Animals in the Wild
Wildlife Photography
by Jim Robertson
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This lyric was written by Jim Robertson circa 1979/'80

The sun is shining,
the trees grow high,
the rivers laughter is all around

This peace I feel on the mountainside
will it still be with me
when I�m back in town?

I�m climbing down
you know I�m coming down
�.back to town.

The waters falling from the mountainside
wonder when I�ll be back again.
As soon as I get my bootlace tied
I�ll leave the town and I�ll come home again,

Back up the mountainside
where the bigfoots hide.
Home again.

The mouse who stole my granola bar
wonders when I�ll be back again.
As soon as I get more granola bars
I�ll leave the town and I�ll come home again�

Back up the mountainside
where the bigfoots hide.
Home again.


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For information, or to order images, email Jim Robertson by clicking on the mail below


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The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation
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