Table of Contents
- 15th Annual "Living Thanksgiving" – November 28, 2019
- Rodeo/calf-roping Protest - August 3, 12-2 PM
- Protest the Zerbini Circus - July 6 and 7 - Dalton, MA
- VegOut 2019 - June 2 - Troy NY
- Easter at Red Robin Song Animal Sanctuary - April 21 - West Lebanon NY
- 19th Reuse Retreat at Red Robin Song Animal Sanctuary - May 17, 2019 - West Lebanon NY
- Circus Protests - April 16 - Mass Mutual Center, Springfield MA
- "Living Thanksgiving" - November 22 - Lenox MA
- Every Wednesday Farm-To-Table Nights at the Wilburton Inn!
- Screening of Dominion at Mason Library - August 13
- Protest The Zerbini Circus in Dalton MA - July 6, 7, 8
- Vegan Potluck Thanksgiving Gathering - November 23, 2017
- Protest Tarzan Zerbini Circus, Albany NY - September 8, 9, 10, 2017
- Compassionfest, Camden CT - July 22, 2017
- Protest The Zerbini Circus in Dalton MA - July 10-11, 2017
- The National Animal Rights Day, Loudonville NY - June 4, 2017
- New England VegFest - April 30, 2017
- Speak up for the Animals - Attend Lobby 101 training - April 26, 2017
- The Red Robin Song Animal Sanctuary Fundraiser - April 15, 2017
- Screening of Lion Ark - April 5, 2017
- Not Just for Easter "Gifts" Protests - April 8 and April 15
- Song Spaghetti Supper - April 15
- Say 'No' to Mail Order Chicks: The Challenges of Urban Chicken Keeping - March 26, 2017
- 1st Friday Community Vegan Dinner @ Shire Kitchen - 1st Friday of every month
- Valley Vegan Society Potluck Dinner, Northampton MA - January 8
- Whole Food Plant-based Vegan Potluck - January 1
- Vegan Thanskgiving Gathering - November 24
- First Annual Hudson Valley Vegan Food Festival - August 14, 2016
- Heart Teachings on the Dharma Path/Dr. Will Tuttle - August 12, 2016
- Farm Night - Every Wednesday through October, Wilburton Inn
- Protest the Zerbini Circus in Dalton, MA, July 11 - 12, 2016
- Zerbini Family Circus Protests - June 12 - 13, 2016
- Garden Bros. (aka "Picadilly Circus") Protest Demonstration - April 18 - Circus cancelled!
- Vegan Thanksgiving Gathering - November 26
- Red Robin Song Animal Sanctuary Halloween Fundraiser - October 31
- An Exceptional All-Vegan Dining Experience - October 25
- Protest The Kelly-Miller Circus in Dalton MA: July 7, July 8
- Runners Raise Awareness of Vegan Lifestyle, Environment at 'Ultramarathon': June 20
- Winter Anti-Vivisection Education Series: January 18, February 15, March 15
- Grounded in Resistance Tour, December 31, 2014
- Vegan Potluck - Living Thanksgiving, November 27, 2014
- (WMARA) Western Massachusetts Animal Rights Association Anti-Vivisection Committee Meeting, November 16, 2014
- Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary; Healing Against All Odds, November 15, 2014
- Albany VegFest, November 15 - Volunteers Needed
- Berkshire Voters for Animals presents the groundbreaking film…"Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret," November 11”
- All-Vegan Dining Experience in Beautiful Manchester, Vermont, October 19
- Big E Protests, September 13-14 and 20-21
- Ghosts in Our Machine - Screening - September 9
- Berkshire Voters for Animals - June 12
2013 - Vegan Potluck, December 18
- Fifty South Restaurant and Bar, December 12
- Vegan Potluck - Living Thanksgiving - November 28
- 4th Annual Vegan Dining Experience - Sunday, October 27
- Protest The Kelly-Miller Circus in Dalton MA - Saturday and Sunday, July 13 - 14
- Caribbean Vegan Buffet with Kirtan - Saturday, May 18, Petersburgh NY
2012 - Potluck, Demo and Live Music - Saturday, March 9, Schenectady NY
- “My Ongoing Problems with Kindness: Confessions of MOGO Girl” - Zoe Weil, November 29
- "Living Thanksgiving" - Vegan Potluck Thanksgiving Gathering, November 22
- Vegan Potluck, October 22
- An Exceptional Vegan Dining Experience, Wilburton Inn, October 21
- "Forks Over Knives" Screening, October 18
- Troy Veg Night Out, September 29
- Vegan Potluck, September 24
- Peaceable Kingdom, The Journey Home - Screening, August 23
- Dr. Will Tuttle to Speak on The World Peace Diet, August 6
- Protest the Kelly-Miller
Circus in Dalton, July 14 and 15
2011 - Living Thanksgiving 2011, November 24
- An Exceptional Vegan Dining Experience, Wilburton Inn, October 23
- Vegan Summer Picnic At Grafton State Park
- Veggie Pride Parade 2011
- New York's Capital Region Vegetarian Expo
- "Bold Native" Screening and Panel Q&A. Plus a Vegan BBQ Potluck!
- Effective Lobbying For Animals