Mexico Gains Endangered Species Act Protection
- Five Non-Nutritional Reasons to Go Meatless
- Fleeing the Flames: How Wildfires Impact Wildlife
- Florida Fails to Curb Nitrogen Pollution in Florida Springs and Harm Manatees
- Florida's Endangered Key Deer – is time running out to save them?
- Food, Inc: Happy Vs Sad Meat?
- Food Choice and Sustainability: Why Buying Local, Eating Less Meat, and Taking Baby Steps Won't Work - Dr. Richard Oppenlander
- Foodies, feds and factory farms — Why we need vegans now more than ever
- Food Is Climate
- Food Matters
- For a second time, US court bans dicamba weed killers, finds EPA violated law
- Forbes Magazine Acknowledges Climate Healers Position Paper
- Forest Service Awards One of Largest-ever Timber Contracts to Agency Insiders
- For the Love of Prairie Dogs
- Four Paws Warns: Meat is Eating Up the Planet - Meat Exhaustion Day
- Four Reasons to Make Every Day Earth Day
- Fracking and Wildlife
- Fracking in the Ocean Off the California Coast
- Fracking Prevented on 35,000 Colorado Acres
- French traveler Nicolas Vanier: Environmentalist and Animal Abuser
- Freshwater Depletion: Realities of Choice
- Freshwater Fish Collapsing
- Friends of Animals Joins Outcry against Plan to Eliminate Wild Horses from North Dakota's Theodore Roosevelt National Park
- Frog Myths, Folklore, Proverbs and Fairytales
- From Beef To Beans: Mitigating Climate Change
- From the Cow in the Oval Office to the Cow in the Kitchen
- Fundy Lobster Deaths Blamed on Pesticide
- Futuristic Nets Protect Crops Without Pesticides
- Identifying predictors of insect abundance
- "I Feel So Bad For Those Turkeys Hauled on Freezing Nights"
- If Factory Farm Conditions Are Unhealthy for Animals, They’re Bad for People Too
- If The Rainforest Dies, We Die!
- If you Care about the Planet, Eat a Plant-based Diet
- If you really loved your children, you would protect the environment for them - Cartoon
- If You're Born a Cod, the Odds Are Never In Your Favor
- Illinois pig farm fined for spilling over 200,000 gallons of manure into creek
- Impacts of Balloons on Wildlife and the Environment
- In Decline 'Invariably of Humanity's Making,' 1 in 8 of World's Bird Species Threatened by Extinction
- In Defense of Forests
- India Tells West to Stop Eating Beef
- Industrial Agriculture and Pollution
- In memory of Dr. Robert Goodland... may our dear friend rest in peace
- Inside Indonesia's Shark Fin and Meat Trade
- Interfaith Leaders Urge UN’s COP26 to Adopt the Plant Based Treaty to Avert Climate Catastrophe
- International Day for Biological Diversity...Linking animal, human and environmental wellbeing
- In the wake of floods, what’s next for salmon in the Pacific Northwest?
- Introducing SAVE THE FROGS! Panama
Introduction to The "Church" of Biocentrism
- Invasive Species Threat Growing Globally
- Ironically, Climate Change Marchers Line Up to Buy Meat, Fish and Dairy at Parade
- I Sent an Email to Filmmaker Michael Moore Asking Why Aren't Our Fellow Animals on Your Progressive Agenda?
- Island Marble Butterfly Wins Protection at the 11th Hour
- Is California giving its methane digesters too much credit?
- Is the Government Harassing and Censoring Scientists for Studying Ties Between Pesticides and Bee Deaths?
- Is Veganism a Religion?
- It Is the Journey
- It is Time to Create a New Equitable, Ecologically-Aware Forest Service
- It’s Always the Ranchers
- ‘It's Like a Death Watch' – Polar Bears Turn to Cannibalism
- It's Time to Dismantle the BLM, A Criminal Enterprise
- Obituary: Great Barrier Reef (25 Million BC-2016)
- Ocean Plastic: What You Need to Know
- Ocean Warming: the Most Dangerous Challenge
- Of Fire and Fish
- Of Moose and Men... and Ticks, Nematodes, and Climate
- Ohio Fresh Eggs Fined $635,000, "Settles" Pollution Claims
- Oil, Gas Companies Seek Permission to Kill, Harm Imperiled Bats for 50 Years
- 'Omen of the Future': Off-The-Charts Hot Oceans Scare Scientists
- One Bite at a Time: A Beginner's Guide to Vegetarianism
- One Health: Including Animal Rights, Conservation, Human Population and Diet
- One Little Piggy Had Birth Defects: Is Monsanto's Roundup to Blame?
- One Month after Climate March, Hundreds Attend “Carnivore’s Ball” in NYC
- 'Only 50 Years Left' for Sea Fish
- On ‘personal choice’ and trying to be a ‘popular’ vegan
- On the Menu at Al Gore’s Climate Change Concerts: Animals
- On the Road to Extinction: Maybe It's Not All About Us
- Operation Ice Storm
- Orcas: Vanishing Icons of the Pacific Northwest
- Oregon Suspends 10 State Forest Timber Sales in Marbled Murrelet Habitat
- Organizations that are Actually Pro-Hunting
- Our Beef With Grass-Fed Beef
- Our Future is Vegan
- Our Irish Campaign and the Contribution of Animal Agriculture to GHG Emissions
- Our Violence Toward Nature and Animals Permeates Everything
- Over 1,000 Manatees Have Starved to Death This Year
- Over Half of American Rivers and Streams Are in Poor Condition
- Overfishing Threatens More Than Ocean Life. It's Also Fueling Emissions
- Rage and Reason
- Rearing cattle produces more greenhouse gases than driving cars, UN report warns
- Red Alert from the Green Book at the White House
- Red Meat or Chicken? That's Like Choosing Between an SUV and a Hummer
- Red Tide Manatees Are Released, But Unusual Deaths Continue
- Reducing Gas Emissions from Livestock Key to Curbing Climate Change: Study
- Reducing Global Hunger With Whole Food, Plant-Based Diets
- Reductionist Social Policy – What We Do To Ourselves, We Do To the Earth
- Reflecting on The Endangered Species Act
- Re-Frogging America: Building Wetlands
- Re-Frogging America: Building Wetlands for Wildlife
- Reindeer Games We Don't Want To Play
- Removal of wild horses causes degraation to public lands
- Researchers: Even "Organically Raised" Cows Are a "Climate Bomb"
- Reservation dogs are feeling the heat from climate change, shelter shortages and discrimination against Apaches
- Resignation of Sea Shepherd Founder Captain Paul Watson from Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (USA)
- Response to 'The Profound Role of Whales'
- Restoration Crew Restores Streams, Removes Fence to Rewild Landscapes
- Restoring nature: Klamath River runs free for first time in a century after kargest dam removal in US history
- Review of Eating Our Way to Extinction By Dr. Thomas Johnson
- Review of Important Article on Animal Agriculture and Climate Change
- Revisiting Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring in a World of Toxic Chemicals
- Rewilding in action along Washington's Elwha River
- Richard Branson Explains the Reasons Why He Invested in 'Clean Meat'
- Roundup ReadyŽ Crops, Grasshoppers, and Animal Protein Are Connected!
- Rubio, Shame on You: Go Vegan, Friends, to Slow Climate Change
- Rush to drill in Arctic imperils wildlife
- Tales from the Sargasso Sea
- Talking about weather, fruit and vegetables
- Taking the Air out of Balloon Pollution
- Tempted by That Labor Day Grill Smell? Dial Our 'Defeat the Meat' Hotline
- Ten Animal Species Most at Risk from the British Petroleum (BP) Gulf Oil Disaster
- Ten Grim Climate Scenarios When Global Temperatures Rise Above 1.5 Degrees Celsius
- Ten Wild Places Saved by Endangered Species Protections
- Terrarism and the Terrarists
- Texas Meat Packer Accused of Dumping Pig Blood in River
- The $60-Billion Industry Behind Brazil’s Exploitation of the Amazon Rainforest
- The American Diet Is Eating the Planet
- The Anthropecene: Harvest of Domination
- The Best Thing You Can Do for the Planet Has Nothing to Do With Shorter Showers or Hybrid Cars
- The Big Guy in the Sky and His Divine Plan
- The Big Industry That COP26 Failed to Tackle
- The Blue Planet Prize: What does it mean?
- The Breathtaking Effects Of Cutting Back On Meat
- The Can't Word
- The Cause and Consequence of Plastic in the Ocean
- The Climate Emergency and Biodiversity Loss—Meaningful Actions in the Face of Ecological Despair
- The Climate is F'ed. Can Animals Adapt to Climate Change?
- The Connection Between The Environment And Veganism: 5 Resources
- The Cow in the Room at COP28
- The Cow Is a Climate Bomb
- The Dangers of an Unsustainable Food Pyramid
- The Dark Depths of Deep Sea Mining
- The Ecological Impacts of Animal Agriculture
- The Eight Principles of Deep Ecology
- The End of Agriculture
- The Endangerment of the World's Turtles
- The Environmental Impact Of Leather
- The Environmental Impacts of a Meat Based Diet, or Go Veggie Now to Save the Earth!
- The Environmental Impacts of Dairy 2024
- The EU is mandating changes to reduce fashion's impacts: here's what you need to know
- The Evidence Is Overwhelming
- The Expanding Frog Trade
- The Fallacy of 'Climate Friendly' Beef
- The Focus on Wild Horses Distracts From the Massive Damage Caused by the Livestock Industry
- The Future of Wilderness Under Trump: Recreation or Wreckreation?
- The Global Impact of Cutting Meat And Dairy Consumption in Half
- The Great Debate: Open letter, invitation to Al Gore and Bill McKibben
- The Great Irony in Showtime’s Climate Show - Years of Living Dangerously
- The Great Lego Spill of 1997: A Colorful Catastrophe Unveils Oceanic Secrets
- The Heat is Definitely On
- The Human Impact On The Biosphere
- The Impact of Factory farms on the Environment
- The Impact Of Meat And Dairy Production On Air Quality
- The Incredible Shrinking Sheep
- The Insect Apocalypse Is Coming: Here Are Five Lessons We Must Learn
- The Interior Department's Remarkable Decision to Not Allow the Drilling of Utah Wilderness
- The Key to the Environmental Crisis is Beneath Our Feet
- The Laws Of Ecology And The Survival Of The Human Species
- The Link Between Plastic And Veganism
- The Low-Carbon Diet
- The Low-Tech Fix That Dare Not Speak Its Name
- The Manure Surplus: Digging Into The Numbers
- The Meaning of Ecology
- The Meat Industry Has Created a False Dichotomy That Pits People Against Animals
- The meat industry’s numbers just don’t add up
- The Meat of the Problem
- The Meat Revolution
- The Media Adores Ranchers. Here’s Why They Shouldn’t
- The Mystery Snail: Balancing Compassion and Conservation
- The Myth of Eco-Friendly Animal Products
- The Next Century of National Parks
- The Next Flint Michigan? North Carolina Factory Farms Poison Rural Communities
- The Number of Chickens in the World Means They Outnumber Humans 3.5 to 1
- The Ocean is in Dire Need of Attention. The Clock is Ticking...
- The Oceans are Dying: Oxygen is Depleting, Acidity Rising at Fastest Rate in 300,000,000 Years
- The Ongoing Ecological Crisis is a Leadership Crisis
- The People's Climate Change March
- The perils of plastics extend to our pets
- The Primary Right
- The Public Health Impacts of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations on Local Communities
- The Real "Contagion": Why it's impossible to separate human, nonhuman and the environment
- The Real Monster in the Woods
- The Road To Hamburger Hell
- The Roar
- The Science is Clear - Reducing Meat Consumption to Help Reverse the Climate Crisis
- The Search for Sustainable Beef
- The Second Coming? Existential Reality of Global Environmental Crisis
- The Shadows of Animal Farming
- 'The Smell of Money' Film Is Bringing Together Environmental and Food Justice Advocates
- The Solution to Climate Change Isn't Difficult -- It's Delicious
- The Startling Effects of Going Vegetarian for Just One Day
- The Supreme Court overturns Chevron doctrine, gutting federal environmental protections
- The Swine Flu and Worldwide Economic Recession: Humanity's Salvation?
- The Three Basic Laws of Ecology
- The Tide Turns Against Pastured Cows
- The Top Ten Mass Delusions (and their Biophysical Realities)
- The Toxic Link: Animal Factories and Mother Earth
- The Truth About Grassfed Beef
- The Truth About Meat and the Environment
- The Tule River Tribe of California recruits an old ally in its fight against wildfires: Beavers
- The Turtle Extinction Crisis
- The undamming of American rivers is an idea whose time has come
- The Unequal Distribution of Waste
- The Unnatural Diets of Factory Farmed Cattle
- The Vegan Van has Launched!
- The Virtues of Not Eating Animals
- The Whale Wars Continue
- The War on Terra
- The world is farming more seafood than it catches. Is that a good thing?
- The World on Fire
- There is No Earthcare Without Animal Care
- There Is No Such Thing as Sustainable Beef
- There’s Meat on the Menu at the UN Climate Change Conference. That Should Scare You.
- There's No Covering Up the Awful Smell of Factory Farming
- There’s Only One Essential Role Humans Have on Earth—A More Humble Perspective Could Save the World
- They Knew, They Lied: ExxonMobil and Climate Change
- This is What Success Looks Like
- This Menswear Brand Is Disrupting The Fashion Industry With Their New Vegan, Compostable Clothing Line
- Three Largest Meat Producers Rival Exxon in Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Three Million Gallons of Liquid Manure Spill into Upstate River
- Three New National Monuments Designated in California
- 'Three Rivers of Woe' - David Quammen on Climate Change, Extinction, and Epidemics
- Thinking Beyond the Animal Factories to Save This Planet
- Thoughts on the price of folly
- Thousands of Goldfish Taking over a Colorado Lake
- Time for a Cease-Fire: Another Look at "Sustainable" Animal Farming
- Tiny shrimp leave GIANT carbon footprint
- To address climate change and animal suffering we need to envision a more compassionate food system
- To Be or Not to Be? Commentary by Captain Paul Watson
- Today is my first car-free anniversary. So...
- To Save Planet, Solve Twin Crises of Climate Change and Species Loss Together, Say UN Scientists
- Top Water Polluter May Surprise You
- 'Towards Holistic Paradigms and Mindsets' and 'Towards Diets Which Promote Human and Planetary Health'
- Toxic Fumes, Blisters and Brain Damage: The Cost of Doing Business?
- Tracking Poultry Litter Phosphorus: Threat Of Accumulation?
- Tragedy in the Amazon: Meat, Greed, and the US-China Trade War
- Tropical Hurricane in Late December at the North Pole? That’s Not Funny, That’s Screwed Up!
- Trump Cuts Regulations as Oceanic Dead Zones Release Massive Amounts of Methane
- Trump’s Border Wall Threatens Rare Butterflies and Native Bees
- Turn A Light On, Go Meat-Free
- Twelve years. Twelve.
- Twice the Toxicity: Farmers, Public Interest Groups Sue EPA for Approving Dow's Highly Toxic Enlist Duo
- Two Unique Beetles in Arizona, Kentucky Go Extinct After Lengthy Delays in Protection
- Tyson Dumps Over 6 Times More Toxic Pollution into Waterways Than Exxon
- Tyson Fined $2M For Mucking Up Missouri River
- Tyson Foods, Cargill on Trial for Polluting Illinois Watershed
- Tyson Foods dumps millions of pounds of toxic slaughterhouse pollutants into US rivers and lakes