
a different kind of coffee break with Gerry and Ray Coffey

Disease-Free Living Through Fitness and Nutrition

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

May 2014

Subj: RE: IBS information....

Dear LM:
Below is some information I think might help your friend learn the causes of IBS and how to care for and ideally eliminate it.
Of course even the most dedicated of people have relapses due to early conditioning, diet and stress.
But the important thing is--as Ray and I have often taught--though we might fall off the "wagon" due to cravings, etc., we understand and know what caused the resulting problem and can easily get back-on-track.
And every time we do "fall-off-the-wagon" and see the uncomfortable results, getting back on track is a welcome relief that gets easier and easier.
PLUS it is such GREATLY empowering knowledge.
Re: Dr. McDougall's info below. He was one of the first TRUE Health Disciples from whom we learned.
And although we sometimes find the Natural Hygiene diet more effective-- depending on how entrenched the ailment--Dr. McDougall's research, supporting evidence and ability to put scientific terms in a "language" easily understood by the lay person is superior.
Your friend is fortunate to have such a caring friend.  
Note: below is info re: IBS and testimonies from Dr. McDougall's patients and this will lead you to several more.

What you put into your intestines determines their health. Problems from esophageal reflux to constipation are easily cured by filling the intestines with the right foods. The McDougall Program combined with some helpful modifications (like cutting out fruit juice and onions for indigestion or adding flaxseed for constipation) attacks the root of the problem while prescription and over-the-counter medications are largely used to treat symptoms. Read C. Scott Campbell: IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) on Dr. McDougall's website.

Please also read Chained to the Bathroom...

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