a different kind of coffee break with Gerry and Ray Coffey
Disease-Free Living Through Fitness and NutritionBOOK REVIEW
Fasting-And Eating-For
A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease
by Joel Fuhrman, M.D
Hardcover - 255 pages (August 1995) ($23.95 Plus Shipping)
Note: Joel Fuhrman, former Olympic athlete and coach, now M.D., Family Physician, learned from the age of 10, when his father, debilitated and crippled with arthritis, attended a fasting institute and returned able to walk again and free from pain. From that time forward the family switched over to a vegan diet, a prime ingredient that helped young Joel and his sister overcome the common plagues of other athletes in order to compete and succeed in perhaps the most highly regarded athletic competition there is: the Olympics.
Unlike other books on fasting, this guide integrates this age-old health practice with
state-of-the-art medical research to provide a complete diet and fasting program that will
help relieve--and even cure--such maladies as psoriasis, high blood pressure, diabetes,
hypoglycemia, sinusitis, and chronic fatigue.
A reader from Adi, Israel and Malden, MA , January 27, 1999
A must read by anyone who cares to improve quality of life.
I was overweight, plagued with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high tryglicerides
and diabetic. Treatments by some of the "best" physicians (with medication) in
Israel and in California resulted in no significant improvement. Three years ago I started
to do my own research and got across Dr. Fuhrman's book. Well written to be understood by
layman and with scientific evidence. Since applying Dr. Fuhrman's recommendations, I lost
70 pounds in 5 months (the first 40 in 6 weeks). All indicators went back to better than
normal after two weeks into the program. I later experienced 20 days fast. It was the best
experience in my life. Since then, I bought more than 3 dozens of the book and gave it to
everyone I care about. This book is my new bible. It is a great reading material for
understanding and reinforcement. If practiced by everyone, physicians' rows will be cut by
90%. Not to be missed if you serious about your health, your well being and those around
M. Jackson: Salt Lake City, Utah USA , July 28, 1998
The ultimate book that covers every part of fasting & health
I have read every book I can find on fasting. This book is by far the best resource on
fasting and proper eating than any other book I can find concerning this subject. This
book has all their medical information backed up with references. I personally have
followed their advice and have lost 26 pounds in 24 days and never felt better. Don't pass
up this book unless you're not serious about fasting or losing weight. --This text refers
to the paperback edition of this title
Ken Wagner, New Jersey , April 14, 1998
Highly recommended for those seeking better health.
If you have ever suspected that the human body is able to reach ever better health, and
that our lifestyles might just be the root of our problems, then this book is a must read.
Dr. Fuhrman sets out in simple terms the path to better health, without the pills and
surgery so over-used in traditional medical practices. An easy read that can change your
attitude toward the source of health.
Canadian Reader: A book that points out north american society is insane
I have to stop and think a lot about the information Dr. Fuhrman presents because what our
modern medical system is doing makes no sense at all. I have to stop and think a lot about
the information Dr. Fuhrman presents because what our modern medical system is doing makes
no sense at all. The section on heart disease is very thorough and enlightening. Why are
we so stupid as to not follow nature's way to heal ???????
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