a different kind of coffee break with Gerry and Ray Coffey
Disease-Free Living Through Fitness and NutritionArticles
Plant-Based Culinary GymYou�re Needed to Help Create the World�s 1st Plant-Based Culinary Gym
overview of women cookingYou may or may not know that I�ve been teaching at TrueNorth Health and Dr. McDougall�s Health and Medial Center for over 4 years now. I also contribute to Forks Over Knives, PCRM�s 21-Day Kick Start, The Food Revolution Network. Just recently I�ve also become the Plant-Based Transition Coach for the world�s largest locally-based Plant-Based Nutrition Support Group.
I LOVE serving within all these amazing organizations, but it wasn�t until last month that it became perfectly clear what I was brought here to do.
(Note, this won�t stop my work with any of the previously mentioned centers or groups.)
I envisioned a vibrant, joyful, community-driven hub for people to learn about a plant-based diet, AND more importantly how to prepare plant-based meals for their self and their families.
This place is called Plantz St. and it will be the world�s first culinary gym.
Plantz St.
Plantz St. will build kitchen fitness in the following ways:
- Share the knowledge of plant-based cuisine and lifestyle
- Teach the skills necessary to succeed in the kitchen
- Cultivate the strength needed to perform optimally
- Build the stamina to prevent fatigue after making whole food meals
- Develop the flexibility to adjust recipes and create dishes from what�s available
Instead of hitting the gym or taking a yoga class, I want people to be able to take plant-based cooking classes on their lunch hour, after work or over the weekend.As you know, real health is much more than our old paradigm of diet and exercise.
Health and vitality starts in our kitchen.
Are you FIT for the kitchen?
Tragically, for most Americans the answer is a BIG FAT NO.
That�s where the culinary gym comes in.
At Plantz St. our drive is to bring more joy, flavor and community to preparing whole foods and the plant-based diet.
Our first gym is in Santa Rosa, but it won�t be long before these plant-based local hubs are popping up worldwide.
Every cell of being says this can not wait.
The world needs this now, and I know I can make it happen.
The only problem is the start up expenses are more than l have.
With the passion and drive the plant-based community to bring our message and lifestyle to the world, I know we can overcome this obstacle.
I am launching a crowd-funding campaign so that you can help bring Plantz St. to life.
If you�re not on my email list, then please join now to get notified when the campaign launches, updates, and delicious plant-based recipes.
Click here to join now.
This is our chance to bring healthcare back to the kitchen and speed up our efforts to make the plant-powered way the norm.
The more support we have in the beginning, the stronger our campaign will be and the more people we will reach.
You may even want to put it on your calendar.
Thank YOU for all your continued support and passion for real food.
Cheers to More Flavor and More Health!
Katie MaeP.S. If you want to spread the word and let others know that we need their help, please share this blog post. I would love love love for you to take this extra step for the plant-based community.
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